Exam Details

Exam / Course
Organization Kerala Public Service Commission
Position tracer
Exam Date 10, September, 2015
City, State kerala,

Question Paper

1. The angle between two curved lines is known as

Spherical angle Obtuse angle

Acute angle Deflection angle

2. Which of the following is the classification based upon the system of surveying?

Chain surveying Triangulation surveying

City surveying Mine surveying

3. The survey that does not deal with mapping of large water bodies is

Hydrographic Survey Navigation Survey

Marine Survey Cadastral Survey

4. During the office work, surveyor does:

Design of structure Selection of site

Recording field book Selecting system of work

5. If distance on drawing 2.5 cm, actual distance of object 1m. Then representative factor of scale is
1 100 1 2.5

2.5 2.5 40 1
6. The simplest figure which can be plotted without angles but with sides:
Pentagon Octagon Hexagon Triangle
7. The Survey line which fixes up the direction of all other Survey line is
Tie line Base line Check line None of these
8. The Instrument which automatically records the number of steps taken placing in a given survey line:
Pedometer Odometer Passometer Speedometer
A 3
19. One Significance of level'

No loose part Peg adjustment is inconvenient

No wearing of parts Not rigid in construction

20. Which of the following, Bench mark is established with high precision?

Permanent Benchmark G. T. S. Benchmark

Temporary Benchmark None of these

21. If higher contours are inside and lower contours are outside, object will be

Hill Depression in ground

Ridge line Valley line

22. Which one is one significance of direct methods of contouring?

Very cheap Used for hilly area

Most accurate Route Survey for Canal

23. The need of drawing cross section from a contour map is to calculate:

Total length of road Slope

Alignment . Earth work

24. Contour line cross each other in case of

Ridge line Overhanging cliff

Valley line None of these

25. Contour Interval is kept higher when:

Money available is limited Field work is smaller

Work is not important Office work is smaller

A 5 167/2015 {p.T.a.}

9. Too long chain may be adjusted by

Closing up the joints Inserting new ring

Replacing large size rings Straightening any link

10. One of the duties of leader in chain surveying is

Pick up the arrows To obey instruction of follower

To carry rear end of chain Stretching chain tight

11. The surveying best suited for dense area and fall of many details is

Plane table surveying Chain surveying

Theodolite surveying Compass surveying

12. Part of compass adjusting the prism according to eye height is
Hinged strap Lifting lever Focussed stud Eye vane
13. Whole circle bearing 1760 equal to quadrantal bearing of

S 1760 E

N40 W
14. The difference between forebearing and backbearing of a survey line should be
1800 00 3600 900
15. In which step of field works, area of plot is divided into polygon or triangle, in compass surveying?

Marking station Reconnaissance of area

Traversing Plotting

16. Which one is, in the following, that does not have the object of levelling?

To fix Benchmark To find proffie of road

Indirect ranging To show contour

26. Which one IS not a part of felescoplc alidade

Vertical Circle Support

Horizontal Circle Fiducial edge

27. Systematic operation of temporary adjustment of planetable is

Orientation after observation Observation after orientation

Levelling after orientation Centering after levelling

28. Magnetic needle method is used in plane table when:

Required less accuracy doing survey at any place

Second station is available No possibility of error

29. When surveying control from a single station and in smaller area, the method of surveymg is

Two point problem Radiation

Three point problem Intersection method

30. Merits of plane table Surveying is

Can replot the map Surveying done in wet climate

Recommended for precise work Suitable for small scale map

31. When calculating boundary area, total no. of ordinates must be odd in

Trapezoidal rule Average ordinate rule

Mid Ordinate rule Simpson's rule

32. Three successive ordinates are 2m, 1m and 2m and interval between ordinates is 10m, Then area enclosed by ordinate by Simpson's rule in m2
27 30 26.67 33.33
167/2015 6 A


33. A ceylon ghat tracer does not consist:

Tripod Brass sighting tube

Small hole Cross wire

34. Sextend is used for measuring:
Bearing Length Angle Slope
35. The instrument which is having mirror, metal frame and gimbal is
Box sextent Clinometer Ghat tracer Hand level
36. A Theodolite whose telescope can be revolved through a complete revolution in vertical plane about it's horizontal axis, is known as

Vernier theodolite Micrometer theodolite

Alidade theodolite Transit theodolite

37. Size of theodolite varies from:
10to30 cm 10to30 rnrn 5to10 cm 30to35cm
38. Three screw type theodolite is preferred when:

Centred more quickly Levelled more quickly

Parallaxing more quickly Distributing uneven pressure on screw

39. Theodolite standards are having shape of
40. Least count of transit theodolite reading:
30 minutes 20 minutes 1 minute 20 seconds
41. Plumb bob of theodolite is suspended from:
plate hole hook ring
42. Axis about which telescope of theodolite can be rotated in horizontal plane is known as

Vertical axis Horizontal axis

Axis of Telescope Axis of level tube

A 7 167/2015 {P.T.O.}
43. In double Vernier theodolite:

1aIn scales are marked in one dil(clJon

Main scales are marked in both directions

Attached single vernier

One single vernier is marked

44. When focussing object glass, Telescope is

Tral1sited Inverted

Rotated Directed to object

45. Direct angle Obtained from theodolite may be between:
0° and 360° 0° and 90° 0° and 180° None of these
46. Point of curve is also known as

apex end of curve

beginning of curve point of intersection

47. Relation between Radius and degree of curve 0 in curve setting, for 20 m chain, is
R 20 R 1719 R 1146
o R=20 0
o o
48. Compound curve has:

Curves in opposite direction Arcs of different radius

Length of straight line between Curves Arcs of same radius

49. If tangent distance 20 m and radius of curve 200 when setting out curve, Radial offset from tangent is equal to
20 m 200 m None of these
50. Magnitude of Centrifugal force along a curved track, generally is

Inversely Proportional to weight of vehicle

Inversely Proportional to radius of curvature

Inversely Proportional to speed of vehicle

None of these

167/2015 8
51. For the computation of earth work, the data not required is

Formation width Bottom width of cutting

Top width of cutting Top width of embankment

52. Full detailed survey work along the most economical route of road is done by

Reconnaissance survey Traffic survey

Preliminary survey Location survey

53. A road has given maximum gradient 1 in 50 minimum gradient 1 in 200. What will be possible exceptional gradient value when designing same road?
1in100 1 in 50 1 in 30 1 in 200
54. General application of 'chain thin double dash line' in engineering drawing:
Centroidal line Central line Hidden out line Cutting plane
55. The line passing through the focus and perpendicular to the directrix in comc technology is
ormal Axis Tangent Base line
56. The command allowing to set lower left comer and upper right comer of drawing.area in autocad is
Rectangle View Point Limit
57. To draw two rectangles 50 x100 cm and 250 x350 cms, in autocad, set the snap to
100 250 50 350
58. Which command in autocad, connect between two lines or arcs or circles with an arc?
Fillet Circle Arc Line
59. The term in brick masonry as

Vertical distance Horizontal distance

Inclined distance None of these

A9 167/2015 {P.T.O.}
60. A junction means connection between a main wall and a
Floor Main wall Basement floor Partition wall
61. Inclined surface of brick work should be checked by

Spirit level Plumb bob

Wooden template Square

62. Brick should be saturated with water before making wall so as to prevent absorption of moisture from:
Mortar Air Ground None of these
63. Magnet represents all material which attracts:
Silver Aluminium Wood Iron
64. cos30: cos is equal to

cos 30: . cos 40: cos 20: cos
65. tan is equal to
I-sin20: l-cos20: 1+sin20: 1+cos20:

1+sin20: 1+cos20: I-sin20: l-cos20:
66. Simplify (sec 0+tan (1-sin
sin0 tan0 cos0 cosec 0
sin 10·
67. Evaluate
cos 80·'
1 2 cos 10· sin 800
68. An example which is not optical medium in light theory is
Air Stone Water Glass
167/2015 10 A
69. A glass jar contains water to a depth of 32 em. A button placed at the bottom appears to a depth of 24 cm. Then refractive Index:

70. The angle between two surfaces at which refraction takes place is called:

Angle of Incidence Angle of refraction

Angle of emergence Angle of prism

71. Formula for total surface area of a hemisphere of radius r
m 2 2-rrr2 3m2 4m2
72. If and ab=20. Find a2 +b2
41 81 40 20
73. If major axis 6 cm and minor axis 4 cm, area of ellipse in cm2 is
24"TT 10"TT 1.5"TT 6"TT
74. If sides of a triangle are 4 cm and 5 cm and angle between them is Area of triangle is
10 2

5 cm2 10 cm2
../3 cm
75. Practical application of. hyperbola is in

Construction of dam Study laws of expansion of gas

Man hole of boiler Stuffing box glands

76. Evaluate../3 .fi ../3 -.fi
3.fi -2../3 2../3 -3.fi
77. Evaluate 21
2.J9 32 32.fi 9 9.fi 32
A 11 167/2015

78. In quadratic equation 4x3 3x sum of their roots is equal to
3 53

4 45 5
79. Wnte one factor of the term xl
x 3 x x x-l
80. In the quadratic equation 3x2 discriminant value is equal to
3 1
81. Evaluate 10glO 1000 +logee
4 loge log 10 log(e +1000)
82. Evaluate 10glO 10e+logee2-e:
(A) 10e e 2 e2
83. Equal chords of circle always subtend equal angle at

circle centre of circle

outside of circle inside of circle

84. Bisector of an angle of the triangle divide the opposite side in the ratio of

Sides containing the angle Remaining angles of triangle

1:1 None of these

85. Length of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are in the ratio of
1:2 1:3 1:4 1:1
86. Any rays passing through the centre of curvature of spherical mirror are reflected back along the:
different angle Same path Principal axis None of these
167/2015 12 A
87. In a concave mirror, position of object is beyond the centre of curvature, position of image will be:

Behjnd the mirror

Between and pole

Between centre of curvature and focus

Beyond the centre of curvature

88. The material which do not allow light to pass through them at all is called:
source of light opaque transparent concave glass
89. When a ma,terial is subjected to external force, stress is induced:

outside the material only at surface

at their comer inside the material

90. Within limit of proportionality, the ratio between intensity of stress and strain, when it undergoes deformation, is

Constant Variable

1 Inversely proportional

91. The bending moment at the free end of a cantilever will always be

Negative bending moment Positive bending moment

Zero Changing the BM sign

92. 'Built in beam' is also known as

Simply supported beam Fixed beam

Overhanging beam Cantilever beam

93. 6 mm diameter steel bar has approxjmate weight per metre length
2.47 kg 2.98 kg 3.85 kg 0.22 kg
94. To construct 1m3 of brick masonry, approximate no. of bricks (20 X 10 X 10 ems size) required:
500 1000 1500 2000
A 13 167/2015 (P.T.a.}
95. To prepare the preliminary estimate for an irrigation channel, the rate is calculated based upon:

Per unit basis Per head of population

Area of land commands Per litre of water

96. When constructing In circle of a triangle, the centre of circle will be getting when:

bisecting sides of triangle bisecting anyone angle of triangle

bisecting anyone side of triangle bisecting any two angles of triangle

97. Evaluate cot tan (180 +tan (90 tan (360
Zero Cot 0 tan 0 -cot 0
98. Write expression 4 in the form of quadratic equation:
x3+3=4x xL 4x+3=0 x2 x2+4x+3=0
99. Area of regular hexagon having
2.fi 2 3.fi 2 3.J3 2 2.J3 2

3 2 2 3
100. If log 0.2521 -0.5984, Evaluate log 0.02521 approximately:
-0.0584 1.0584 -2.4150 2.4015
167/2015 14 A

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