Exam Details

Subject environmental sciences
Paper paper 3
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date June, 2015
City, State ,

Question Paper

1 Biological zonation in the ocean is determined by
Ocean depth
Light availability
Bottom substrate
Choose the correct answer


and only


and only

2 Given below are two statements. One labeled as Assertion and the other labeled as Reason
Assertion Methanogenic archae (methanogens) grow in swamps and sewage.
Reason Methanogens are obligate anaerobes
Choose the correct answer

Both and are correct and is the correct explanation of

Both and are correct and is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

3 Filamentous Cyanobacteria differentiate 5 to 10% of their vegetative cells into heterocysts. Heterocysts are characterized by
Thick cell wall
Only PSI activity
Nitrogenase activity
Choose the correct answer


and only

and only


4 A critically endangered species

Do not exist in wild habitat

Face extremely high risk of extinction in immediate future

Face high risk of extinction in the medium term future

Will not face any risk of extinction in future 1000 years

5 Which of the following characteristics of desert animals are physiological adaptation to conserve water
Thick outer covering
Release dry faeces
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
Choose the correct answer

and only

and only

and only


6 The balance between photosynthesis and photorespiration is related to
The ratio of O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere
Kranz anatomy
The ratio of CO2 and H2O
Choose the correct answer

and only

and only

and only


7 Individual organism respond to environmental change through short-term adjustment(s) by

Physiological changes

Cytological changes

Genetic changes

Phytochemical and genetic alterations

8 The hurricanes have spatial scale of

100 Km 1000 Km

10 Km 100 Km

100 m 100 Km

100 m 10 Km


Polymeric proteins are not only converted into monomers, but monomers are also denatured by SDS.

Polymeric proteins converted into monomeric units, but monomers are not denatured.

Polymeric proteins are retained as single unit.

SDS donot have any negative impact on native structure of monomers.

10 Which of the following is the major source of mercury pollution in India

Coal based thermal power plants

Pesticides manufacturing

Dental amalgam fillings

Electrical and electronic gadgets

11 A non-metal occurs in nature in free state. It combines with hydrogen to form a gas, which is colourless and highly toxic. Apart from this, is oxidized to which is a colourless, pungent and irritating gas. represents





12 Elemental carbon influences the regional climate because

It influences the radiative flux in the atmosphere due to its absorbing properties.

It reacts with other pollutants.

It coagulates with other atmospheric pollutants.

Its concentration is usually more in the atmosphere.

13 Bioremediation of xenobiotics (like melathion) through hydrolysis involves their detoxification by

Removal of water

Addition of water

Both removal and addition of water

Removal of phosphate

14 To determine the cation-exchange capacity, it is necessary to calculate the total positive charge associated with ions like





15 Given below are two statements. One labeled as Assertion and the other labeled as Reason
Assertion Organometals/organometalloids such as trimethylarsine and dimethylmercury are more toxic to living systems (including humans) compared to their inorganic forms.
Reason Organometals/organometalloids are more hydrophilic than their inorganic forms and hence can move easily across lipid bilayer.
Choose the correct answer

Both and are correct and is the correct explanation of

Both and are correct and is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

16 Project elephant was launched in the year





17 Biological communities in a stream vary based on
Water velocity
Allochthnous material
Size of the particle on the stream bed
Depth of the stream
Choose the correct answer

and only

and only

and only


18 Champion and Seth (1968) classify Indian forests based on
Floristic Composition
Distance from Sea
Choose the correct answer


and only



19 Which one of the following statements is not correct

The solubility of gases varies considerably with pressure.

Hydrocarbons chiefly occur in coal, natural gas and petroleum.

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are present in coal tar and fossil fuels.

All hydrocarbons are hydrophilic in nature.

20 Gauss exclusion principle states that

Complete competitors co-exist

Complete competitors cannot co-exist

Complete competitors tend to co-operate

Symbionts evolve into complete competitors

21 Parasites in a population/community can
Influence host population cycles
Change ecological communities
Change community structure
Choose the correct answer


and only



22 Long term patterns of evolution are shaped by large scale process(s) such as
Mass extinction
Adaptive radiation
Choose the correct answer:


and only

and only


23 Match the List I with List II. Identify the correct answer from the codes given below the lists
List I List II
(Organism) (Interaction)
Albugo and Indian mustard Symbiosis
Penicillium and Staphyllococcus Ammensalism
Lichens Commensalism
Barnacles and whales Parasitism


24 Extreme of seasonal variation (as much as 80°C swing) from summer to winter is represented by

Boreal forest

Tropical forests

Deciduous forest

Evergreen forest

25 Aeromycoflora can be trapped and quantified by

Rotorod air sampler

Anderson air sampler

Gregory air sampler

Respirable dust sampler

26 Which among the following frequencies in microwave region of electromagnetic spectrum is better suited for determination of tree height

C band 8 GHz)

X band 12.5 GHz)

P band (0.3 1.0 GHz)

K band (18 26.5 GHz)

27 Which of the common mineral is not a silicate





28 Which among the following is the best model in GIS spatial relationships

Spaghetti model

Topological model

Relational database model

Parent-child model

29 One of the warning signs of an impending volcanic eruption is volcanic tremor, which is

A change in ground levels

Inflation of a volcano as magma rises

Ground shaking lasting for minutes or hours

Emission of large quantities of gases

30 Time slot for measuring thermal inertia differences between land and water is

1000 hrs.

1100 hrs.

1200 hrs.

1400 hrs.

31 Slump is a complex slide which consists of

Curved shear surface

Curved and planar shear surfaces

Planar shear surface

No definite shear surface

32 In rainwater harvesting, the purpose of percolation tank is

Recharge groundwater only

Surface water supply for irrigation

Both surface water supply and groundwater recharge

Drinking water supply

33 Which of the following minerals causes fluoride pollution in the groundwater

Fluorite and Apatite

Olivine and Haematite

Calcite and Magnetite

Quartz and Orthoclase

34 Indian monsoon is greatly influenced by
Sea surface temperature in pre-monsoon season
El Nino
La Nina
Depression over Tibet
Choose the correct answer

and only

and only

and only


35 The important continental silicate mineral weathering process of lowering carbon dioxide levels is





36 The set of processes by which soil and rock are loosened and move downhill are called





37 Wind mills are most suited for
High altitude
Roof tops
Choose the correct answer

and only

and only

and only

and only

38 Main source of energy for a tropical cyclone formation comes from
Heat of condensation of water vapours in the atmosphere
Torrential rains
Large ocean waves
Choose the correct answer



and only

and only

39 In the following nuclear fusion reaction 2/1D 2/1D 3/2He E the value of the energy E is

17.6 MeV

18.3 MeV

4.03 MeV

3.27 MeV

40 Fast neutrons produced in nuclear fission reactions involving 235U have average energy of the order of

2 MeV

5 MeV

100 MeV

200 MeV

41 As the population growth rate increases the doubling time



Remain constant


42 A tidal estuary of tidal range 2 m has trapped water area 5000 m2. If g=9.8 the maximum energy available per tidal cycle is

2.45 kW

9.8 kW

98 kW

19.6 kW

43 The power from an ocean wave varies with time period of the wave as

P oo T

P oo T2

P oo 1/T

P oo 1/T2

44 With reference to pre-industrial times, the present day average global surface temperature is higher approximately by





45 Burning of 1 mol of CH4 liberates 890 kJ of energy and 1 mol of CO2. Since 1 mol of CO2 has 12 g of carbon, the higher heating value of methane is

13.5 gC/MJ

18.5 gC/MJ

12.0 gC/MJ

10.0 gC/MJ

46 pH of 1 mM HCl is




47 Priority air pollutants included in the air quality index for urban areas in India are

CO, NOx, PM10 and PM255, SOx, O3, ammonia and Pb

CO, NOx, SOx and Pb

NOx, SOx, O3, and Pb

PM10 and PM255, NOx, SOx, O3, and Pb

48 Present day advanced anaerobic digestors can generate power in the range

2 10 MW

20 -100 MW

100 -200 MW

200 -500 MW

49 Cement dust is characterized by very fine particulates. Which of the following air pollution control devices is appropriate for removing them from hot exhaust gases emanating from cement kiln



Venturi scrubber

Electrostatic precipitator

50 The sources of aliphatic hydrocarbons in indoor environment are

Paints, adhesives and gasoline

Aerosol sprays and solvents

Spirits and cleansers

Solvents and vinyl flooring

51 Given the following data of sound pressure levels measured at equal intervals:60dB, 62 dB, 63 dB, 59 dB, 60 dB, 80 dB, 58 dB, 59 dB, 65 dB, 57 dB, 62 dB. The value of the background noise level is

62.5 dB

57 dB

61 dB

58 dB

52 The air-to-fuel ratio for complete combustion in an internal combustion engine is about





53 Phytovolatalization of mercuric pollutants involves volatalization of mercury in

Elemental state

Ionic state

Organic state

Both ionic and organic state

54 Match the List I with List II. Identify the correct answer from the codes given below the lists
List I List II
Texture Vertical zonation
Profile Land degradation
Erosion Planting tree
Conservation Mineral particle size


55 Environmental Management Plan is associated with


Environmental audit

ISO 14000


56 ISO 14000 is connected with

Adoption of environmental safety guideline

Energy audit in Industries

Adoption of clean development

Adoption of environmental management system in industry/organisation

57 CAPART in India stands for

Committee for Advancement and Promotion of Rural Technology

Council for Advancement of Rural Technology

Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology

Committee for Advancement and Privatization of Rural Technology

58 EIA of Port and Harbour projects involve impact assessment on
Biological environment
Air environment
Soil environment
Social environment
Choose the correct answer




and only

59 Which act provided provisions for enforcing levy and collection of a tax on water consumed by industries

Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974

Water (prevention and control of pollution) Cess Act 1977

Environment (protection) Act 1986

Public Liability Insurance Act 1991

60 Disaster risk reduction in degraded wilderness areas is better achieved using

People's participation

Ecosystem based management

Strengthening of people's economic conditions


61 The major conventions of Rio Earth Summit are

CBD and climate change

Kyoto protocol and Montreal protocol

CDM and Nagoya protocol

Basel convention and Bameco convention

62 If s e d where s e and d are saturated adiabatic lapse rate, environmental lapse rate and dry adiabatic lapse rate, the atmosphere is


Conditionally unstable



63 Match the List I with List II. Identify the correct answer from the codes given below the lists
List I List II
(Tests) (Application)
Z test Judging the significance of differences between means of two small samples
t test Judging the significance of mean, median, mode
Chi square test Compare the variance of two -independent samples
F -test Compare sample variance to a theoretical population variance


64 Chocolates of 250 g produced in a factory were observed to have standard deviation of 2 g. A random sample of 20 chocolates showed a standard deviation of 1.5 g. What is the x2 value for the sample





65 Which one of the following would indicate that a dataset is NOT distributed in a bell shape

The range is equal to 5 standard deviation

The range is larger than the inter quartile range

The mean is much smaller than the median

There are no outliers

66 In a random sample of the mean is 40, and the standard deviation is 4.0. The 95% confidence interval for the mean is





67 The title of the Brundtland report is

Caring for Earth

Caring of Biosphere

Our Common Future

The Silent Spring

68 According to Gaussian Plume Model, the maximum ground level concentration varies with height of chimney

C oo 1/H

C oo H-2

C oo H

C oo H

69 Given below are two statements. One labeled as Assertion and the other labeled as Reason
Assertion A wetland of international importance is brought under the 'Montreux Record'.
Reason The country in which the wetland is located should enact a law to prohibit any human activity within five kilometers from the edge of the wetland.
Choose the correct answer

Both and are correct and is the correct explanation of

Both and are correct and is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

70 Which of the following methods related to fly ash utilization has future ecofriendly and economic benefits
Direct application to cropland
Converting to Bricks
using as a road-sub-base material

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71 Which of the following is NOT one of the twelve principles of green chemistry

Minimize or eliminate the need for waste cleanup by emphasizing waste prevention

Minimize energy consumption

Maximize use of products from green plants

Avoid the use and generation of hazardous substances that may harm humans or the environment

72 Match the List I with List -II. Identify the correct answer from the codes given below the lists
List I List II
(Halocarbons) (Atmospheric residence time)
CF4 -50 years
CF2Cl2 -50,000 years
CFCl3 65 years
CF3Br -102 years


73 Climate change has become a buzz word throughout the world. In case of the Himalayas the best way to infer whether there is a climate change or not is to
Monitor tree line
Monitor migration of glaciers
Study alteration in species composition
Choose the correct answer


and only



74 Landslide hazards in the Himalayan region are the consequence of
Road cutting
Seismic activity
Choose the correct answer


and only

and only


75 Consider the following International agreements.
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
The united Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
The World Heritage Convention
Which of the above has/have a bearing on the biodiversity
Choose the correct answer

and only


and only



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