Exam Details

Subject anthropology
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date 28, August, 2016
City, State ,

Question Paper


Paper II

Note This paper contains fifty objective type questions of two marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Which one of the following is associated with the first use of fire in the course of human evolution

Neanderthal Man Cro-Magnon Man

Homo erectus Australopithecus

2. Who among the following discovered the first Dryopithecus mandible fossil in France

Raymond Dart Louis Leakey

Davidson Black Lartet

3. Which of the following is a geographical race as per Garn (1965)

African Malay

Caucasoid Mongoloid

4. A child with blood group cannot have parents of blood groups

A × B AB × O

B × B O × O

5. A method of study which involves living as a member of the society under study and sharing in day-to-day activities is known as

Participant observation Non-participant observation

Survey method Case-Study method

6. The concept of 'culture shock' denotes

The mental distress caused by adjustment in a different culture.

Male anthropologists having problems with interviewing female informants.

The mental distress caused by hazardous field-work.

Involves himself in solving people's problems.

7. Potlatch among north-western American-Indians is an example of

Redistributive exchange Culture of poverty

Political alliance Reciprocal exchange

8. Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution empowers the President to declare an area as 'Scheduled Area'

Article 275 Article 244

Article 165 Article 365

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B × B O × O

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†®Ö""ãêû¤ü 275 †®Ö""ãûê¤ü 244

†®Ö""ãêû¤ü 165 †®Ö""ãûê¤ü 365

9. Which of the following techniques produces fluted core

Block on block technique Clactionian technique

Levalloisian technique Punch technique

10. Which of the following methods of Archaeology does not belong to statistical method

Correlation Multivariate

Histogram Standard Deviation

11. Identify the well-known primatologists who have conducted extensive studies on living primates. Use the codes given.

F. Vogel Jane Goodall

Napier Dian Fossey


and and only

and and

12. Which of the following anthropologists have contributed to the Kin-anthropometric studies Use the codes given.

Pranab Ganguly L.S. Sidhu

K.C. Malhotra S.P. Singh


and and

and and

13. Which one of the following are the features of X-linked recessive inheritance. Use the codes given.

The trait is never passed from father to son.

All daughters of an affected male and a normal female are affected.

In the general population, males are more likely to be affected than females.

Transmitted through unaffected females.


and are correct and are correct

and are correct and are correct

14. Identify the characteristic features of Rh blood system. Use the codes given.

It can cause hemolytic disease.

It has sex-linked inheritance.

It is a complex genetic system.

It was discovered by Landsteiner Wiener.


and are correct. and are correct.

and are correct. and are correct.







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15. Which of the followings are characteristics of Anthropology Use the codes given below.

Field-work Participant observation

Cultural relativism Egocentric approach


and are correct.

and are correct.

and are correct.

and are correct.

16. Which of the following anthropologists are considered as classical evolutionists Use the codes given below

E.B. Tylor L.H. Morgan

J.J. Bachofen Leslie A. White


and are correct. and are correct.

and are correct. and are correct.

17. Socio-cultural change can be brought by the following sources. Use codes given below.

Discovery Invention

Borrowing Transaction


and are correct. and are correct.

and are correct. Only and are correct.

18. In which of the States the Fifth Schedule applies Use the codes given below.

Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh Gujarat


and are correct. and are correct.

and are correct. and are correct.

19. What kind of changes was/were responsible for ice age

Amount of solar radiation reached on earth

Change of earth's orbit

Magnetic polarity shifted

Sea level changed


and are correct. and are correct.

and are correct. and are correct.

20. Select the correct answer for the Indus Valley people from the following with the use of codes.

Social stratification was present.

Possessed uniform administrative system.

They were massacred by the Invading Aryans

Navigation was unknown to people.


Only is correct. and are correct.

Only is correct. and are correct.

15. ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖ®îÖ­ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖß ´ÖÖ®Ö¾Ö ×¾Ö-ÖÖ®Ö Ûúß ×¾Ö¿ÖêÂÖŸÖÖ‹Ñ Æïü
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21. Given below are two statements, one is labeled as Assertion and other is labeled as Reason Assertion Bioarchaeologists study skeletal remains from archaeological sites to
know the history of human populations and individual humans. Reason Forensic anthropologists on the other hand use skeletal remains in criminal and legal investigations. In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct

Both and are wrong. is correct, but is wrong.

Both and are correct. is wrong, but is correct.

22. Given below are two statements, one is labeled as Assertion and other is labeled as Reason Assertion Tendency of one crossover interfering with another is called interference.
Reason Linkage is the measure of recombination.
In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct


is true and is false. is false and is true.

is false and is also false. is true and is also true.

23. Given below are two statements, one is labeled as Assertion and other is labeled as Reason Assertion The largest ape Gorillas inhabit the forested areas of Africa. Reason Their range is disappearing rapidly due to poaching and encroachment of
their habitat. In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct


is true and is false.

is false, and is true.

Both and are true, but is not the correct explanation of

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

24. Given below are two statements, one is labeled as Assertion and other is labeled as Reason Assertion Phenylketonuria is the result of a deficiency of an enzyme phenylalanine
hydroxylase. Reason PKU is a striking example of the relationship between genotype, phenotype, and the environment. In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct


is true and is false.

is false and is true.

is false and is also false.

is true and is also true.





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25. Given below are two statements, one is labeled as Assertion and other is labeled as Reason Assertion Anthropology is the study of all aspects of man of all time and space. Reason All aspects of man could only be classified into two main categories i.e.,
Social-cultural and Biological. In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct


is true and is not true.

is false and is true.

is false and is also false.

is true and is also true.

26. Given below are two statements, one is labeled as Assertion and other is labeled as Reason Assertion The classical evolutionists are also called universal evolutionists. Reason They (classical evolutionists) believed that culture developed in a single line
from simple to complex form. In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct


is true and is not true.

is false and is true.

is false and is also false.

is true and is also true.

27. Given below are two statements, one is labeled as Assertion and other is labeled as Reason Assertion Endogamy means marrying outside the group. Reason Tribe and clan are called endogamous groups. In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct


is true and is not true.

is false and is true.

is false and is also false.

is true and is also true.

28. Given below are two statements, one is labeled as Assertion and other is labeled as Reason Assertion When a husband pretends pregnancy and labour pain and maintains all the
taboos maintained by her pregnant wife, it is called 'couvade'. Reason The custom of 'couvade' emerged in human society when matriarchy was being replaced by patriarchy. In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct


is true and is not true.

is false and is true.

is false and is also false.

is true and is also true.





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