Exam Details

Subject management
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course civil services main optional
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2004
City, State central government,

Question Paper

IAS Mains Management 2004
Paper I

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300

Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section.
Section A

Write analytical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each. Substantiate your answers, wherever possible, with real life examples/hypothetical illustrations: (20 × 3 60)

Intellectual capital is knowledge that transforms raw materials and makes them more valuable. [Thomas A Stewart]

Establishing a climate for organizational creativity and innovation.

Decision making under certainty, risk and under-certainty.

Minimizing the pain of downsizing.

Managements concern and managements responsibility are everything that affects the performance of the institutions and its results whether inside or outside, whether under the institutions control or totally beyond it. [Peter F Drucker] In light of the above, examine how and in what manner, the tacit assumptions underlying the theory and practices of management have witnessed marked shift over the period of the last few decades

Enumerating the major challenges being faced by the traditional leadership theory, explain the concept of transformational or charismatic leadership. Discuss the extent to which it can ensure organizational results in the context of current Indian corporate scenario

Linear Programming is a mathematical modeling technique designed to optimize the usage of limited resources. [Hamdy A. Taha] Illustrate the basic elements of an L. P. Model by using a simple two-variable example Also highlight the areas of its successful and non-successful applications

Section B

Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each: (20 × 3 60)

Networking of Strategic Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategies in the StrategyMaking Pyramid.

Performance-Assessment Methods.

Corporatisation: Concept and its implementation in India.

Application of Activity Based Costing in service-oriented Indian organisations.

Strategic management is not a box of tricks or a bundle of techniques. Its analytical thinking and commitment of resources to action. In light of the above observation, describe the strategic behaviour of Indian firms to catapult them into global giants

Examine the rationale and pitfalls of the assumptions built into the Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Model

Comment on the effect of the TRIPS Agreement under WTO on Indian pharma companies with respect to their growth and development strategy

Paper II
Section A

Write notes on any three of the following (each note not to exceed 200 words): (20 × 3 60)

Capital Asset Pricing Model

Brand Equity

IMF and World Bank

Discriminatory Pricing

Discuss briefly the specific objectives of Qualitative and Quantitative Market Analysis. Select advertisements on TV of two different Small Savings Schemes, and identify the specific differences in effecting investors choice

An optimal combination of the decisions relating to investment, financing and dividends will be to maximize the value of the firm, to its shareholders. Discuss with examples

WTO is the Third Pillar of Global Business. Examine the statement with suitable examples

Section B

Write notes on any three of the following (each note not to exceed 200 words): (20 × 3 60)

Supply Chain Management

Information System and DSS


Organizational Philosophy and Ethics

Materials handling does not add anything to the value of the product. It only increases the cost of the product. Critically analyse the statement

How could business, leverage its investments in information technology to build a strategic IT Platform, that serves as a barrier to new entrants into its markets

What are the constituents of a total manpower planning exercise? Discuss in detail how the requirements of manpower in a large industrial enterprise may be determined


  • agriculture
  • animal husbandary and veterinary science
  • anthropology
  • botany
  • chemistry
  • civil engineering
  • commerce and accountancy
  • economics
  • electrical engineering
  • geography
  • geology
  • indian history
  • law
  • management
  • mathematics
  • mechanical engineering
  • medical science
  • philosophy
  • physics
  • political science and international relations
  • psychology
  • public administration
  • sociology
  • statistics
  • zoology