Exam Details

Subject international and area studies
Paper paper 3
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date 28, August, 2016
City, State ,

Question Paper


J-90-16 P.T.O.


Note This paper contains seventy five objective type questions of two marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Which article of the UN charter authorizes the Secretary-General to 'bring to the attention of the security council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security

Article 1 Article 2

Article 33 Article 99

2. Under the nuclear proliferation debate, which one of the following arguments is not compatible

Nuclear weapons have proliferated vertically as the nuclear weapon states have increased their arsenals.

Nuclear weapons have proliferated horizontally to other states only slowly.

New nuclear states may not feel the constraint on the use of nuclear weapons due to irrational decision making, accidents and growing dangers of nuclear terrorism.

The possibility of a nuclear war decreases as deterrent and defensive capabilities increase.

3. Which one of the following countries sold some missiles with 3000 km range to Saudi Arabia against the MTCR guidelines in the year 1988

China USA

Britain France

4. Which one of the following is not included in the basic elements of state security

Physical safety Autonomy

Development Arbitrariness

5. Name one of the below given mountain ranges which stand between India and Myanmar

Himalayan range Annamite range

Nu Shan range Arakan mountain range

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6. Identify the correct code for Assertion and Reason as given below Assertion The theory of complex interdependence proposed by Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye is an opposing theory to neo-realism in international relations.
Reason The basis of this interdependence is the changes in the global environment resulting from the information age even during the cold war years.

Both and are correct, but is not an explanation of

Both and are correct and is an explanation of

is correct, but is not correct.

is not correct, but is correct.

7. Identify the correct code for Assertion and Reason as given below Assertion Acknowledging the behavioural pressures of the world on the charter guidelines on the use of force, the possibility exists that contested use of force under the charter are 'illegal, yet legitimate' for the benefit of re-establishing peace.
Reason Intervention is legitimate in cases of crimes against humanity and establishment of democracy.


Both and are correct.

Both and are incorrect.

is correct, but is not correct.

is not correct, but is correct.

8. One of the four debates in international relations involves an attack on the established traditions by alternative approaches also referred to as post-positivist alternatives. The debate raises methodological as well as substantial issues. They also reject the scientific claims of neo-realism and neo-liberalism. This is a reference to which of the following debates

Debate I Debate II

Debate III Debate IV

9. Identify the correct code for Assertion and Reason as given below Assertion In a bipolar power distribution, two super powers and their blocs
dominated the system.
Reason The cold war was always characterised as bipolar.

Both and are correct, and supports

is correct, but is not correct.

is not correct, but is correct.

Both and are not correct.





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10. Identify the correct code for Assertion and Reason as given below Assertion Globalisation of production and technology has internationalised defence industries.
Reason In fact, institutions of defence have been shifted from state to multinational control with few countries having a wholly autonomous military production capability.


is correct, but is not correct.

is not correct, but is correct.

Both and are correct, and supports

Both and are not correct.

11. Which one of the following statements correctly explains the theory of Hegemonic stability

The world political economy needs a hegemony who is authoritarian.

It is a substitute for anarchy.

It advocates World Bank and IMF to govern the political economy.

That a dominant military and economic power is necessary to ensure the stability and prosperity in a liberal world economy.

12. Which one of the following is not a condition of 'asymmetric Warfare'

Characters of the combatants are different.

Areas of comparative strategic advantage are different.

The weak side adopts the strategy of targeting the enemy's domestic political base as well as his military capabilities without suffering unbearable retaliation in return.

Characters and the areas of relative strategic gain are same.

13. Who among the following stated that "I see God in the smiles of the poor"

Vinoba Bhave Mahatma Gandhi

Amartya Sen Anna Hajare

14. Identify the correct code for Assertion and Reason as given below Assertion The advance of globalization since the nineties triggered new regionalism to rejuvenate and strengthen relations between the developed and the developing countries.
Reason Regionalism bridges the gap between the developed and the developing countries.


Both and are correct.

Both and are incorrect. Nor an explanation of

is correct but is not the exact explanation.

is not correct explanation but is correct.







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15. Which one of the following is not included in India's Nuclear Doctrine and posture

First use against the enemy No-first use

Credible minimum deterrence Retaliation against NBC attack

16. Identify the correct code for Assertion and Reason as given below Assertion Economic capability is itself an instrument of policy available to states and is capable of being applied as a force.
Reason In absence of military confrontation, economic criteria will primarily determine the pecking order in the international community.


Both and are correct, and supports

Both and are not correct.

is correct, but is not correct.

is not correct, but is correct.

17. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was extended indefinitely on

11 May, 1995 13 May, 1995

11 May, 1974 13 May, 1974

18. Identify the correct code for Assertion and Reason as given below Assertion While military threats have been reduced in the new world economic order, fears of economic vulnerability have actually increased. Reason This is because in the modern, hi-tech, globalised economy, states find it
increasingly difficult to procure every required military means through national production.


is correct, but is not correct.

is not correct, but is correct.

Both and are correct, and supports

Both and are not correct.

19. Which one of the following statements is not linked with the multi-dimensional peace keeping or peace enforcement under the UN mandate

It emerged after the cold war as a necessity.

Use of force is more likely to achieve humanitarian ends.

This peace-keeping mandate is based on chapter VII of the UN charter, enabling the use of force to address civil war as well as international conflicts.

The peace-keepers don't maintain neutral position at all.





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20. Arrange the following in their ascending chronological order and use the code given below

NPT entered into force.

Anti-Ballistic Treaty signed by the USA and the erstwhile Soviet Union.

North Korea's withdrawal from the NPT.
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty opened for signature.


21. The warfare, which is related to a state's ability to attack another state's computers and information networks and to protect its own capability from attacks by adversaries, is called

Space warfare Cyber warfare

Electronic warfare Asymmetric warfare

22. Which one of the following countries is not a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

Argentina Brazil

Australia India

23. Arrange the following in their ascending chronological order and use the code given below

Institutionalization of "Agreed Frame work" for North Korea.

Irish resolution in the UN General Assembly to prevent additional states from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Establishment of the UN Atomic Energy Commission.
Establishment of the International Atomic Energy Agency.


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