Exam Details

Subject political science and international relations
Exam / Course civil services preliminary
Organization odisha public service commission
Exam Date 2006
City, State odisha,

Question Paper

I. The study of decisions in the light of the personality of decision-maker, was advocated by


Alexander 'and Juliete George

Harold and Margaret Sprovt

None of the above

2. The central feature of Immanuel Wallenstein's work is

Development of underdevelopment

Nation State

World System theory

Conflict Resolution

3. Neo-Liberalism propagates mainly

Abolition of State

Enhancing the State power

Reducing the power of State

Neutralizing the power of State

4. The Brundtland Report popularised the concept of

Sustainable Development

Structural Adjustment

Global Interdependence

Complex Dependence

5. Who is the present Chairman of World Trade Organization

Ban Ki Moon

Meghanand Desai

Montek Singh Ahluwalia

Pascal Lamy

6. Who has written the book "Globalization
and its Discontents"
Amartya Sen
Arundhati Roy
Joseph Stiglitz
Marc Katz
7. Which of the following Acts for the first
time established a bi-cameral legislature
at the Centre
Government of India Act, 1909 .
Government of India Act, 1919
Government of India Act, 1935
None of the above
8. The Cabinet Mission proposed
a Constitution-making body elected
by the Provincial Assemblies
setting up of an interim government
a Federal union consisting of British
Indian Provinces and Princely States
all the above
9. The Poona Pact concluded In 1932
provided for
separate electorates for the depressed
abolition of reservation of seats for
the depressed classes in the Central
no representation ofdepressed classes
in the public services
joint electorates with reservation of
seats for depressed classes in the
2B (Conld.)

10. Arrange the following in the same order in which they figure in the preamble to the Constitution of India.
A. Democratic B. Republic
C. Secular D. Socialist
E. Sovereign

II. Which one of the following is not a feature of the Indian Constitution?

Parliamentary government

Separation of powers

Division of powers

Supremacy of Judiciary

12. Which of the following is not a claim that Behaviouralism makes about the study of politics?

There are discoverable regularities in politics that are predictive.

Political science should be concerned with observable behaviour.

Research findings should be based on quantifiable data.

Political science should provide normative explanation.

BAC-52 3B
13. Which of the following is among the most common criticisms of behaviouralism

It is too focused on answering normative questions.

It does not view institutions as aggregates of individuals.

Its emphasis on quantitative data limits the alternatives we can consider.

It allows political scientists to emphasize values in political inquiry.

14. Systems analysis is most useful because

it is scientific

it focuses on current events

it structures observations ofpolitical interactions within a state

it so precisely defines the elements that make up a political system

IS. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
List-I List-II Books Authors
A. A Systems Analy-I. Harold Lasswell sis ofPolitical Lift
B. The Nerves of 2. David Easton Government
C. Politics: Who 3. David M. Ricci Gets What. When. How
D. The Tragedy of 4. Karl Deutsch Political Science
(a) 41 3 2
4 13
14 3
(d) 34 2 1
16. The idea that concepts are essentially contestable implies

concepts are neutral and non-partisan

. concepts do not have rival interpretations

concepts contest the possibility of theorizing

concepts have a number of acceptable or legitimate meanings

17. It is a broader term than government. It refers to the various; ways through which social life is coordinated operating chiefly through the modes of markets, networks and hierarchies. It blurs state/society distinction and encourages public"private partnerships. The reference in the above is to


World Bank



18. Which of the following statements about the state is false

The state is more extensive than government.

The government is temporary, whereas the state is not.

Government is the means through which the state exercises its authority.

The state is not concerned about the good.

19. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
List-l List-II
Faces ofPower Proponents
A. Power as decision-I. Bachrach and
making Baratz
B. Power as agenda­2. Steven Lukes
C. Power as thought 3. Robert Dahl
4. Michel Foucault
4 3
3 2 4
3 I 2
2 I 4
20. Which of the following does not describe
the Marxist understanding of the state?
The state is an instrument for
oppression of the exploited c1;lss.
The state reflects unequal class power.
The capitalist state should be
overthrown and replaced by a state
controlled by the workers.
The state is a permanent entity.
21. The concept of social capital has been
put forward by
S.M. Lipset
Francis Fukuyama
Robert Putnam
Michael Sandel
3 (Contd.)

22. Who argued that the nation is a community, socially constructed and ultimately imagined by the people who perceive themselves as part of that group?

Elie Kedourie

Anthony Smith

Benedict Anderson

Eric Hobsbawm

23. A political argument against slavery will hold that for humans

rights are inalienable

rights are alienable

rights are dependent on contexts

rights must be determined by the greatest good of the greatest number

24. Who, among the following, said; "Over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign"

Edmund Burke

Thomas Hobbes

John Stuart Mill

Isaiah Berlin

25. Who believed that planning was a threat to the realization of liberty

Harold Laski

Sidney Webb

Friedrich Hayek

John Maynard Keynes

26. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
A. Shetkari Sangathana I. NOO for poor women
B. Self-Employed 2. Civil liberty group Women's Association
C. People's Union for 3. Coalition of Adi­Democratic Rights vasi organizations
D. National Front for 4. Farmers' Organi­Tribal Self-Rule zation
(c) I4 3 2
(d) 32 I 4
27. Naxalbari, which witnessed peasants' uprising in the 1960s, is

a town close to Quangzhou city in China

a village in North Bengal in the district of Darjeeling

a village in the east Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh

a village in Bihar

28. The World Social Forum is

an annual meeting held by members of the anti-globalization movement

a forum to celebrate cultural diversity

an annual round-table meeting of business leaders and politicians

held on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos every year

29. The classical liberals believed in the idea of

a negative state

an absolute state

a vvelfare state

an interventionist state

30. According to Marx

State promotes general welfare

State promotes justice

State protects individual rights

State is an instrument of class exploitation and class oppression

31. According to vvhom "Socialism, in short is like a hat that has lost its shape because everybody vvears it"

G.D.H. Cole

C.E.M. Joad

G.B. Shavv

S. Webb

32. Which of the follovving is not a characteristic features of Fascism?

Totalitarian State

Aggressive nationalism

Hatred of vvar


33. According to Gandhi

End justifies means

There is no relation betvveen End and means

Any and every means should be used to promote our End

End and means are interrelated

BAC-52 61:
34. "Duverger's Law" implies that a simple majority system in a single member constituency will lead to

one-party dominant system

two-party system

two-and-a-half-party system

multi-party system

35. The following country has a party called "Social Democratic Party"





36. Which of the following expressions is not used by Rawls in explaining his theory of justice?

veil of ignorance

encumbered self

the original position

lexical priority

37. Match List-f with List-II and select the correct answer
List-I List-II (Concepts ofequality) (Authors)
A. Equality ofwelfare 1. Michael Walzer
B. Equality of 2. Utilitarians resources
C. Equality of 3. Ronald Dworkin capabilities
D. Complex equality 4. Amartya Sen
2 3 I
34 I
(c) 13 4 2
(d) 342 1
38. The ideal of participatory democracy is best reflected in the works of

John Stuart Mill

Vilfredo Pareto

Joseph Schumpeter

Milton Friedman

39. 'Polyarchy' as a term to describe democracy was coined by

Giovanni Sartori

Robert Dahl

Samuel Huntington

David Held

40. When we argue that 'the success of democracy must be evaluated in terms of its outcomes and how these reflect some valuable goals' we are defending a

procedural conception of democracy

substantive conception ofdemocracy

minimalist conception of democracy

pluralist conception of democracy

41. Which one, among the following, does not characterize liberal democracy

representative system

regular elections

freedom of expression, association and conscience

abolition of private property

42. In India the electoral system to choose representatives for the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha is called

Proportional Representation

Party List


Alternative Vote

. BAC-52
43. The Dar Commission, appointed to advise the ConstitUent Assembly on the demands for linguistic states,

did not recommend the creation of States on linguistic basis

recommended the creation of States on linguistic basis

suggested postponement of linguistic reorganization of states

endorsed a separate state of Andhra for Telugu-speaking people

44. Insurgency implies

opposition to President's Rule

an armed uprising, or revolt against an established civil or political authority

struggle against foreign forces

solidarity with the poor and downtrodden

45. A riparian dispute between states refers to

water sharing conflict

disagreement about waste management

linguistic quarrels at the borders

refusal to share the costs of inter­state infrastructural projects

78 (eonld.)
46 .. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer
List-/ List-II (Theories) (Proponents)
A. Modernization I. Andre Gunder Frank
B. Dependency 2. Immanuel Wallerstein
C. World Systems 3. Fernando H.
D. Underdevelopment 4. Marion J. Levy, Jr.
5. Raul Prebisch
47. A rational bureaucracy, according to Weber, develops some key features..Whichofthe following is not one of them

functional specialization

clear lines of hierarchical authority

subservience to charismatic authority

decision-making based on rules

48. Most of Third World states

are ethnically and culturally divided

have high growth rates

are linguistically homogeneous

are rich in natural resources

BAC-52 8B
49. Which of the following pairs is wrongly matched?

Political Order in -Changing Societies

The End of History ­and the Last Man

The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century

The Civic Culture

Samuel P. Huntington Francis Fukuyama Samuel P. Huntington
David D. Laitin
50. The last and the highest stage ofcapitalism, according to Lenin, is





51. Which of the following is not an environmental movement

Chipko Movement

Narmada Bachao Andolan

National Alliance of People's Movements

People's Science Movement

52. AFL-CIO is an interest group in





53. Who among the following is famous for a theory of political coalitions?

William Riker

David Easton

Gabriel Almond

Rajni Kothari

54. system implies the existence of

political competition among several parties

no political competition among parties

political competition among groups within the biggest party

political competition among one big party and another small party

55. In a parliamentary system

the executive is responsible to the legislature

the executive is responsible to the Speaker in the legislature

the executive is responsible to the opposition in the legislature

the executive is responsible to the people of the country

56. In a presidential system a President is

a nominal head of the state

a head of the government

a head of the state and of the government

none of the above

57. There is a division ofpower in a federation among

geographical regions

economic divisions
political groups

marginalized sections

58. Which of the following countries has cantons as a part of innovative federal system of government




59. Which of the following countries does not have a parliamentary system of government?



60. Decentralization of power is invariably associated with a

democratic government

authoritarian government

socialist government

None of the above

61. Democratic centralism is associated with

liberal democracies

socialist democracies

cosmopolitan democracies

humanist democracies

B (Could.)
62. Which ofthe following is regarded as the basis of governmental institutions in an approach called "New-Institutionalism"




hl!man rights

63. Whose behaviour provides the basic data while using a behavioural approach?



64. Which of the following names is associated with the postmodern approach?





65. Which of the following is associated with a femini st approach

Medha Patkar

Mary Wolstonecraft

Hanna Arendt

Vandana Shiva

66. 'Rationality' in rational choice approach implies

choice after deliberation

consistency in choice

stability in choice

choice after discussion

BAC-52 10:
67. Which of the following institutions in the USA is associatl;d with the confirmation of senior federal government officials


House of Representatives


Supreme Court

68. House of Representatives in the USA is elected every

two years

three years

four years

five years

69. Which is the court of last resort in UK

The Supreme Court

The House of Commons

The House of Lords

The Cabinet

70. Who among the following is known historically as the "First Commoner of the Land" in UK

The Monarch

The Prime Minister

The Leader of Opposition

The Speaker

71. Who among the following led the Cultural Revolution in China during 1966-69

Mao Zedong

Zhou Enlai

Liu Shaoqi

Deng Xiaoping

B (Contd.)
72. "Interest defined in terms of power" is the major principle of which theory

Traditional school

Behavioural school

Realist school

Marxian school

73. Who among the following is the pioneer of the theory of neo-realism

Kenneth Waltz

Hans Mogenthau

Barry Buzan
. D. Luce

74. Who among the following scholars propounded the systems approach towards the study of international relations?

Thomas Schelling

Raul Prebish

David Easton


75. Which one of the following is not among the three main features of decision-making as asserted by R. Synder

Sphere of competition

Communication and Information



76. A proclamation of Emergency under Article 352 may be made by the President of India

according to his own discretion

on the request of the Lok Sabha

on the written advice of the Council of Ministers

on the recommendation of the Prime Minister

HAC-52 1]
77. The minimum age for being eligible to become Prime Minister in India is

21 years

18 years

35 years

25 years

78. The maximum strength of the Council of Ministers in India, according to 91 st Amendment, shall be

ten per cent of the total number of members of the House of the People

fifteen per cent of the total number ofmembers ofthe House ofthe People

twenty per cent of the total number ofmembers ofthe House ofthe People

twenty five per cent of the total number of members of the House of the People

79. All doubts and disputes arising out of or in connection with the election of a President in India, shall be inquired into and decided by

the Election Commission

the Parliament

the Supreme Court

the Council of Ministers

80. The Parliament in India, cannot exercise its legislative powers arbitrarily mainly because

the Constitution is written

the Constitution has made distribution of powers between the Centre and the States

the 90nstitution has adopted the principle of Judicial

none of the above

B (Conld.)
81. Who, in India, decides whether a Bill is a money Bill or not?

The President

The Speaker

The Chief Justice of India

The Comptroller and Auditor General

82. Who among the following has the right to speak in either House of Parliament in India but is not entitled to vote?

The Chief Election Commissioner

The Comptroller and Auditor General

The Attorney General

The Chairman of the Finance Commission

83. A deadlock between the two Houses of Indian Parliament with regard to a Bill is resolved by

a joint sitting of the two Houses

the President of India

the Speaker

the special committee formed for the purpose

84. A Committee of the Parliament which ceases to exist after completing the work assigned to it is known as

Standing Committee

Select Committee

Sessional Committee

None of these

85. The Judicial Review in the Indian Constitution is based on

Procedure established by law
. Due process of law

Rule of law

Precedents and conventions

HAC-52 121
86. Which of the following statements regarding the advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court correct?
I. The opinion of the Supreme Court may be sought by the President on any question of law or fact.
In case the opinion of the Supreme Court is sought it is bound to give it.

The advice given by the Supreme Court on a matter referred to it is binding on the President since the 42nd amendment.

Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court can also be exercised over disputes arising out of reference made over pre-constitutional treaties.





I. 3and 4

87. Which of the following statements regarding the Supreme Court of India are correct?
It has the power to entertain appeal from any court or tribunal within India.

It has the power to deliver advisory opinion on any question of fact or law referred to it by the President.

Salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court are subject to vote by the Parliament.

Its jurisdiction is binding on all other

courts within India. Select the correct answer from the codes given below



3and 4


88. The doctrine of the basic structure of the Constitution as a principle ofjudicial review

is strictly in accord with the principle of 'procedure established by law'

is consistent with the principle of the due process of law

accepts the theory that the legislature is the Supreme law making body

assumes the power of judging the wisdom of the sovereign legislature

89. Consider the following statements regarding the public interest litigations
In essence, a third party can bring before the courts, issues in the public interest.

The Supreme Court may act on the receipt of a letter or postcard from a citizen requesting protection of his fundamental rights.

It is also known as social action litigation.

Justices V.R. Krishna Iyer and P.N.

Bhagwati were its proponents. Which of these are correct?

1and 2




90. The size of the council of ministers is decided by the strength of the house's percentage. It is

20% of the house's strength

15% of the house's strength

10% of the house's strength

of the house's strength

BAC-52 13B
91. Under article 213, the Governor of a state is empowered "to

exercise discretionary powers

promulgate ordinances during the recess of the legislature

appointaJudge oftheStateHighCourt

exercise his emergency powers

92. Consider the following statements in regard to the Chief Minister of a State in India:
I. He/She is appointed by the Governor of the state.
He/She and his/her council of ministers is collectively responsible to the Governor.

He/She must communicate to the Governor all decisions of the council of ministers relating to the administration of the state and proposals for legislation.

Ifthe Governor ofthe state so requires the CM shall submit for the consideration of the council of ministers any matter on which a decision has been taken by the minister, but which has not been considered by the council ofministers.

Which of these is/are correct?


only 4



93. Under which article of the Constitution of India, the State Governor can reserve a Bill for the consideration of the President?

Article 169

Article 200

Article 201

Article 257

94. Assertion Sarkaria Commission recommended that consultation between the Centre and the CMs on important appoints be certainly made.
Reason This could be achieved through amending article 165 of the Indian Constitution.
Select the answer by using the code

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true but is not a correct explanation of

is true but is false

is false but is true

95. IIi India, registration of political parties is done as per the provisions/decisions of

Article 324 of the Constitution

The Representation of the People Act, 1951

The Election Commission by itself

The Election Commission in consultation with cabinet committee on political affairs

96. Consider the following
I. Swatantra Party
Hindu Mahasabha

Communist Party of India

Bharatiya Jansangh

The correct chronological order of their establishment is

97. Match List-} (Events) and List-II (Years) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List-I List-II (Events) (Years)
A. Formation ofthe I. 1990 Bharatiya Janata Party
B. Acceptance of the 2. 1980 Mandai Commission Report
C. Formation ofthe 3. 1957 first Communist Government
D. Passingofthe42nd 4. 1976 Amendment Act
5. 1947
I 24 5·
(b) 12 3 4
2 I 4 5
·B (Contd.)
98. Who among the following advocated party­less democracy in India?

Mahatma Gandhi

M.N. Roy

Jayaprakash Narayan

Acharya Vinoba Bhave

99. Match List-I (Parties) with List-II (Trade Unions) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists List-! List-II (Parties) (Trade Unions)
A. Indian National I. C.LT.U

B. Bharatiya Janata 2. A.LT.U.C. Party
C. Communist Party 3. B.M.S.

D. Communist Party 4. LN.T.U.C. ofindia (Marxist)
5. B.K.S.
(a) 342 I
(b) 43 I5
(c) 34 I5
(d) 432 I
100. Who can be called Father of Gram Swaraj in India?

Vinoba Bhave

Jai Prakash Narain


B.R. Mehta

101. Consider the following
I. District Board
Municipal Corporation

Notified Area Authority and Town Area Committee

Township Committee and Port Trust Which of these is/are urban local body/

bodies in India? Select the right answer from below the codes.

1 only

2and 3



102. Which of the following is not related to Panchayati Raj

State Election Commission

State Finance Commission

Collector Office

Gram Sabha

103. Match List-I (Functionary) with List-II (Institution) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II (Functionary) (Institution)
A. Sarpanch I. Municipal Corporation
B. Chainnan 2. VlIIagePanchayat
C. Major 3. Municipality
D. Counsellor 4. Cantonment Board
5. Ward
4 1 5
32 1
3 I 5
104. Assertion ,73rd amendment has strengthened the Women representatives politically. Reason As their social status is weak.
Select the right answer by using the following code

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true but is not a correct explanation of

is true, but is false

is false, but is true

105. Who among'the following is associated with Eco-feminism

Suman Sahai

Shabana Azmi

Vandana Shiva

Arundhati Roy

106. Consider the following meanings of the Globalization
I. Role back of state's activities.
Reduction in the welfare works.

Exclusions of poor from the state policies.

Closing of world markets. Select the correct answer by using the given codes




107. Match List-I (be/ow poverty line) with
List-II (State) and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists

List-I List-II
(be/ow poverty line) (State)

A. 22 I. Uttar Pradesh
B. 55 2. Karnataka
C. 33 3. Andhra Pradesh
D. 41 4. Bihar
4 2
108. Who among the following was considered
to be a forerunner of backward class

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Jyotiba Phule

E.Y. Ramaswamy Naicker

Ram Manohar Lahia

109. The problem of communal consciousness
in India can be traced back to the

ancient religious traditions

rule of Mughals

mass mobilisation and· electoral politics of early twentieth Century

partition of the country

6B (Could.)
110. The area of a State in the Indian Union may be increased by a

Presidential proclamation Central Legislation

State Law with the approval of the President

Constitutional amendment

II I. Which of the following statements is not correct?

State Legislatures in India can legislate on any subject of the State List

Parliament can legislate on the Union List

Only Parliament can legislate on the Concurrent List

Parliament as well as the states can legislate on the Concurrent List

112. The central government in India is not empowered to

issue executive-directions to the states

deploy armed forces in the states

legislate with respect to any matter in the State list

,establish a Contingency Fund

113. Article 370 of the Indian Constitution deals with

National Emergency

Union territories

Special position ofthe State ofJammu and Kashmir

privileges extended to the Scheduled castes

114. In the Indian federal system, the states have been given representation in the election of the President

on the basis of their population

on the basis of their area

on equal basis

on the basis of both and

115. In which case the Supreme Court propounded the 'Basic Structure Theory' of the Constitution?

Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan

Minerva Mills' case

Champakam Dorairajan v. State of Madras

Keshavanand Bharti v. State of Kerala

116. Which of the Fundamental Rights cannot be suspended during the National Emergency?

Right to life and personal liberty

Right to Constitutional Remedies

Right to freedom of expression

All the Fundamental Rights

117. Which of the following Amendments, for the first time, gave ascendency to the Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights?

1st Amendment

17th Amendment

25th Amendment

44th Amendment

IB (eonld.)
118. Which of the following was/were not mentioned in the chapter on Fundamental
Rights in the original Constitution of India?

To reside and settle in any part of the territory of India

Right to education

Making special provisions for the advancement of socially and educationally backward classes

All the above

119. Which of the following is not included in the Directive Principles of State Policy?

Protection of Monuments

Abolition of untouchability

Provision for adequate livelihood

Promotion of cottage industries

120. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion and the other labelled as Reason In the context of these statements, select the correct answer from the follQwing codes Assertion The President of India is an integral part of the Parliament.
Reason A Bill passed by both the Houses of Parliament cannot become law without the assent of the President.
Answer Codes

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true but is not the correct explanation of

is true but is false

is false but is true


BAC-52 19B

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