Exam Details

Subject anthropology
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date February, 2014
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, February 2013. Ph. D. (ANTHROPOLOGY) TIME: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 75


1. Victor Turner characterises communitas as

A. It exists outside the structure of the society

B. The symbols used in its construction represent otherness from the mainstream society

C. It arises spontaneously and is self-generated

D. All of the above

2. Who said "The term 'social structure' has nothing to do with empirical reality, but with models which are built up after it"

A. Radcliffe-Brown

B. Raymond Firth

C. Levi-Strauss

D. Nadel

3. Which branch of anthropology is clinical rather than predictive?

A. Applied anthropology

B. Action anthropology

C. Molecular anthropology

D. Economic anthropology

4. Father Wilhelm Schmidt (1868-1954) led

A. The British school of diffusionism

B. The Austro-German school of diffusionism

C. The American school of diffusionism

D. All of the above

5. Whose theory was based on the proposition that function of customs is to satisfy the individual's primary biological needs through the medium of culture?

A. Malinowski

B. Radcliffe-Brown

C. Durkheim

D. Firth

6.'The lineage mode of production' as a concept was introduced by

A. Claude Meillassoux

B. Maurice Godelier

C. Marshal Shalins

D. Karl Marx

7. Plurifunctionality of kinship according to Godelier was

A. Kinship is an agent and arbiter

B. Kinship as infrastructure and superstructure

C. Kinship as means of redistribution and reciprocity

D. All of the above

8. Derek Freeman accused Margaret Mead that she misrepresented Samoan society because of her belief in

A. Biological determinism

B. Environmental determinism

C. Ecological determinism

D. Cultural determinism.

9. Levi-Strauss stresses on the importance in the analysis of the content of myth.

A. Empirical reality

B. Incoherent meanings

C. Unconscious logic

D. Meaningful categories

10. Anthropological methodology is known for

A. Scientific deductions

B. Deconstruction

C. Inductive approach

D. Hypothetico-deductive method

11. The progression of culture from inorganic to organic and to super organic was first formulated by

A. Herbert Spencer

B. A.L. Kroeber

C. L.H Morgan

D. E.B. Tylor

12. Who made the distinction between general evolution and specific evolution?

A. Leslie white

B. Gordon Childe

C. Julian Steward

D. M.Sahlins

13. The anthropologist who criticized Freud's theory of Oedipus complex with the help of field study is

A. Ralph Linton

B. Margaret Mead

C. B.Malinowski

D. Ruth Benedict

14. Dumont accepted the theory of this French scholar as starting point for his theory and frequently quotes him in his book Homo Hierarchicus.

A. Durkhiem

B. Levi-Struass

C. Bougle

D. Senart

15. Many marriage rules can be understood on the basis of principles of reciprocity and exchange and thus can be reduced to variation of a few basic types. This was demonstrated by

A. Marcel Mauss

B. Robin Fox

C. R. Needham

D. Levi-Strauss

16. Who argues that family and kinship has logical connection with control of production

A. Maurice Godelier

B. Louis Althusser

C. Claude Meillassoux

D. Meyer Fortes

17. One of the following is not a tenet of postmodernist anthropology

an emphasis on including the opinions of the people being studied,

Field work is an entirely objective research

the rejection of grand, universal schemes or theories which explain other cultures

rejection of science

18. What is nature of extended case study method?

A. Inductive

B. Deductive

C. A combination of inductive and deductive

D. Subjective

19. New ethnography is associated with

A. Post-modern writing

B. Rewriting ethnography

C. Componential analysis

D. Data analysis through software

20. Ndembu of Africa is known by the works of

A. Mayer Fortes

B. Victor Turner

C. Maurice Bloch

D. Stephen Tyler

21. The concept 'thick description' was coined by

A. B.Malinowski

B. A.R.Radcliffe-Brown

C. M.N.Srinivas

D. Clifford Geertz

22. Deconstruction means

A. Destroying a structure

B. Evaluating a text with the underlying sub-t ext

C. Restructuring of ideas unexplained

D. Critique of structuralism

23. The debate on Margret Mead and Derek Freeman relates to

A. Subjectivity /objectivity in anthropology

B. Comparison of data

C. Problem of fieldwork in anthropology

D. The relationship between anthropology and sociology

24. Feminist anthropology deals with

A. Suppression of women across the cultures

B. Emancipation of women in third world countries

C. Correcting the androcentric bias in anthropology

D. Identifying woman's roles in society

25. The following is an important component of PRA

A. Description

B. Surveys

C. Triangulation of data

D. Phenomenological explanation

26. Who has argued that infrastructure and superstructure are independent to each other?

A. M.Godalier

B. L.Althusser

C. M.Bloch

D. Kathleen Gough

27. The term 'conscience collective' is coined by

A. Marcel Mauss

B. Emile Durkheim

C. August Comte

D. Talcott Parsons

28. The concept of 'organic analogy' is often employed in

A. Cultural evolutionism

B. Functionalism

C. Structural-functionalism

D. All the above

29. 'Primary/secondary institutions' is a distinction employed by

A. Levi-Strauss

B. B.Malinowski

C. Abraham Kardiner

D. Raymond Firth

30. The three modes of exchange-reciprocity, redistribution and market exchange is proposed by

A. Elman Services

B. Julian Steward

C. Marcel Mauss

D. Karl Polanyi

31. The concept ofGreat and Little tradition

A. contrasts the literate tradition of the urban with the oral tradition of the rural

B. are complementary aspects of a single civilization.

C. explains the upward and downward movements of elements of formal and informal tradition

D. all the above

32. Which of the following is not true of case study method?

A. it is directed by participant observation

B. it involves inductive reasoning

C. it generates universal theory

D. it is a part of situational analysis

33. The theory of was developed by

A. Radcliffe-Brown

B. B.Malinowski

C. Marcel Mauss

D. Ralph Linton

34. One of the following is not an evolutionist

A. F.Ratzel

B. J.J.Bachofen

C. J.F.McLennan

D. Henry Maine

35. Sororate is a form of marriage in which the

A. co-wives are sisters

B. co-husbands are brothers

C. co-wives are unrelated

D. man after the death of his wife marries her sister

36. Which of the following communities in south India was studied by Kathleen Gough?

A. Nadars

B. Nayars

C. Nayakas

D. all the above

37. What is central to quantitative research?

A. Process of counting

B. Process of research

C. Process of measurement

D. Process of evaluation

38. Quantitative research employs

A. Inductive logic

B. Mathematical logic

C. Deductive logic

D. None

39. Non-direct interview is also known as

A. Structured interview

B. Guided interview

C. Unobstructed interview

D. Uncontrolled interview

40. Document schedule is

A. Used in documents

B. Used for collecting data from documents

C. Used for collecting data from books

D. None of the above

41. Open-ended responses in questionnaire are used mainly for

A. Extensive studies

B. Social Surveys

C. Intensive studies

D. Personal studies

42. Drawing inference from particular to general is known as

A. Logical arrangement

B. Deduction

C. Sampling

D. Induction

43. Experimental designs include

A. Non-control of variables

B. Experiments on people

C. Control of variables

D. None of the above

44. Clifford Geertz borrowed the term 'thick description' from

A. Levi-Strauss

B. Firth

C. Morgan

D. Gilbert Ryle

45. Who said that the followers of Radcliffe-Brown are butterfly gatherers?

A. Nadel

B. Leach

C. Needham

D. None of the above

46. According to whom time is a conceptualisation of social structure?

A. Durkheim

B. Leach

C. Evans-Pritchard

D. Nadel

47. Who said that social structure is made up of 'human beings considered not as organisms but as persons occupying positions in social structure'

A. Spencer

B. Radcliffe-Brown

C. Durkheim

D. Saint Simon

48. Biological analogy was first used by

A. Spencer

B. Malinowski

C. Radcliffe-Brown

D. None of them

49. Who regarded family not as a part of social structure

A. Murdock

B. Evans-Pritchard

C. Radcliffe-Brown

D. Nadel

50. Who argued that the 'Function of a social institution is the correspondence between it and the needs of the social organism'

A. Malinowski

B. Radcliffe-Brown

C. Spencer

D. Evans-Pritchard

51. Discuss the concept of 'social drama' as articulated by Victor Turner by bringing into focus Van Gennep' s influence on him.

52. Examine the development of theory and method in Indian anthropology.

53. Delineate Clifford and Marcus' views on the necessity of post-modem approach for cultural analysis. What remedies do they suggest to overcome problems' in traditional ethnographic writings? How did Gellner view post-modernism in anthropology?

54. Discuss the methodological implications of ethnographic controversies involving restudies

55. Major drawbacks in structural method

56. Methodological issues in social sciences

57. Lineage mode of production

58. Cultural relativism

59. Participatory research methods

60. Studying one's own society


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