Exam Details

Subject substance abuse and counseling
Exam / Course bachelor in social work
Organization indira gandhi national open university
Exam Date December, 2013
City, State ,

Question Paper

1. Explain drug abuse among the youth, street children and tribal communities.


In the light of drug demand and supply reduction,discuss why and how some people become addicts.

2. Discuss the three models of communication.


Describe how various kinds of media can be used for educating people on health related issues and for launching campaigns.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each

Discuss the reasons of drug abuse.

Establish the relation between STD and HIV infection.

What are the behavioural responses of the addictive's family

Briefly discuss the A.B.C. method of crisis counselling.

4. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each

Mention some of the commonly abused drugs.

What are the consequences of drug abuse on health

Define interpersonal communication and discuss its merits.

Enlist the characteristics of folk media.

Differentiate between psychotherapy and counselling.

Discuss the stages of termination of counselling.

5. Write short notes on any five of the following questions in about 100 words each

Definition of drug abuse.


Women and HIV/AIDS

Cue therapy

Elements of mass communication



Contraceptive methods


  • introduction to family life education
  • Introduction To FamilyLife Education
  • introduction to hiv/aids
  • introduction to social work
  • social work intervention with communities and institutions
  • social work intervention with individuals and groups
  • substance abuse and counseling