Exam Details

Subject anthropology
Exam / Course civil services preliminary
Organization odisha public service commission
Exam Date 2013
City, State odisha,

Question Paper

1 A shellfish with a lustrous, brightly coloured inner shell which was popular for making ornaments for thousands of years is

1. Abalone

2. Shellone

3. Lustrone

4. Malone

2 When the distribution of data is continuous, which distribution Is applicable?

1. Normal distribution

2. Binomial distribution

3. Poisson distribution

4. None of these .

3 Even though sickle cell anemia is usually fatal to homozygous individuals the disease persists because

1. gene therapy has alleviated the conditions

2. the disease is carried on a dominant allele

3. individuals with one allele for sickle cell anemia are resistant 10 malaria

4. all of these

4 A semi-precious chalcedony formed as quartz fossils of a previous geological age is called

1. chaleate

2. agate

3. fusarite

4. maleate

5 Steatopygia is seen in

1. hottentots women

2. bushmen women

3. hottentots men

4. both 1 and 2

6 Alamanni the German tribe in Southern Germany lived at the time

1. between100-240AO

2. between260and750AD

3. before 100AD

4. between 800-950AD

7 Students t-test is used when the population standard deviation is not known and the sample size is

1. large

2. Small

3. Both 1and2

4. None of these

8 What is/are the basic principle(s) of field experimentation?

1. Replication

2. Randomization

3. Local control

4. All of these

9 An assistant to a full·time, trained religious specialist, who can interpret the supernatural and petition the supernatural on behalf d humans is called a

1. Deacon

2. Priest

3. Shaman

4. Medium






10 A social group consisting of a number of harems and all-male units is called

1. band

2. geladas

3. by troop

4. polyandry

11 How common is genetic polymorphism in natural populations?

1. Essentially all loci are polymorphic

2. Essentially no loci are polymorphic

3. Depending on the species, all loci are polymorphic

4. Depending on the specie? more or less than half the loci are polymorphic

12 Which of the following flaking techniques involves the removal of large and small percussion flakes which results in numerous step fractures?

1. Pressure flaking

2. Oblique-transverse flaking

3. Benton flaking

4. Percussion flaking

13 What percent of atypical human's loci are heterozygous?

1. 2


3. 37


14 Why is RNA rather than DNA considered to be the original genetic material?

1. Most organisms use RNA as their genetic material

2. Virus the simplest life form uses RNA

3. RNA is more stable than DNA

4. RNA has the ability to catalyze a few simple chemical reactions

15 In the cycle of steps that make up the scientifiC method

1. deduction must always come before induction

2. testing a hypothesis is not as important as looking for patterns

3. one must always be aware of the effect of preconceptions

4. all of these

16 Which of the following statements about fieldwork is false?

1. Fieldwork is always conducted outside one's awn environment

2. Fieldwork is the data-collecting and hypothesis­testing aspect of anthropology

3. All subfields of anthropology conduct fieldwork

4. Fieldwork requires an anthropologist to recognize his/her biases

17 The ANOVA is a tool by which total variation may be split up into several physically assignable components was defined by

1. Karl Pearson

2. R.A. Fisher

3. Horace Secrist

4. A.l. Bowley

18 Supernatural beings are

1. malevolent

2. benevolent

3. mischievous

4. all of these

19 Brachycephalic is short headed: as applied to measurement of the human skull, with a width which is

1. more than 4/5 of the length

2. less than 4/5 of the length

3. less than 1/5 of the length

4. between of the length

20 In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, the term 2pq represents the frequency of the

1. dominant homozygotes

2. recessive homozygotes

3. dominant alleles

4. heterozygotes

21 Catastrophic age profile: a mortality pattern is based on

1. -natural-age distribution analysis

2. bone analysis

3. tooth wear analysis

4. all of these

22 Catarrhine nose is found in

1. old world monkeys

2. apes

3. humans

4. all of these

23 A ritual well at the late Maya site of Chichen Itza, into which enormous quantities of symbolically rich goods had been deposited, is

1. cenote

2. gave

3. cave

4. none of these

24 Hylobatidae family includes

1. gibbons

2. siamang

3. both 1 and 2

4. none of these

25 A subfamily of Old World monkeys that are omnivorous and possess cheek pouches is called

1. cercopithecinae

2. cal1itrichidae

3. hylobatidae

4. cercopithecidae

26 Which of the following is/are not the type(s) of genetic variation(s)?

1. Additive type of gene action

2. Dominance type of gene action

3. Epistatic type of gene action

4. All of these

27 Cercopithecidae family includes

1. guenons

2. mangabeys

3. macaques

4. all of these

28 The variation due to uncontrolled factors is known as .

1. standard error

2. experimental error

3. treatment effects

4. all of these

29 The term mana in polynesian culture refers to

1. a force possessed by a person, a place, or a nonliving thing

2. part of a deceased holy person's remains

3. a gum or spice producing a sweet smell when burned

4. a substance miraculously supplied as food to the Israelites in the wilderness

30 A rare recessive abnormality characterized by dwarfism, extra fingers. and malformations of the heart, high incidence among the Amish is

1. chondrodystrophic dwarfism

2. myxedema

3. Ellis-van Creveld syndrome

4. Laron dwarfISm

31 A method in which hypotheses are tested by comparing two or more populations that are similar or identical in most respects other than that which has been defined as the independent variable is

1. dependent comparison

2. controlled comparison

3. T-test

4. Chi square test

32 Coprolites are fossilized

1. teeth

2. hairs

3. feces

4. blood

33 Uranium series dating is a dating method particularly useful for the period before

1. 10,OOOyearsago

2. 25,000 years ago

3. 40,000 years ago

4. 50,000 years ago

34 A series of regional disasters destroYe<:! local plant and animal life, but left other regions unaffected; animals from the unaffected regions moved into the newly unoccupied regions; these animals looked different from the previous ones which were found in the fossil record. This is called

1. cuvier catastrophism

2. catarrhine catastrophism

3. cuneiform catastrophism

4. corvette calastrophism

35 Premature baldness, hypertrichosis in human male are the examples of

1. sex influenced traits

2. sex limited traits

3. sex linked characters

4. sex governed characters

36 A datum-point usually at a known elevation above sea-level. towhich mapped elevations may be related is called

1. benchmark

2. datum plane

3. vertical datum

4. vertical provenience

37 -The relationship between independent and dependent variables is computed by

1. regression coefficient

2. correlation coefficient

3. both1and2

4. none of these

38 Which dating technique would you use to date buried gravestones?

1. Relative dating

2. Dendrochronology

3. Potassium/argon dating

4. Stratigraphic sequencing

39 Cation·ratio dating: this method aspires to the direct dating of rock carvings and engravings and is also potentially applicable to

1. paleolithic artifacts

2. neolithic artifacts

3. archaic artifacts

4. none of these

40 The method of relative dating in which artifacts are arranged according to the frequencies of their co­occurrence in specific contexts (usually burials) was pioneered in the 19th century by

1. Napier and Napier

2. Allen

3. Flinders Petrie

4. Claudie Levi-Strauss

41 Seriation can be recognized as

1. frequency seriation

2. contextual seriation

3. concurrence seriation

4. both 1and 2

42 Deep-sea cores provide us with the most coherent record of

1. sea organisms in the localized zone

2. sea organisms in the world wide zone

3. mineral content in the sea water

4. climate changes on a worldwide scale

43 Shells of microsoopic marine organisms(foraminifera) give a sensitive indicator of which of the following at the time the organisms were alive? .

1. Calcium content .

2. Phosphorus content

3. Sea temperature

4. Salt levels in the sea

44 Which of the following is a highly complex religious system headed by a full-time priest?

1. Ecclesiastical cult

2. Shaman cult

3. Celsiastical cult

4. None of these

45 When conducting fieldwork an anthropologist must describe another society from its point of view, without imposing his/her own values. This is called

1. subjective study

2. cultural relativity

3. scientific method

4. acculturation

46 Which of the following is the glass-like material first made in predynastic Egypt?

1. Faience

2. Obsidian

3. Both 1 and 2

4. None of these

47 The statistical procedure for estimating whether the difference under study is significant or non signifICant is known as

1. test of significance

2. standard error

3. level of significance

4. sampling

48 In the context of evolution of man, who amongst the following left evidence of artistic ability in the form of drawings and paintings on the walls of the caves

1. cro-Magnon man

2. JavaApe-Man

3. Neanderthal Man

4. Peking Man

49 The vertical dimension of artifacts is important for determining

1. time and order of events

2. why an event happened

3. what the artifacts were used fO

4. the condition in which the artifacts were left

50 Polymorphism with an environmental trigger is called

1. switch

2. polyphenism

3. polyfactor

4. poIyenviron

51 Sediments transported by wind are called

1. eolian deposits

2. fluvial deposits'

3. alluvial deposits

4. none of these

52 In glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) defiaency the afflicted individuals develop severe anemia when in contact with

1. the fava bean

2. anti malarial drugs

3. rich foods

4. both 1 and 2

53 Galagos is also called

1. bush baby

2. agile baby

3. gala baby

4. none of these

54 Which of the following is the phenomenon whereby an allele may have a different effect on the offspring depending on the sex of the contributing parent?

1. Genome imprinting

2. Genetic determinism

3. Genetic equilibrium

4. Genetic load

55 The refutationist view which emphasizes the importance of testability as a component of scientific theories is developed by

1. Niles Eldredge

2. Stephen J. Gould

3. KaM Popper

4. None of these

56 An increase in the inbreeding coefficient, f is likely to result in

1. higher proportion of genes that show linkage

2. higher proportion of genes with introns

3. reduced likelihood of heterozygotes being present in a population

4. lower levels of difference between proteins in t'oNo daughter cells

57 Marriage patterns are most often correlated with

1. the nuclear family

2. subsistence patterns

3. political organization

4. the environment

58 Underwater reconnaissance include(s)

1. a proton magnetometer towed behind a survey vessel, so as to detect iron and steel objects which distort the earth's magnetic field

2. side scan sonar that transmits sound waves in a fan-shaped beam to produce a graphic image of surface features on the sea-bed

3. a sub-bottom profiler that emits sound pulses which bounce back from features and objects buried beneath the sea floor

4. all of these

59 He. Oraon and Kol are

1. the tribal languages

2. the scheduled tribes

3. other backward classes

4. none of these

60 The mechanism of balancing selection involves

1. heterosis

2. frequency dependent selection

3. both1and2

4. none of these

61 Preponderant influence or authority of one individual or a social group over another is called

1. hermeneutics

2. hegemony

3. capitalism

4. none of these

62 Which of the following marriages is/are inter-caste marriage{s)

1. anuloma

2. pratiloma

3. sutaloma

4. both 1 and 2

63 Which of the following is a paleospecies that had a very wide geographical distribution but existed for a relatively short period of time, either becoming extinct or evolving into something else?

1. Index fossil

2. Star fossil

3. Unit fossil

4. Unifossil

64 Klinefelter's syndrome has a sex-chromosome count d

1. XXX




65 Which of the following is required to see a founder effect

1. High rate of new mutations

2. Population bottle necks in which the population is reduced to a relatively smaller number of breeding individuals

3. Lethality of homozygotes with mutant allele

4. Selection in favor of heterozygotes

66 Around 60% of the world's societies are

1. matrilineal

2. bilineaJ

3. unitineal

4. patriineal

67 The political organization with no central leader but where the subunits may make collective decisions about the entire group is called

1. chiefdom

2. a tribal organization

3. a state organization

4. a men's association

68 Which of the following is a social custom under which a widower has the right to marry one of his deceased wife's sisters and her kin are obliged to provide him with a new wife

1. Levirate

2. Sororate

3. lunorate

4. None of these

69 Which of the following is a believer in religious or philosophical dualism, from a religious dualism originating in Persia in the third century A.D. and teaching the release of the spirit from matter through strict self-denial?

1. Shaman

2. Priest

3. Manichean

4. Altruist

70 The principle in which the most accurate phylogenetic tree is one that is based on least changes in the genetic code is

1. annotation

2. stable phylogenesis

3. maximum parsimony

4. genetic equilibrium 4

71 Sacred thread ceremony is called

1. Shraddha samskara

2. Upanayana samskara

3. Mundan samskara

4. Namaskarana samskara

72 Which of the following tribes is/are having a population of more than 30lakhs

1. Gonds

2. Bhils

3. Santhals

4. All of these

73 Mossbauer spectroscopy is used in the analysis of artifact composition in pottery, particularly the compounds of

1. boron

2. cobalt

3. silica

4. iron

74 The annual deposition of varves make them a useful source of

1. evolution

2. minerals

3. dating

4. fossils








75 The shape of the beaks of Darwin's finches, industrial melanism and the changes in horses teeth are all examples of

1. artificial selection

2. natural selection

3. convergent evolution

4. homologous

76 structures Which of the following is a theory of evolutionary change which holds that organisms in a group maintain younger characteristics of ancestral groups becoming sexually mature during what was previously an infantile or juvenile stage of development; also, the retarded development of specific characteristics?

1. Sapir·-Whorf hypothesis

2. Neoteny hypothesis

3. Synthetic theory

4. None of these

77 What percentage of world societies is polygynous?

1. Less than

2. 25%

3. 50%

4. OverlOOk ·

78 Surveyor's staff is

1. a measurement tape

2. a stadia rod

3. a digging apparatus

4. all of these

79 All of the following can have a significant effect on allelic frequencies except

1. migration

2. natural selection

3. genetic drift

4. non random mating

80 Which of the following religious group(s) find(s) that sacrifice is pleasing to their supernatural beings

1. Jews

2. Christians

3. Aztecs

4. All of these

Which of the following is a non-statistical sampling strategy which concentrates on sampling areas on the basis of intuition, historical documentation, or long field experience in the area? 1. Probabilistic sampling

2. Random sampling

3. Non-probabilistic sampling

4. Skewed sampling

82 Trace element analysis is done using

1. neutron activation analysis

2. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

3. mass spectrometry

4. both' and 2

83 MNI (minimum number of individuals) is usually calculated from

1. the most abundant bone from either of the two sides of the animal

2. the most abundant tooth from the left side of the animal

3. the most abundant tooth from the right side of theanimaJ

4. all of these

84 Fragments containing inscriptions

1. ostracum

2. sherds

3. both1and2

4. none of these

85 True brachiation is a

1. locomotor pattern involving extensive use of the hands and prehensile tail to suspend and propel the body; seen in species otherwise quadrupedal I

2. locomotor pattern involving extensive use of the hands in leaping; seen in basically quadrupedal animals

3. slower and more cautious form of brachiation; seen in the orangutan

4. form of locomotion found in the lesser apes in which the body, suspended from above, is propelled by arm swinging as the animal rapidly moves hand<lVer-hand along a branch

86 Zuni is/are

1. pueblo people whose modern--day reservation lands are in northwestern New Mexico

2. language spoken by tribal members

3. both1and2

4. none of these

87 Stabilizing selection favors

1. both extreme of a trait

2. intermediate forms of a trait

3. environmental differences

4. one extreme form over the other extreme form and over intermediate forms of a trait

88 What can occur when a portion of a species is isolated from the rest of the species?

1. The evolution of a new species

2. Genetic change when genes are passed to new generations in frequencies unlike those of the parental generation

3. Natural selection for new adaptations in response to changing environmental conditions

4. Spontaneous changes in the genetic code

89 Which of the following is a method of generating settlement hierarchy which assigns territories to centers based on their scale, assuming that the size of each center is directly proportional to its area of influence

1. XTENT modeling

2. central place theory

3. Thiessen polygons

4. none of these

90 A rock formed of consolidated pumice or volcanic ash which is occasionally used as a raw material for lithic artifacts is called

1. Mana

2. macula

3. welded tuff

4. weir

91 World system was a term coined by the historian

1. Wallerstein

2. Mortimer Wheeler

3. Pitt Rivers

4. C.J. Thomsen

92 An Eskimo word for a relatively large, semi-lunate, side-mounted "woman's knife"

1. Henge

2. Ulu

3. Camas

4. Labret

93 Which of the following is an enzyme deficiency of lipid metabolism inherited as a recessive; causes death in early childhood?

1. Tay-Sachs disease

2. G-6·P·D deficiency disease

3. Alkaptonuria

4. None of these

94 The concept of molecular clock implies that

1. many proteins show a constant rate of change with time

2. organisms evolve at a constant rate

3. one can date events with molecules alone

4. all molecules change at same rate in evolution

95 Which of the following can be a factor in the rise of a new species?

1. Changing environment

2. Moving populations

3. Splitting populations

4. All of these

96 Tesseera is a I are

1. small tablet(s) (as of wood, bone, or ivory) used by the ancient Romans as a ticket, tally, voucher, or means of identification

2. small piece(s) (as of marble, glass, or tile) used in mosaic work

3. reddish to yellowish to brownish variety of quartz used in point production

4. both1and2

97 The principle of making use of greater homogeneity in groups of experimental error is referred to as

1. replication

2. randomization

3. local control

4. none of these

98 Which of the following is a plant or animal whose name is adopted by a clan and that holds a special significance for its members, usually related to their mythical ancestry 1. Fovea

2. Epoch

3. Totem

4. Demo 1313/01

99 Which scientist had the same ideas on the transmutations of species as Charles Darwin?

1. Alfred Russell Wallace

2. Stephen Hawking

3. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

4. Gregor Mendel

100 Crucible slags may be distinguished from smelting slags by their concentration of copper

1. low'

2. medium

3. high

4. very high

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