Exam Details

Subject anthropology
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date 2015
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

1. One of the following is true:

A. Levi-Strauss emphasised on dialectics

B. Levi-Strauss viewed society as a model

C. Levi-Strauss laid emphasis on binary opposition

D. Levi-Strauss considered myth as a model

2. Who opined that evolution of human society is a natural and inevitable continuation of organic evolution?

A. Durkheim

B. Herbert Spencer

C. Montague

D. Levi-Strauss

3. Levi-Strauss published one of the following books:

A. Structure and Function in Primitive Society

B. Understanding Social Structure

C. Structural Anthropology

D. Theory of Social Structure

4. The distinction between thick and thin description was made by

A. Levi-Strauss

B. Geertz

C. Turner

D. Ryle

5. According to Evans-Pritchard:

A. The social structure of a people is a system of separate but interrelated societies.

B. The social structure of a people is a system of separate but interrelated structures.

C. The social structure of a people is a system of single interrelated structures.

D. The social structure of a people is a system of separate but interrelated beings.

6. One of the following is not a post-modernist:

A. Marcus

B. Clifford James

C. Geertz

D. Stephen Taylor

7. Who stated that social structure is a method?

A. Evans-Prichard

B. Levi-Strauss

C. Nadel

D. Spencer

8. Which intellectual movement that began in 1950s and 1960s analysed culture semiotically?

A. Marxism

B. Structural-Functionalism

C. Structuralism

D. Post-structuralism

9. Who said, Dirt, then, is never unique, isolated event, where there is dirt there is system"?

A. Claude-Levi-strauss

B. Mary Douglas

C. Margaret Mead

D. Clyde Strathern

10. Which anthropologist had intellectually influenced Marx in formulating his inner dynamics of capitalism-development, fruition and destruction?

A. L.R. Morgan

B. W.H.R. Rivers

C. Alferd Kroeber

D. Cora du Bois

11. Cognitive anthropology rethinks:

A. The concept of Culture

B. The comparative method

C. The nature of ethnography

D. all the above

12. Which anthropologist held the opinion that culture is public and thus empirically investigable?

A. Franz Boas

B. B. Malinowski

C. Clifford Geertz

D. Victor Turner

13. Who distinguished between primary and secondary symbols?

A. Edward Sapir

B. Victor Turner

C. Mary Douglas

D. Clifford Geertz

14. Victor Turner has used the concept of "liminality", which was originally proposed by:

A. Emile Durkheim

B. Arnold Van Gennep

C. Georg Hegel

D. Julian Steward

15. Who has extensively used Levi-Strauss's binary opposition between nature and culture in gender studies?

A. Margaret Mead

B. Michelle Rosaldo

C. Sherry Ortner

D. Louise Lamphere

16. Who among the following is known for kinship studies from a 'Descent' perspective?

A. Levi-Strauss

B. E.R. Leach

C. Louis Dumont

D. Mayer Fortes

17. The approach of David M. Schneider is that of:

A. interpretative

B. symbolic

C. structuralist

D. cognitive

18. In the works of Julian steward, culture core is the area which is most directly related to:

A. stability

B. continuity

C. change

D. adaptation

19. The theory of 'domestic mode of production' is developed by:

A. Marshal Sahlins

B. Andrew Vayda

C. Ealman Service

D. Julian steward

20. 'linguistic relativism' is associated with:

A. Fred Eggan

B. A.L. Kroeber

C. Edward Sapir

D. Robert Lowie

21. The method of induction is associated with the name of

A. Francis Bacon

B. Rene Descartes

C. Karl Popper

D. Thomas Kuhn

22. The wish to establish natural science of society which could possess the same sort of logical structure and pursue same achievements as science of nature can be seen in:

A. Structural-functionalism

B. Ethno science

C. Positivism

D. social sciences

23. Which anthropologist pointed out that social structures are models, social organization is the reality'?

A. Levi-Strauss

B. Raymond Firth

C. E.R Leach

D. Victor Turner

24. Comparative study of phenomena derived from the same historical source and belonging to the same class or type is known as

A. Illustrative comparison

B. Cross cultural comparison

C. Controlled comparison

D. Typological comparison

25. Verbatim recording of answers is required for

A. Emic approach

B. Etic approach

C. Authenticity

D. Objectivity ..

26. Well known exponent of life history method in anthropology is

A. Meyer Fortes

B. Oscar Lewis

C. Ruth Benedict

D. Evans Pritchard

27. Which of the following is not associated with 'Experimental research design?

A. Hypothesis

B. Delimiting variables

C. Controlling sample

D. Experiment

28. Study of change in roles and relations in a village is an attempt to understand:

A. Structural change

B. Cultural change

C. Acculturation

D. Role analysis

29. One starts from some general law and applies it to a particular instance or applying a theory to a particular case is known as:

A. Inductive method

B. Deductive method

C. Adductive method

D. Survey technique

30. A device employed to aid the interpretation ofreality and the building of theory is known as:

A. Article

B. Design

C. Sample

D. Model

31. a technique to ensure a systematic communication between the field worker and the people. It is a device for collecting data required to test hypothesis in social research:

A. The case study method

B. Interview

C. Ethnography

D. Observation

32. Observation technique is used in the field work

A. For ensuring reliability of facts

B. To avoid uncertainties and misinformation by amateurs and secondary sources

C. It is s thrilling experience for the field worker

D. Way to internalize the facts.

33. New ethnography is:

A. Misnomer for what it is

B. Is a synonym of ethno science

C. It has been conceptualized as theoretical discipline

D. It has come up as a modified version of ethnography

34. Which of the following is not a type ofprobability sampling?

A. Random sampling

B. Stratified sampling

C. Purposive sampling

D. Snow ball sample

35. A comprehensive study of a social unit, be that unit a person, a group, a social institution, a district or community, is called:

A. Comparative method

B. Interview method

C. Case study method

D. Observation method

36. Owen. M. Lynch in the context ofhis study on caste mobility in India identified:
1) Reference group of imitation
2) Reference group of identification
3) Negative reference group
4) Realistic reference group

A. 1,2


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