Exam Details

Subject forestry
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course indian forest service
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2006
City, State central government,

Question Paper

IFS Forestry 2006
Section A

1.Answer any four of the following (the answer should not exceed 150 words for each question):

a.What are the factors that adversely affect natural regeneration of tree species

b.Explain raising of quality tree nursery stock in containers

c.Give an account of silvicultural management of Teak plantations

d.What is ordinary thinning? Explain briefly different grades of ordinary thinning

e.Explain in brief different methods of vegetative propagation in tree species

2.Answer the following questions

a.Explain the selection system and its application to Sal forests

b.Explain the kinds and pattern of fellings in uniform system

3.Answer the following questions

a.How degraded mangrove formations can be rehabilitated

b.Discuss afforestation of cold deserts with suitable tree species

4.Describe silviculture of the following species

a.Dalbergia sissoo

b.Tectona grandis

c.Acacia nilotica

d.Dendrocalamus strictus

Section B

5.Answer any four of the following (the answer should not exceed 150 words for each question):

a.Describe agro-forestry systems under any two agro-climatic zones of India

b.What are multipurpose tree species? Explain with examples

c.Write a brief note on India's experience with joint forest management in last fifteen years

d.Forests are key to tribal economy Justify

e.Saline and alkaline soils can be reclaimed by afforestation. Explain

6.Answer the following questions

a.Explain different kinds of soil erosion, thee causes and management of soil eroded areas

b.Explain integrated watershed management approach

Answer the following questions

a.How forests and tree plantations help in environmental conservation

b.Write a note on Environmental Impact Assessment

Write notes on:

a.Provenance testing of tree species

b.Sea production areas

c.Heritability and genetic gain

d.Progeny testing


  • agricultural engineering
  • agriculture
  • animal husbandary and veterinary science
  • botany
  • chemical engineering
  • chemistry
  • civil engineering
  • english
  • forestry
  • general knowledge
  • geology
  • mathematics
  • mechanical engineering
  • physics
  • statistics
  • zoology