Exam Details

Subject psychology
Exam / Course combined competitive examination
Organization Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission
Exam Date 2010
City, State jammu kashmir,

Question Paper


1. Contemporary psychology can be defined as the science of

mind and consciousness behaviour and conciousness

mind and behaviour soul and behaviour

2. Sample values are frequently referred to as and population values are called

Mean, SD statistics, parameters

parameter, statistics sub data, data

3. The true experiments performed under laboratory conditions are characterized by

maximum internal validity but low external validity

very low internal validity but very high external validity

very high internal validity and very high external validity

poor internal validity and poor external validity

4. Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychology laboratory in

Austria America

Germany England

5. In studies following non-experimental methods an investigator can

draw the subjects randomly

randomly assign the subjects to treatment conditions

control the independent variable

none of the above

6. Best psychological research uses

case studies correlational studies

experiments none of the above

7. Which of the following approaches to psychology tried to analyze conscious experience into elements

Gestalt psychology Psychoanalysis

Structuralism Functionalism

8. In view of the definition of the scientific method, psychology is science because it uses .............

hypothesis testing quantification

objective and precise methods laboratory research

9. To precisely understand the processes underlying any developmental phenomenon a researcher should use

case study approach cross-sectional study

experimental inquiry longitudinal investigation

10. An experiment, including control group, is essential for one to make statements about

correlation causality

moderation mediation

11. The early psychological investigations concerned themselves with

the behaviour of animals the behaviour of people

conscious experience emotional and mental problems

12. Kohlberg's ideas about moral development are theoretically linked to

Eastern religious thought Piaget's cognitive stages

Freud's psychosexual ideas Responsibility and justice

13. The study of healthy people was the basis of the theory developed by

Rogers Bandura

Maslow Murray

14. The tendency to attribute behaviour to internal causes to a greater extent is called

Correspondence bias Experimenter effect

Self serving bias None of the above

15. The congnitive processes involved in higher level processing are fed back to previous processing stages and influence the processing at these stages are known as ..................... processes.

bottom up top down

parallel correspondent

16. What is the main function of the nervous system

It provides the cells, the nutrients and oxygen

It processes information in the body

It protects the body against disease and infection

It eliminates wastes and creates energy

17. What is the function of the peripheral nervous system

It is responsible for spinal reflexes

It regulates emotional expressions

It connects the rest of the body with the brain and spinal cord

It regulates sleep

18. Which of the following takes help of magnetic field in examining brain activity



19. Which part of a nerve cell carries information to other cells

soma axon

dendrite nucleus

20. Which one of the following communicates between other neurons

sensory neuron motor neuron

inter neuron axillary neuron

21. Gray matter in the nervous system consists of

glial cells only

myelinated axons

myelinated axons, axon terminals, synapses, dendrites

glial cells, neuron cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons

22. Blood pressure and heart rate are regulated by

medulla oblongata thalamus

cerebellum reticular formation

23. Which of the following is primarily responsible for our long and short term stress reactions

gonads adrenal

pineal thyroid

24. The substances secreted by glands in the endocrine system are known as

phonemes endorphins

pheromones hormones

25. Damage to structures in the limbic system produces changes in

sensory processing pituitary hormone levels

emotions and memory levels of alertness

26. In majority of the people, language is processed in the

frontal lobes occipital region

right hemisphere left hemisphere

27. The ability to see the world in three dimensions is also called

monocular vision depth perception

sensory adaptation perceptual inference

28. According to Gestalt law that tells that a group of identically uniformed boys must all be part of the same unit is

continuity closure

similarity constancy

29. Only a .................... credible communicator is effective arguing an extreme position.

moderately highly

male female

30. Which of the following is a binocular cue for perceiving distance

closure convergence

interposition accommodation

31. Perceptual constancy refers to

Ability for concentrating on visual inputs even though information is coming from other senses

Information combination from all the sensory inputs to provide consistent picture of the world

Tendency to view things as unchanging even though viewing conditions are changing

None of the above

32. According to Freud the stages of child development are based on

cognitive maturity pattern of unfolding of genetic potential

social interactions with peers pleasurable feelings in specific body parts

33. If intelligence consists of several different types of abilities, and if some individuals have more of some abilities and less of others and if different parts of an intelligence test measure each of these abilities, the test would have low

Face validity Discriminability

Internal consistency Retest reliability

34. Which of the following is an example of an objective test of personality

WISC Rorschach


35. Bina is of six years old. She took an intelligence test and her mental age was found to be nine. This implies that her intelligence score is

below normal normal

above normal none of the above

36. ..................... in development refers to the capacity of persons raised in difficult environment to rise above and achieve healthy development.

Adaptation Resilience

Responsivity Generativity

37. The ability to recognize the emotions of others to understand these feelings and to experience them is

empathy esympathy

altruism attachment

38. A child possesses adult-quality vision at .............. of age.

six months one year

two years three years

39. According to Piaget's theory object permanence occurs at ................ stage.

sensorimotor preoperational

concrete operational formal operational

40. Harlow's study with monkeys showed the significance of ........................ during early development.

environmental stimulation nutrition

physical contact sibling rivalry

41. The emotionally deprived children are more likely to appear as relatively more

aggressive pessimistic

fearful dependent

42. Stage theories of development tend to conceptualize human development in terms of the assumption that the stages

must be taken in order are associated with specific ages

are based on reflexes can be skipped if the child is very intelligent

43. The tendency of people in conflict to attribute similar virtues to themselves and vices to others is called

social comparison mirror images perceptions

equity simplistic perception

44. Which one of the following is not an area of established sex difference

females have greater verbal ability than males

males have greater visual spatial ability than females

males are more aggressive than females

males are more analytic than females

45. Individuals get exactly equal genetic material of his/her

brother or sister fraternal twin

mother or father identical twin

46. In order to control the effect of researchers prefer the use of nonsense syllables in the experiments of verbal learning.

fatigue recency

familiarity primacy

47. The information in terms of sound is maintained in code.

semantic acoustic

iconic information

48. Development research shows that infant development proceeds

unpredictably, depending on environmental stimulation

from the head and body toward the extremities

from the arms to the legs

slowly up the limbs, beginning at the fingers and toes

49. Baby Ramesh is making faces at the mirror. This probably means that

he is in the process of developing conservation

he has yet not decentered

he has attained object permanence

he recognizes his own image as being himself

50. The attachment theory of Bowlby maintains that an infant's need to have a caregiver in the first few months of life is

less significant in an extended family setting

socially determined

genetically determined

unimportant for later development

51. The following style of parenting fosters competence in adolescents

neglecting authoritarian

authoritative permissive

52. The value conflict during closing decades of life involves

Generativity vs. self-absorption Initiative vs. guilt

Industry vs. inferiority Integrity vs. despair

53. An elderly adult's physical health can often be predicted by the person's

job status income

social life IQ

54. Levenson describes the progression of adult stages as cycles of

happiness and pain completeness and incompleteness

depression and mania building up and tearing down

55. The onset of menstruation is earlier among some children today because of

increased education and reporting

evolution of stronger and more early maturing people

improvement in health and nutrition

stronger hormonal influences

56. As children grow older, aggression becomes

more environmentally induced more verbal

less frequent more physical

57. The kind of cognitive change that happens as the child moves from preconventional to conventional moral thinking is

reduced egocentrism improved fluidity in thinking

greater ability for conservation increased capacity for representation

58. When the delivery of reinforcement is made after a fixed number of responses, it is termed as schedule.

fixed-ratio fixed-interval

fixed-trial intermittent-interval

59. Semantic memory stores memory for

Events and happenings Names and biographies

Grammar and events Basic meaning of words and concepts

60. The learning situation in classical conditioning is characterized as

S-R learning S-S learning

learning R-S learning

61. The principle which states that a fixed amount of time is necessary to learn a fixed amount of material is known as

One errorless principle Fixed Trial principle

Fixed Time and Fixed Trial principle Total time principle

62. In instrumental conditioning the reinforcement is contingent on

The experimenter's will Fixed time

Subject's efforts Right response

63. The process by which a stimulus or an event strengthens or increases the probability of a behavoiour is known as

Conditioning Counter conditioning

Reinforcement All of the above

64. The theory of forgetting which holds that passing of time causes forgetting is known as

Time lag theory Trace decay theory

Chemical change theory Structural theory

65. Bartlett started research on the study of remembering of

nonsense syllables words

stories skills

66. The two-factor theory of forgetting proposes that one of the factors of forgetting is unlearning of first list responses and the other factor is

Decay of the traces

Spontaneous recovery

Failure of decoding

Interference of the first test responses with the second test responses

67. Thinking includes

Memory Awareness of the information

Making decisions All of the above

68. The term that represents a class or category of objects, events, or activities are known as

Concepts Mental image

Cognition Prototypes

69. Which one of the following describes natural concepts

they are not based on precise attributes

they are not based on clear cut boundaries

they are based on prototypes

none of the above

70. ................... often yield much more efficiently the same answer as do ............... .

algorithms, heuristics heuristics, algorithms

engrams, reasoning logic, expert system

71. The solution of a problem that comes in the form of "aha!" moment is marked by

Trial and error Conditioning

Insight Imitation

72. The tendency to notice and remember primary information that lends supports to our views is called

confirmation bias meta cognitive processing

hindsight effect state dependent retrieval

73. Negative reinforcement is a process by which the probability of behaviour

is increased is decreased

remains same none of the above

74. The convergent and divergent thinking in Guilford's Structure-of-Intellect Model belongs to

Contents Operations

Products All of the above

75. Creativity tests are usually

Close-ended Fixed answered

Open-ended Yes-no type

76. The triarchic theory of intelligence was proposed by

Thurstone Gardner

JP DAS Sternberg

77. The psychological tests that are language-free and eliminate skills and feelings are called

Culture-sensitive tests Culture-bias tests

Culture-fair tests Performance tests

78. are formal strategies for organizing material in ways that make it more likely to be remembered.

Mnemonics Schema

Perceptions Heuristics

79. Linguistic relativity hypothesis assumes that

people speaking different languages may perceive the world differently

people's thought is independent of language

language is dependent on thought

none of the above

80. The phenomenon that the last items of a list are found easier to memorize than the items in the middle of the list is explained by the law of .......................

frequency primary

recency contrast

81. Meta cognition refers to a higher order process through which

episodes are learned

knowledge about objects are gained

knowledge about one's mental processes is obtained

procedure knowledge is acquired

82. The memory of an unfinished task is related to ......................... condition(s).

task-obstructed ego-oriented

both the above motivation-oriented

83. Available internal or external stimuli which help in recalling (recovering) the information from memory are called

Mnemonics Encoding cues

Retrieval cues Responsible cues

84. According to Piaget conservation develops at ........................ stage.

sensorimotor preoperational

concrete operations formal operations

85. ......................... is the ability of the brain to be modifiable by the environment.

Summation Accommodation

Synaptic pruning Plasticity

86. Who are most vulnerable to death, damage, and/or defect during development

females at all ages younger males and older females

younger females, older males males at all ages

87. Erikson believes that stages of development are defined by

source of sexual gratification available cognitive operations

social conflict to be resolved characteristic defense mechanisms

88. Harlow's research with monkeys points to the importance of .........................

environmental stimulation nutrition

physical contact sibling rivalry

89. Children are probabilistic in thinking during ........................ stage.

sensorimotor preoperational

concrete operations formal operations

90. One of the central concepts in Maslow's theory of motivation deals with

genetic survival

the balancing of critical biological functions

relative importance of various human needs

significance of biology

91. Which of the following statements holds true about the experience of stress

it is a property of the environment

it is something we do in response to the environment

it is a purely psychological phenomenon

it is a purely automatic biological reaction

92. A person who possesses a sense of competence, or the belief that she is in charge of what she does, is said to be high in

the need for achievement Type B characteristics

self-efficacy intrinsic motivation

93. Emotion-focused coping techniques are most often used when

problem-focused techniques are impractical

the individual has little feeling of self-efficacy

the person is most optimistic

medical approaches have not proved effective

94. Which statement is most true

frustration always results in anger frustration usually leads to anger

anger always causes frustration anger usually causes frustration

95. When a crowd becomes anonymous and irresponsible, it is said to be

deindividuated misdirected

consolidated none of the above

BKU-14153-A 14
96. Which form of punishment creates high anxiety in children

hitting love withdrawal

yelling punishment is unrelated to anxiety

97. Charisma is the property of

authoritarian leaders situational leaders

transformational leaders all three equally share

98. Which pair is incorrect
Competence Sheldon White

Needs hierarchy Maslow

Achievement Motivation-McClelland

1 is correct 1 and 3 are correct

2 and 3 are correct all are correct

99. In Freud's theory the stage that follows resolution of the Oedipus complex is

genital stage latency stage

oral stage anal stage

100. Stress is best understood as

unpleasant characteristic of the environment

physical situations demanding emotional response

response to events that disrupt or threaten to disrupt psychological functioning

hardships that interfere with normal life

101. People with Type A personalities seem to lack

awareness of other's behaviour awareness of own bodily states

sense of time concentration on a task

102. Problem-focused coping strategies attempt to manage stress by

changing the way we think about our difficulties

changing the psychological responses we make to stressors

eliminating the stressor in the environment

calming the emotional feelings that result from stress

103. Primary motives are to acquired motives as

biological is to learned constant is to variable

adaptive is to non adaptive simple is to complex

104. Henry Murray developed the Thematic Apperception Test with whom

J. Bruner C.L. Hull

B.F. Skinner C. Morgan

105. Studies indicate that attitudes do not consistently predict behaviour because

as measured attitudes are often very general and behaviour is specific

attitudes are evaluative and behaviour is not

specific aspects of situations may prevent attitudes from being expressed

none of the above

106. The peripheral routes to persuasion involve



paying more attention to events in periphery

displaying greater cognitive consistency

107. Perception of objects and people are similar in the following respect

both are fixed in their nature by first impressions

both rely on vision

both involve the construction of stable or invariant characteristics

both involve the resolution of cognitive dissonance

108. Stereotypes

are like heuristics may be accurate

may be distorted and

109. The decision by a person that another person's behaviour was internally caused is an example of

situational factors impression management

attribution illusory correlation

110. The self serving bias is proposed to explain

the actor-observer difference

the greater inclination to make dispositional attributions about the self in cases of success

the fundamental attribution error


111. The idea of social exchange reflects
the slavery system tit-for-tat
the money economy forced compliance

112. Diffusion of responsibility demonstrates

pluralistic ignorance

social exchange

cost of intervention

decreased responsibility in the presence of fewer observers

113. Anonymity promotes

social facilitation social loafing

social exchange deindividuation

114. The major critique of Milgram's experiment is

whether findings should be made public

the administration of shocks to the subjects

whether subjects should be exposed to high levels of distress

the non representative type of sample

115. Which one of the following best expresses the main conclusion of Zimbardo's prison experiment

Responsibility leads to maturity Familiarity breeds contempt

Power corrupts Authority elicits obedience

116. As compared to individuals decision in a group often results in

more erroneous more extreme

more conservative more clear

117. The state experienced by people when they discover inconsistency between two attitudes they hold or between their attitudes and their behaviour is called

trivilalization compliance

dissonance hypocrisy

118. Which of the following statements is not correct

Prejudice will not exist where all people have equal status

There are no effective ways to change prejudice

Prejudice perpetuates itself

Prejudice seems to be a natural process

119. Which one of the following is consistent with self-perception theory

People unconsciously observe themselves behaving and infer attitudes from behaviour

People unconsciously use techniques of persuasion on themselves to justify their actions

When people look at themselves, they ignore situational factors

People discover themselves as they resolve cognitive dissonance

120. Anisha is intrinsically motivated to do a work, the provision of reward will

Facilitate her performance

Interfere her performance

Interfere as well as facilitate her performance

Neither facilitate nor interfere her performance



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