Exam Details

Subject biotechnology
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

ETicket Number
Ph.D Biotechnology
Time: 2 boun Maximum Marks: 75
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PhD Prol:ram DiDteehnDIDg)'
Max: 75 Marks
I. Match coefficients in group with their currcsponJing dO"nsln:am steps
given in gmup 2.
Group I
P. scc.Jimcntation coefticient
Q. partition eoeffieknt
I R. rejl"Ction cocllicicnt

I. Q-l. R-4. 8-2
B. Q.J. R-4. S-3
C. R-I. 8-2
Q.I. R-2. S-3
Separation of t\O proteins. prescnl m a solution. having IOkDa and 20kDa molecular
"eight with similar properties can be achieved by·
A. lIydrophubic interaction chromatography
Gel filtration chromatogr.phy
Ion exchange ehromatogr.phy
Affinity chromatography
3. Sca- water purification for drinking purpose can he dune withA,
B. Reverse osmosis
C. Sedimentation
D. Flocculation
4. Scphadcx is a brand named Dextran, used in gel filtration columns. Chemically, Sephadex
is poly linked
A. Galactose.
fl. Galaetosc,
C Ulueose. a-1.4
D. Glucosc,
s. "I"he isoclcctric point. Of pl. oran amino acid or a protein is
/I. at pH 7.0
pH mv.hich the amino acid or protein has no net charge
pilat which the amino acid or protcin is neithcr hydrophobic nor hydrophilic
D. ofth.: h)-uropathy uf an amino acid or pmld"
6. Vhich 01 the folh)\ing IS true ahout the Edman dcgmJation system or sequencing
I. The Edman dcgmdation is carried out on a machine called an ....:dmanator.
11. Thl.' hJman dep.radation \iII work on any size polypeptide.
III. In the the amino-lcnninal residue is labeled Iltith nuro
dinitrobl"n7CnC and the polyprptidc is hydrolyzed with 6m HCI to its constituent
amino acids.
1. In the Edman degradation system the amino-terminal residue is labeled with
plu:nyli.;.uthiocy.matc. cleuved with triOuroacctic acid. purified and identified in each
A. I "nd II
Il. II and IV
l". I. II and III
D. I only
A. are roughl)' parallel to the axis of the helix
R. are roughl)' perpendicular to the axis of the helix
C. occur mainl)' hetween electronegative Uloms of the R groups
D. occur between some orthe amino .o.cids afthe helix
8. Protein phosphorylalion is commonl)' involved with all orthe rollowmg except
A. n:gulation oftr:mscription by eXlracclllllJr
B. uCliHltion of G-protein hnked
C. activation of receptor tyrosine kinulCs
D. activation (Jfprold"
9. Signal tr.1Jlschlction hc:nclil cells for all of the following rcasono;;: except
A. help cells to sign31 that arc too largl' or polar to cross
the pla.'mJ membrane
n. the) diITcl":nt cells to n:spond appmpriatcl} to the Mine sip.nal
C. help cells osc up phospho!e generaled ATP
n. variations in the signal tronsduction pathways can enhance response specificity
I(I Below is a list of biochemical functions of amino dclennim..·! hy the possihle
I. Suhstr..ltes for protein nthesis
II. Regulator ofmRNA tmns)atlon
iii. Transport ofnilrogen
Synthesis for acid synthesis
Vhich of the 3bovc statements is
13. ii
n. None
11. You have a mixture ofprotcins following properties:

Pmtein Mr 12 kD
I'mlein Mr 62 kD pl=4
Protein Mr 28 kD pl=8
!'mtein Mr 09 kD
Prediel the emergence of these proteins when a mixtun: of the four is ehromatographcd in
DEhE-eeliulose al pll 7.0
h. 1.2,3.4
12. Consider a molc.-culc having une n-fold rotation a.xis and 11 rotation axes
pcrpcndieuhor hI it. Choo"" fmm lhe follO\ing the appropriate point group s)mmetry.
II. el
13. Which "flhe li.lhming molecules could he classified as a pmlate symmetric top?
A. c1olutanc
methyl hrmmul.:
D. phthalocyanillc
t·t. of the mtios define the nuclear g)Tomagnclic retio?
angular momentum tll mngnt'tic moment
A. magnetic mom"'nl to :tngul:Jr momentum
momentulll to Planck's cOI1!'>tant
I). Planck's constant to ;mgu)ar momentum
15. Which of the following refer to splitting of nuclear energy levels in thc presence ofa
magnetic field?
1. Stan. effect
H. Photoelectric efTeet
C. Zeeman efTect
n. Ring cum.:nt en-Loci
16. Choo"C the scattering type from the following choices that could <xplain
why Ihe color oflhc sky is blue.
A. Stokes Raman
8. Antistokes Ri.lr.lan
C. Brillouin
Rayleigh scattering
17. Gcncrnll). an dipole is c:..:atcd when light intcrJcls \ilh a l11oh..'culc. The
induced dipole is pru""rtional to the electric lield weto' oflhe lighl wave. Which of the
follo\ iog com:edy dcscribt.:: the proportionality
A. magnetic anisotropy
H. polnrizability
C. electrical conductivity
D. pcrmitth·ity
IK. In quantum mechanics. the probability of finding un dectmn at some point within an alom is
given hy
A. the Hamiltonian operator
B. the \avcfunction
C. the modulus of the wavcfunetion
D. the square oflhe modulus oflhe wavefunclion
19. Consider the isothermal compression ofan ideal gas by a force of 1.0 Newlon acting through 0.5
meter. Choo,e Ihe eorrecl answer from Ihe following for the heat change involved in Ihe
A. -0.1 Joule
Il. -0.2 Joule
e. -0.3 Joule
D. -0.5 Joule
20. Which of the tillhming qualilatively descTibcs the change of the lIc1moltz free energy of a
! cm ot constant tcmJlcr.lturc ::J.nd pressure in a spontaneous process?
A. men'usc
II. decrease
C. invariant
D. infinity
21. In cundensed p1msc. molecules move ont: position to another. Which of the following
dcscrihcs the avcmp.e time a mok-culc spends a derined position before it makes n move to
A. Spin-lattice: lirnt'
B. Correlatiun
C. Spin-spin !"c1a...mion lime
1>. Frce-t1ighl time
..., of 1!-l'numic j"lands in a haclcrial chmmosomc include·
A. (llccau:il' ufthdr fnrdg.n origin) they hu'c a dincrent G+C composilion than lhe
a whole
B. Ihe) u:-iually insert in t-RNA g«:ncs and are by mobili7able clements
TIlC:Y arc: always with impJning sur'ival ad'antage or impnl'c fitness
O. a 'IUd b

23. Which one ofthe following statements is
A. Alleles eon not admix so hybrid alleles do not usually occur in 0 population
B. A particular can have only two ulleles.
C. A single tr"it or phenotype con be atTeeled by many dilTe«nl genes
D. Pscudogcnes occur frequently in viral gcnomes.
24. What is the cause of Iype I diabetes'!
A. An interplay ofgenetic susccptihilit) .
d environmental triggers
B. Early exposure in life to certain antigen.
C. Molecular mimicry resulting. in autoimmunity and ofinsulin sccn.·ting cells
D. All of the abo,""
25. A successful patho,llcu"s pursuit within host is not aimed at:
A. a preferred carbon source within the
A. Gaining niche to ensure long term infection
C. Avoid clearance by the host immune system
D. Shut down all essentin) processes within the hosl resulting in host demis(' and early
opporlunit) p I>r RoT B
26. Vhich of the following is not a source of"ariation in a population'!
A. Inherited genetic differences
n. DitTerenees due 10 health
C. Differences due 10 age
D. None of the above
27. What is the relationship hetween the wing ofa hird aod the willg ofa bnt?
A. They are homologous because they represenl n)odified forms ofa trait present in a
common onceslor (forelimbs)
B. 'nley arc onalogolls because while each carries out the same function (flighl), Ihis
trail has arisen independently us a result ofconvergence (Le. the common ancestor of
both did not h",e 0 forelimb thot allowed it to fly)
C. AandB.
D. They represent derived homologies
28. Which one of the follo\ing is nul a pathogen encoded player in infection bioJob'Y?
A. Adhesins
C. !'Iagellin,
D. NF-Kappa-R
29. Which Oflh"l(,lIowing techniques are useful in genetic profiling. tracking and analyzing
the spread of hacterial pathogen populations?
A. ImmUlIO·clcclmphorcsis
13. Multi·locos ,"ariahle numher uftandem rcpeats analysis (MI.VA)
C. !'ulsed field gel-electrophoresis
D. hand e
30. Vhich b.:1o\ are linked to cancer?
A. l:pslcin-Harr Virus
C. Iluman papilluma virus
D. All aho'O
J I. Vhkh of JoIIO\ iog is not a genome mechanism in bacteria?
A. 110ri/ootal gene acquisition
B. Vcrtical genome n-duction
C. In .illl gene duplicatiun
D. Nonc ofthc.: above
32. mimicry is an important used by pathogens to fool the host immune
system. which can be dcJincd as:
A. Confusion ofthe tolerance .ystcm due to simiJaritk"S oftbe epitoJ'C" of the
pathogen and tho.. of the host
B. Non-self discrimination by the normal immune syskm to recognize foreign
e. Generation ofan immune agairast sclf·tissue and cdls
D. All of the above
33. The following are important markers for the dingno:-.tic against
bacterial pathogens:
A. Secreted antigens
B. keeping
C. Tr.msposases
D. Ilcat .hock protein.
34. Vhich onc Jl1IIlJwing an: carre..:t
A. Hepatitis A and B viruses contains RNA as the genome where as IIepatilis C virus
eonlains DNA
B. Ilcpatitis A and C vim",s conlains RNA as genome where Hepatiti, B vims
contains DNA
C. Ilepatitis A and Il viruses contains DNA as the genome when: a.s C
virus contains RNA
D. Hepatitis A and C viruses contains DNA as genome where IlepatHis B virus
contains RNA
35. Vaccinia vim.. belongs to the ramily
A. IIcrpcsviridae
D. Poxviridae
C. Adcnoviridae
D. None
36. Which one oflhe following is a pard-n:trovim.
A. Human immunodeficiency virus
B. Hepatitis C virus (lICV)
C. Hepatitis Dvirus
D. None
37. The RNA virus having DNA as an intermediate in lite life cycle is
A. Ifuman immunodeficiency virus (IIIV)
Il. lIer",titis C virus
C. lIepatitis B virus (IIBV)
D. None
38. The targLl cells rc" lIIV arc
A. Plasma cell.
Il. Eflcel'" II cells
lIe1per T cell.'
D. Nnne 01 lhe aho,"e
39. The inclusion hotHes called Negrihndies are found in which of the following virus
inlected nerve cells
A. Puliuvims
Il. Rhahdo'irus
C. Reovirus
D. Retrovirus
40. Replicatiun of<In Adcnu iru5 occurs in
A. Cytuplasm
0. Endoplasmic reticulum

D. Gtllgicomp1cx
41. Intcrnal rihosome entry site (IRES) mediated t}PC oftranslation is present in
A. JIcpatitis A vims
n. /Iepatitis C virus
C. Poliovims
D. All
42. Which of the following 'imses is NOT a DNA
A. PapO a virus
n. Tog. vims
C. Adcno virus
D. Ilc"",s vims
43. Sabin polio vaccine is
A Fumlaldehyde fixing
H. Pass.,ge in monke) kidne)' cell Jines
C. Rc l!t'Tlctics
D. inacli,·ation
..J-t All of the following. antibiotics hind bacterial ribusume except
A. Stn:ptom) cin
B. Tctmc)'clinc
Erythrom) cin
D. PcnicHlin
45. The end Mage cells arc
A. Plasma cells
Il. NaYve cells
C. Activated 13 cells
D. Nonc of Ihe above
46. Most efficient APCs an:
A. Macrophage,
B. B cells
e. Dendritic cclls
D. All
47. Thc activitics of complemcnt systcm include
D. Lysis
C. Clear""ce of Immune complexes
D. All the ahove
4K. Which one ufthc foHowing is not a nonspc'cific defense mechanism?
A. Skin
U. Mucous mcmbr.mc
Cell Inl'diatcd immunity
D. All orthe.ahuve
4l). During aeutl:. lIonspecific innammation. the tintl ICUCOC)1cS to arrive at the site of tissue
Jam:Jg.c al:
A. MllnUC.,"tl'.s
D. Neutrophils
50. uftite fullowing (.'ells contain or release histamine'!
A. Must cells
H. Basuphils
D. None
51. "111c cells that prn!ucc and sc:crc1t.: antibodies arc
A. T ceiL;

B. B cells
C. Plasma cells
D. Dendritic cells
52. A person docs nol normally produce antibodies or activated Tcells to ,.lfanligen due to
the presence of
A. lIaptens
B. Immunltglohuli!
C. Iluman leucocyte antigen
D. Non-selfantigen
53. 'rhe process orphoton:spirntion ,"-3loJ.!zcd
A. SUl.roscphosphalc and RuUi)
B. and nitmtc reductase
C. Pyruvate and RuBP
D. RuBP oxygenase and hydroxypy:1.IV3tC reductase
54. Tile tough. waler insoluble protein present in the outer portion or the arlhe
skin is
A. Epidermim
C. Keratin
D. Impenetrin
55. According to classical genetics which arlhc ft)lIowing stutcmcnls is true?
A. Recessive alleles arc deleetc'd by the phenotype of the FI generation
B. The closer h ..·o are the morc frcquCtllly they recomhine
C. Genes on ditferent aulosomes segregate independently
D. Genes on sex chromosomes segregate with the same pattern as autosomal genes
56. Mating Iype switching in yeast
A. Occurs in phase ufthe cell cycle
B. Occurs in S phase of the cell cycle
C. Can he induced by placing cells in rich medium
D. Requires binding ofa pheromone to a cell surface reeL1'lor on the cell that
produced il
57. The pectins and hyaluronic acid are both
A. Scereled by animal cells
n. Very negatively cbarged
I). Intracellular
58. Drugs such :IS colchicint: or vinhlastine arrest cells division fllr hours or even days.
Which of the cell cycle is bioeked by thesc drugs?
A. S
D. I
59. In the lagging stmnd DNA is synthe,ized by DNA polymerdse
A. "
n. 1
C. y
Which of the follo\ing is normally associated "ith lhe production of hybridomas
:"ol:crcting i.I dcsin'u mlmoclonal anlibot..l,,?
cells producing antibodies
B. plasma cells from hom: m.trw", ofun immuni:t.cd mouse
C. aminopterin hlm:kagc of nucleotide salvage pathway
anliood) dh'crsity

61. Expressiun '4."'Ctors contain 11 sequence. 110/ Ilo,.ma/(rfmmd in other vcctors that is knO"ll
A. a ribosome-binding site.
R. ano,.; site
C. a multiplc-eloning site
D. an marker
62. Which oflhe following is 1101 a mechanism Il or aotibodies contribute to
A. prcsent3lion of untigc::n to'l l -lis
B. opsonization
C. direct cell kiiling
D. OIgglutin:1tinn
63 Which ofthc follo"ing approach is NUl assoeiah,d 10 Ihe prediction nfProlein- Prolein
A. Domain fusion (Rosetta slone)
B. Protein phylogc"Iic profiles
C. Posilion-Specific llerated BLAST
D. Conservation of gene urd<.'T
(.4. Which ofthe following method is associated \ith orthologolls pmtcin identification'!
A. Rc'Ciprocal Best BLAST Hit
C. Dot Pot
D. Pattern Hit Initiated IlLAST
65. Which "fthe following approach can he used to predict the 3D structure ofa protein ifit
has no dctcctable sequence similarity with the available templates'!
A. homology model ing
B. ah initio modeling
C. fnld recognition
D. Domain recognition
66. Which of the following sequences contains the pallem
67. In order 10 culculall.' the nlline gap penalty. onc need to know only
A. upen penally and Ihe gnp length
Il. Il.Tenninal gal' penalty and gal' length
C. GOIfI open penally. gnp extension prnahy and the gap length
D. Gal' upen penalty. lenninal gal' penalt) alld the gnp length
68. II) hridizalinll of single stranded RNA or is lacilitatcd by
A. lligh tempemlul'.'
Il. The presence of:m unrelaled DNA
O. Low
69. of the following lipids hun' a 0.'1 negative charge'!
A. I'husphatid) lehuliu,1I.
C. I'hosphatidylserine
n. Phosphatidylcthanol:lluiue
70. Which uflhe tilllll\ing e'Cnts could load to Ihe e'olution ofa new gene thai contains
cxons from 1\0 or more other genes?
A. Domain duplication
B. Domain shuming
C. Gene conversion
D. Gcnc duplication
71. The smallcst bacterial genome is several hundred thousm,d ba>e pai,." in Icngtb whilc the
human mitochondrial genome is less thnn 17.0UU base p:""". The smaller si7.c orthc
mitochondrial genome is due to which orthe following?
A. 'lbc human mitochondrial genome hac; lost its protein eoding
B. 'Inc human genome ii.melional RNA genes
C. The human mitochondrial genonte Iwn·functiunal and is an evolutionary relic
D. Genes fronl the human mitochondrial gemJrnc have been tr.msfcrrcd to the nucleus
72. Which of the followinl' is NOT a mechanism by \hich a signalling compound is known
Lo influence genume expression aner hcing imported into a
A. Some signalling molecules methylate DNA 10 silence specific genes
B. Some signalling molecules an: proteins that tlmction as regulators of genome
C. Some signalling molecules directly influence the activity ofregulatory proteins within
the cell
D. Some signalling ir,nucllce the activity of fl'gulatory proteins in the cell
indirectly through intermediate molecules
73. Which algorithm is used for globalalignmenL' betwcen sequences?
A. Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
B. Smith-Watcrman algoritbm
C. Marko" algorithm
D. Genetic algorithm
74. The traceback ofthc sequencc alignment as pcr Necdlcman-Wunsch algorithm begins
A. uny cell having the highest !oCon:
It the lust cell
C. any cell having the positive sco"'
D. 111e cell having zero senn:
75. Unt matrix approach to sequence comparisons was introduced by
A. NL"Cdlcman Vunsch
B. Gihhs and McIntyre
D. Smith W"temlall


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