Exam Details

Subject anthropology
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date June, 2015
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Question Paper

ANTHROPOLOGY PAPER II Note This paper contains fifty objective type questions of tto marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1 Australopithecus afarensis was discovered by
Meave Leakey
Donald Johanson
Mary Leakey
Louis Leakey

2 Which one of the following is a measure of central tendency
Standard error
Standard deviation

3 The character of beard development in humans is a
Sex Linked character
Sex Limited character
Sex influenced character
Maternally inherited character

4 A genetically distinct segment of human society is known as

5 Who has defined anthropology as the 'Mirror of Man'
Clyde Kluckhohn
L.P. Vidyarthi
A.L. Kroeber
S.C. Roy

6 Who is regarded as the propounder of 'neo-evolutionism'
V.G. Childe
Leslie A White
B. Malinowski

7 Who brought into focus three modes of exchange reciprocity, redistribution and market exchange
Karl Polanyi
Franz Boas
Karl Marx
S.C. Dube

8 Who wrote the book 'The Remembered Village'
M.N. Srinivas
L.P. Vidyarthi
A.A. Aiyappan
S.C. Dube

9 Which of the following involves pressure flaking technique
Levallois technique
Clactonian technique
Flake technique
Fluted core

10 Which of the following are known from Langhnaj

11 Which of the following descriptions are true of an anthropometric rod
It is two meters long.
It is used for measuring lengths of various body parts.
It is designed with 4 inter fitting rods of 50 cm each.
It includes a moveable socket also.
It is used for taking circumferential measurements of body.


12 The features of the prosimians are
The most primitive of the living primates
Organized social behaviour
Small animals
Large body size
Solitary and active only at night


13 Which of the following are the features of Negroid Races
Dark Skin colour
Dolichocephalic head
Straight hair
Epicanthic fold present
Mainly distributed in Africa


14 The features of autosomal dominant traits are
Males and females are affected in equal proportions.
Affected individuals are found in multiple generations.
Transmission by individuals of both sexes.
Only males are affected.
Affected individuals usually found in a single generation.


15 Who among the following was not the member of Torres Strait Expedition
A.C. Haddon
C. G. Seligman
W.H.R. Rivers
B. Malinowski

and are correct.
and are correct
and are correct.
and are correct.

16 Features of double descent are as follows
The ego traces his identity from mother and father side equally.
The ego shares partial identity from father side and partial identity from mother side.
Some members of ego's family trace their identity from mother side and some from father side.
Double descent emerges when a matriarchal society undergoes transformation and adopts some features of patriarchal society.

and are correct.
and are correct.
and are correct.
and are correct.

17 Which of the following features define as an ideal construct
Economic specialisation
Integrative character
Class formation

and are correct.
and are correct
and are correct.
and are correct.

18 Sanskritization is characterized by
A lower caste adopting the life style of a higher caste.
A higher caste adopting the life style of a lower caste.
A lower caste giving up eating beef and donning sacred thread.
A higher caste giving up donning sacred thread.

and are correct.
and are correct
and are correct.
and are correct.

19 Which of the following are techniques of manufacture of Neolithic celt

and are correct.
and are correct.
and are correct.
and are correct.

20 Which of the following are relative methods of dating
Fluorine dating
Varue Analysis

and are correct.
and are correct.
and are correct.
and are correct.

21 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion The phenotype is dependent on the genotype.

Reason Phenotype determines whether an organism is heterozygous or homozygous. In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true and is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.

22 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion Natural selection introduces new genes in the population.

Reason Mutation favours one of the two alleles.

In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct


Both and are true.
Both and are false.
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.

23 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion Most living non-human primates are under threat of extinction.

Reason Human activities are destroying their habitat and the animals themselves.

In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of
Both and are true and is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.

24 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion Epicanthic fold is an important feature of the Mongoloid populations.

Reason Epicanthic fold has no biological function.

In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct

Both and are true.
Both and are true and is not the correct explanation of
is true, but is false.
is false, but is true.

25 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion The genealogical method helps in ethnographic data collection.

Reason Anthropologists need to collect genealogical data to understand current social relations without reconstructing history. Based on the above two statements, choose the correct answer.

Both and are correct.
is correct and is wrong.
is wrong and is correct.
Both and are wrong.

26 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion The diffusionists categorically denied 'psychic unity of mankind.

Reason Because they believed that man is 'inventive' by nature. In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct

is correct but is wrong.
is wrong but is correct.
Both and are wrong.
Both and are correct.

27 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion Trobriand islanders exchange ceremonially valued shell ornaments, this is known as 'Kula Exchange'.

Reason Behind such ceremonial exchange of shells, the meaning of which is symbolic, they exchange the goods of their mutual necessity, which is the main purpose of Kula.

In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct

is correct but is wrong.
is wrong but is correct.
Both and are correct .
Both and are wrong.

28 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion The tribal movements in India during the British Raj were caused more because of conflict between the concept of 'Communal Property' versus 'Individual Property'.

Reason From time immemorial, the tribals in general had the concept of 'Communal Property' instead of 'Individual property'.

In the context of the above statements, which of the following is correct

is correct and is wrong.
is wrong and is correct.
Both and are wrong.
Both and are correct.

29 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion Federmesser culture is a very specific development of central Europe.

Reason Late upper Palaeolithic folks migrated to the northern latitudes and specialized in reindeer hunting

In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct

is correct is wrong.
Both and are correct.
is wrong is correct.
Both and are wrong.

30 Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason

Assertion Mesolithic culture of Great Britain is best represented by Starr Carr excavation.

Reason One of the major traditions of Mesolithic is Maglamosian which is spread all over western Europe.

In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct

Both and are correct.
is wrong is correct.
is correct is wrong.
Both and are wrong.

31 Identify the correct sequence of the following Racial Classifications from earliest to the recent one.
Blumenbach Deniker Hooton Boyd
Boyd Deniker Blumenbach Hooton
Hooton Deniker Boyd Blumenbach
Deniker Blumenbach Boyd Hooton

32 Identify the correct sequence of blood groups in order of their discovery.
ABO Rh MN Duffy
Duffy Rh ABO MN
ABO MN Rh Duffy
Duffy Rh MN ABO

33 Arrange the following concepts in Chronological order. Use the codes given below
Sex Linkage
Chromosomal theory of inheritance
DNA structure


34 Identify the correct sequence of the following Landmarks in cephalo-caudal direction.
Subnasale Nasion Pronasale Stomion
Pronasale Subnasale Nasion Stomion
Nasion Pronasale Subnasale Stomion
Stomion Pronasale Subnasale Nasion

35 Identify the correct sequence of the hierarchy of communities in descending order according to Robert Redfield.
State Region Country Village
Village Country Region State
Region State Village Country
Country Region Village State

36 Identify the correct sequence in the development of Anthropological theories
Unilinear evolutionism Diffusionism Functionalism Structuralism
Diffusionism Functionalism Structuralism Unilinear evolutionism
Functionalism Unilinear evolutionism Diffusionism Structuralism
Structuralism Functionalism Diffusionism Unilinear evolutionism

37 Identify the correct sequence of origin of marriage as given by L.H. Morgan
Consanguinous Patriarchal Monogamy Punaluan Syndasmian
Syndasmian Punaluan Consanguinous Patriarchal Monogamy
Monogamy Punaluan Consanguinous Syndasmian Patriarchal
Consanguinous Punaluan Syndasmian Patriarchal Monogamy

38 Arrange the following books in order in which they appeared
Hindu Method of Tribal Absorption by N.K. Bose
Himalayan Polyandry by D.N. Majumdar
Indian Village by S.C. Dube
Dynamics of Tribal Leadership in Bihar by L.P. Vidyarthi


39 Identify the correct sequence of the following Pleistocene climatic episodes.
Amersfoort Alleroid Paudorf Gotwig
Alleroid Amersfoort Gotwig Paudorf
Gotwig Amersfoort Paudorf Alleroid
Paudorf Alleroid Amersfoort Gotwig

40 Identify the correct sequence of the following artifacts.
Tan Slipped Ware O.C.P. P.G.W N.B.P
O.C.P Tan slipped ware P.G.W N.B.P
P.G.W N.B.P O.C.P Tan slipped ware
N.B.P O.C.P Tan slipped ware P.G.W

41 Match an item in List I with an item in List II. Use the codes given below.

List I List II

Martin and Saller A Guide to Field Methods
Sheldon, Tucker and Stevens Lehrbuch der Anthropology
Ashley Montagu A Handbook of Anthropology
Weiner and Laurie The Varieties of Human Physique


42 Match an item in List I with an item in List II. Use the codes given below.

List I List II
Anthropometer Short and straight measurements Tape Linear measurements (Long) Spreading callipers Curved dimensions of herd and face Sliding callipers Circumference measurements


43 Which one of the following is not correctly matched
Good all -Chimpanzee
Fossey -Gorilla
Galdikas -Orangutan
Carpenter -Rhesus monkey

44 Match an item in List I with an item in List II. Use the codes given below.

List I List II
Molecular Anthropology Linnaeus
Taxonomic classification Washburn
New Physical Anthropology Emile Zuckerkandl
Biological concept of species Ernst Mayr


45 Match the names of the books in List I with the dates of their publications in List II

List I List II
Anthropology, The Study of Man by E. Adamson Hoebel 1871
Primitive Culture by E.B. Tylor 1988
Ancient Law by Henry Maine 1877
Ancient Society by L.H. Morgan 1861


46 Match the names of the authors in List with the names of their books in List -II Use codes given below List I List II
N.K. Bose The Maler Nature Man Spirit Complex in a Hill Tribe of Bihar D.N. Majumdar Canons of Orissan Architecture L.P. Vidyarthi Religion and Society among the Coorgs of South India M.N. Srinivas A Village on the Fringe


47 Match the items in List I with items in List II. Use the codes given below

List I List II

A classification of cultures possessing gardening, Savagery agriculture, or domesticated herds but devoid of written language.
Exchange of goods between hostile people Pastoralism without face -to -face contact and without the use of middlemen
A culture marked by a subsistance technique Barbarism centered about the herding and husbandry of domesticated animals
A state of cultural development marked by Dumb Barter the absence of gardening or agriculture and written language


48 Match the items of List I with items of List II. Use the codes given below.

List I List II
Village Rampur in U.P. A.C. Mayer Village Kishangarhi in U.P. Oscar Lewis Village Ramkheri in U.P. S.C. Dubey Village Shamirpet in A.P. Mckim Marriott


49 Match items in List I with items in List II

List I List II
Loess Inter pluvial in Potwar Primary Laterite Inter pluvial Silt Glaciation Pinjaur First Pluviation


50 Match items in List I with items in List II. Use the codes given below.

List I List II

Renigunta Mesolithic site
Suregaon Sohanian Succession
Guler Middle Palaeolithic site
Langhnaj Upper Palaeolithic site



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