Exam Details

Subject english
Exam / Course civil services main
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2012
City, State central government,

Question Paper

l. Writaan c:uay in about JOO words on onyor.t of tho
foUowlflg: lOO
Indian women in intcrn;idonal tpOCU
C.ltivalion of e<pnic foocls
Porclgn Din:c.t investment In re.tall boon or
How etrccdvo aro our ay,temJ an d lns.titudoni
In dc.iing with dlsas'""?
Food ,ea,ricy !cgi1bdon and lmplcmcnia•
:I. R..d ??fully lho pwago below end wri16 your
onswcn to the qUC$tions chat follow I n clear. corrcct
and eoncleo lansuagc: SxlS•7S
dcm.onds <ntlnlJI...,,,. ..ruch un
sp,ina only in 111 end n<ith<r-cy of
compoliUon nor snuful dcllvOf)' oan compensare
for w•nt of pauloa. To be able to I..., pooplo
wltl,out tiring tllcm 11 a primo toll of or111xy. It la
• g.ln &hat may draw valuablo ald from euch naruml
adVAntagca as o noble figure. handsome counte.­
rw,c,e. and plusult ,-oicc. But 1w been no
lack of eminent of ung??inty mien at a:ny
timo. Few hJvo equalled Sir Robert 1'«1 in ,kilful
m1n11aemont or the House of Commons. but he
ollcn undigniOed postures ,Ulndlns
with his hands behind his coot taib. or thumbs
buried in lho pockets of his and thnlw
one leg over I.he 01her in :attitudes nonc-holnncc.
The composition of hi$ speeches was slo•enly and
they were noted for the di$0tdcr of lhcir contents.
Oliv.cr Cromwell was omc of lhe most influential
speaketS of his day. but rarely wore c::lcan linen
and h.is voice was an d untune??ble."
The indi.spensa1>1e requisite of «:atory i• a
m ind well·•tottd with knowledge and in(onnadon.
sound reasontna. wit and. humour, vehemence, nre.
and imaglnalive insight all conduc-ive to enhanoc
the power, of eloqucnoc; but thct same speakers ore
not able to mo.kc tho same impression in J!!IP1accs.
nor sceurc the wne effect at all times. The pinnacle
or triwnph of oratory is TCached when a speaker is
able to magnetise his"'hearcrs thinkfog Ai he
thinks. and feeling as feels. When Sheridan hnd
conc luded his famous speech in Patlia.ment on the
"'Begum Charge", so grc8,t was the excitement
caused by it that the Minister concerned besought
the Hous e to adjoum the. Cltci5ion or the question,
..as bclns incapacitate d from forming a just
judgement under the influence of such powcrfuJ
l l is clear that"therc is a rivalry between 1hc
orator and the occasion and the daul ing effect of
the moment doe& not always endure through huer
coot reflection.
The world moves in continu3l ??ycles of
ac1ion and rcoction, and the homage paid to

opcak<n i& follow•,t by the cou"" or which
1hue i.t unre.l cntina rc..se.atth to wh1u extent
ptt,Cqll and uamp!e tally. Wi,cn then, Is no ..;do
gulf bctv,-.cn !he 1wo. flll1ll<r .1,es an, lillfflod
to wich inm.»ed rcspca.
What Arc I.he mMl import1nt qUAlitic.s
requl?? bc<oming a rood O<IIOr 7
Whu wu die ctrect ct0ucd by Sheridan's
How can one judge !he uuc cfl'oc:t or a good
Vhat rckiarch doe1 the audience do when
they to Jpcatcrs 1
Wl>lch q,e«hc, are no< !al;en seiiowly by an

3. Mal«• prods or !he foOowi,g in .i.ovt
200 wonb. t1 la not noces:W)• 10 ,ugges.t a tide.
Fa!ll.QJi to wri10 within the WOfd Hmlt may ,a.ult In
dcducdon or markt. The prtel.t m'1St bo wrlu.e.n on
!he ICporale pttds &hccu l)<Ovfdcd. Which mu&I
then be (J.1tcr.cd eocurcty in,iclo the anawcr•book.
Tlakins • into account lk compe1Ung And
rc>llty of io,rnsins)y
cotuulinc,d world, India reeds to link tho
ISpt??tions of the people and its prosp«u for
acecJcn:ued growlh to what I would call a
''rcsourca-fnigul" iMtcad of ti "rcsource-lii'ionsivc'"
strategy of development. l believe ibp.t auch a
strategy would cnablo tndir'to sus1ain n high rate or
grow,h over 11 more extended period of time,
delivering ""1uenc:e without waall>, and current
wctfnre wilhout s:.ocrifieing the wclforc or future
gcncrt'ltions. I will touch UPoD JU$t a few Ulus&n1dve
Thoe nodon or frugality is cumru In aomc
sec,on of our cconoray and has b«n suocess:ful
enough to :mract intcmationaJ attcndon. "Ftugul
manufocturc1' ii already ooclaimed as Indian
industry"$ COll'ltributior, to innovative production
processes. This involves tho ftri.pping down of
com;,1c,1t m.achin,cry or devices, to tJ1cir most
essential applici.tions without frills. An example is
the eost-efft.'Ctive, easy to use. hind-held &CO
machine. which ii a najor conlribucion to public
hcal!ll. . The Olhcr is !he use he mobile !elcphone
to deliver information, '6rviC4WI os well a.s "funds on
a low-cost and widely ,pre&d platform. Bvon in
agri(ulcurei, there have been slgnlflcant suooouo, in
promoting productlo1 pf9CCSSC.S 'which an,
dnm;u.!coJJy ceonomkcJ in the uso of water,
dispense with the use of costly chemic.al fcnlJize;.
and pesticides or G . M seeds and still deliver high
1;grieuhunl1 output, erwring fOOd 5CC'urity. This is
(n.igal ngriculture. Wlm should be appox:io.tcd is
that these innovoti011s, by muing products:

.affordable, le.id LO significant market e.,;p:msion.
This in wm ·brings coonomics of scale. funhcr
low??ng of costs and genemting even greater
demllnd in a virtuous.. self-reinforcing circle.
Theo hallmark or any modem society is its
ability to deliver rapid affordable o.nd efficient
means of mobility co its people. Enabling, people to
exercise their right to mobility is a critical state
responsibility. However. mobility. is linked to the
use of energy and the use of scmce land, both of
wh ich are tn ihort cupply i n our country. Jt follow,.
there(orc-. that we have a transport strategy
that ensures the. most econ.omical use of 1hcse
t'CSOurccs. The continued ox.pansion of private
vehicular transportation is oot sustainable. If 1he
flenslty or private car owner.ship in India were to
•PPfO!,CI IJ,S. or European levels, we would bo
using liquid fuels far in e,sce.ss of the
conawhpdon ot au sucb fuels glob.ally today. Just as
lhc spncc required for parking o. billion ear, and
consttucting highways for them to run on. would
occupy land on a scale that would leave little .space
for any other activity. Therefcrc, shifting resources
from privmc transportation to public transponation
and Investing in the lnttCT' to malce, them convenient,
comfortable and cost??ffectiY:8 is another C$Sltntiol
component of a "'resouree4fruglll" strategy. Greater
mobility ensures a more productive population and
a more efficient distribution of goods an'd services.
This is whiu. can ensure a. sustained and high rate of
If frugal -ss ls what India good ot. h can
:kid v,duc 10 tnc:h of 1he sector, of i1S e«1nomy by
lc,-ctaging its pro,·en sCR:nglhs in information and
communications tochno1ogy. The sy11ems which
make modem cconomic.s run. whether thc$c arc the
power 11Jpply ne1wab. the. tr.insponadon
the di.5tribution or goods and services. the Wllitcr
supply system, to nune only a are being
transfonned thro•sh the use of modem dam
analytica.. The place.l"Mnt of 1enaon at critical
polnu in aay M>:nio procc.u. sfflCn.tcs massive
o.nd condnuou, mu.s of rut cimG data. whkh high
pc,Wffld <Xlnlpvten. imng ,oi,histialed $0flwan,
can analyse in conslodert1ble detail and p<opo,o what
are ca.lied •·sma.n . solutions. This reduces waste co
the minimum. c1imina.ies redundancies in processes
and improVes. officlendes all around. This. too. is
en examp?c or•"ft.sourec (rupllry". It ls India which
can provide d)o biia,ges, me:tet for such value•
odded services. ,which can act :as II multiplier acros.s
the boord in a of secton In the Indian
economy. Whtll i& importan1 to appreciate here ii
that wvlees a.re really the h.,llnu.rk of a flat
world boeauso they can add value In de'cloping
IOcietiu they can ln adv??nccd one.,.
The -or pr,,vi<ling these ..... p1 .. is to
'odd somt subst0.noc ,co the overall optimism I relain
obouc our ruNrC u a plural, dc:l'nocr:uic Ind
innovati'C &Oclety, despite 1he W"ling stoom
around us.

What ia more. cnc-h or these innov,uions en:iblc
ineJu,i'e growLh. bccaUiC they empower the poor:
they profit from levcn,ging the power of numbc:rt.
What we need is w u()$Cllle thcse.s??ccs.ses from
the mqin t o the malnscrcam. from the local to 1hc
n.Jtional level.
r4. c.aY'lle'. . the rouowin,g sen1t:noes a.ft.et making QOrTtttions. if 1ny 10
The vehicular pollution t,auses serious
hum IO human being,.
Both Athi&h and Smha cnme late to
college today.
There is many problem:s rel11ing 10 .this
Not only O.vid passed but sot a diJlinc·
We'd like fOme lnronnadons aboul CM
types or a.valloble.
I profer to pay by cub.
My uncle has proposed me a job in his
(viii) Al1 of a audde:n she burst in tear&.
I enjoy lhis type of music itill now,
The said me 10 Nbtnit Ille
a.ssigi'.imcnt the next day.
Rewrite the following SC?1len°" inscn.ing
suita.b1c. articJc(s). where'Ct S
Orunges and lemons urc citruJ fruits..
Aij:a. ii t;:illc.st boy in cl3SS.
Sho tcoc.he.a: nt Univet1ityl!l tndhr.no. buc I
don't know which one it is.
New teaehcr scems lO be very .strict.
Jt w115 beautifol sight to
Rewrite lhc following scnreoce,, inserting
auitable prepositions in cho blank a-paces 5
Tho Minis1cr go.ve the prizes
on chc annual day.
Seeing tho childn:n pitying brought
memories of my childhood games.
lt.ndhir is always rttdy IO take
Tho members decided to do11I
pt0blcm collocdvoly.
I hope tho picnic will not be called

Give tho antonym, of tho following word& 5
Oi} active

yn,wcr as directed
Rewrite the following
passi vc structure.
sentences using 1hc
They have permitted me to leave.
rains have completely ruined the
Why did you clO!c the door 1
History records his grca.t achievements.
They awarded her !he degree at 1he
Change the followlng senrc nces into indirect
spcoch: S
Anil 10 Ajay "Why d on'I you join us foe
a pany on Sawrday r•
Mn Nair 10 Mr Shih "Good Morning I
There's a small problem l want to speak
to you about."
Jack to Parimala 1 'How was your trip to
the National Park
Mr Patil 10 !he Cashier "Do you have
change for five hundred rupees
Susi! to Prasad "Congratulations
so glad you received the young sclenti.sts'
Use lhe correct form of t h e verb in brackets co
fill in the bhanks: 5
T he fi111 such priu in 1999.
The compuier is a complex g:,dge1 and
of many pons. (CONSIST)
I the groceries ror you
tomorrow. BRING)
his report already.
The posim>n his b.,g •nd lefl.
Supply the miuing words
'The musk was too loud
adjumd 1he volume.
the 1cchnician worked for a:n
hour hq was unable. to rep'sir chc
you pay lltk:ntion you arc
likely 10 miss lhe important points.
Rllju calls his molhe_, he finds ii
diffic.uh to manage on hi$ own.
Leave a wide mar;in_ _the tu tor's
CQmmcn1t can be written In It

Rcwrit.c the following sentences using in
the beginning o.s a prcpar.uory subject l · S
Finding faul( wilh someone is easy.
For them to close down the family
businw would be right
To clean your car yourself would be a
To cat alone wos embara$$ing for her.
Sbouting out to someone 3etOSS the room

enera I
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  • english
  • essay
  • general studies