Exam Details

Subject forestry
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course indian forest service
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2011
City, State central government,

Question Paper

Sl. No.
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Indian Services l'"rnir.ation
5 411
I Time Allowed Three Hours I I Maximum Marks 200 I
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5
which are compulsory, and any THREE of the
remaining questions, selecting at least.
ONE question from each Section.
All questions carry equal marks.
Marks carried by sub-parts of a question are
indicated against each.
Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.
1. Answer any four of the follcwing (the answer
should not exceed 150 words for each)
(a)Why are locality factors considered important for any silvicultural operation?
(b)Explain the role of fire in silviculture of Shorea robusta.
(c)Suggest measures to rehabilitate degraded mangrove forests.
(d)What is a regeneration stock map? How is it prepared?
(e)How do we calculate the seed requirement of a species while raising nursery? Also explain the method of calculating the number of plants required per hectare for plantation.
2.(a)Define forest conversion. Explain the
various situations under which
conversion is advisable. Write in brief
the general techniques of forest
conversion. 10
(b)Explain the following points in relation
to nursery management 4X5=20
(i)Site selection and layout
(ii)Soil working
(iii)Methods of raising nursery stock
(iv)Plant protection measures
(v)Nursery register

(c)Briefly describe the selection(system with particular reference to the
following: 2x5=10
(i)Character of crop produced
(ii)Felling cycle
(v)Advantages and disadvantages
Define a forest type. Discuss the
different forest types found along tidal
swamp forests with their species
composition. Give a note on how
Rhizophora racemosa is managed in
mangrove forests of Sunderban.
(b)Write short notes on
(i)Interrelationship between and CAI and MAI
(ii)Cultural operations
(c)Differentiate between 5x2=10
(i)Exogenous dormancy and Endogenous dormancy
(ii)Artificial regeneration and Natural regeneration

4.(a)Describe the silvics of Tectona grandis
under the following heads 5x4=20
(i)Distribution and morphology
(ii)Silvicultural characters
(iii)Silvicultural system and management
(b)Describe the silvics of Casuarina equisetifolia under the following heads :5x4=20
(i)Ecology and distribution
(ii)Propagation and management
(iii)Functional uses
(iv)Pests and diseases
5.Answer any four of the following (the answer
should not exceed 150 words for each)
(a)While selecting the species
agroforesty, the below-ground and above-ground interactions between
the component species need to considered. Discuss.
(b)Write short notes on
(i)Tribal economy
(ii)Chola Naickans
(c)Explain the various applications of
geo-textiles for soil conservation.
(d)Discuss the direct use value of
(e)Discuss the importance of tissue
culture techniques as a tool in tree
6.(a)Write short notes on:
(ii)Sacred groves
(iii)Water-use efficiency
(iv)Home gardens
(b)Explain the various components of a
hydrological model for an agroforesty
system 10
(c)Management challenges in urban
foresty are unique as compared to
other social forestry programmes.
(d)Discuss the characteristics which are
shared by the diverse tribal groups all
over India.
7.(a)Compare nutrient cycling in a natural
forest, an agroforestry system and an
agricultural field. Discuss how it helps to sustain soil fertility. 10
(b)Differentiate between ectomycorrhizae
and endomycorrhizae with respect to
structure and function.
Write short notes on
Carbon sequestration
Riparian buffers
Forest decline
Nitrate pollution
(d)Name the biodiversity hot spots in
India. Discuss the major threats to
biodiversity. 10

8.(a)Describe the regression selection
method for plus tree selection in
uneven-aged stands. 10
(b)Describe the vanous approaches for
obtaining genetically superior seed,
giving advantages of each. 10
(c)Discuss the statement, "Even in large
experiments with many families,
heritabilities are not estimated without

(d)Discuss the factors to be considered for
efficient recycling of harvested water. 10


  • agricultural engineering
  • agriculture
  • animal husbandary and veterinary science
  • botany
  • chemical engineering
  • chemistry
  • civil engineering
  • english
  • forestry
  • general knowledge
  • geology
  • mathematics
  • mechanical engineering
  • physics
  • statistics
  • zoology