Exam Details

Subject agriculture
Exam / Course civil services preliminary
Organization odisha public service commission
Exam Date 2006
City, State odisha,

Question Paper

Description: D:Documents and SettingsOPSC-ITCELLDesktopOCS PRELIM LOLD QUESTION PAPERAgricultureagri1.jpg

1. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter convert l
NO/ to NH
2 43
NtoN0' NO'toNO'
23 32
2. Which form of following soil water is available to plants?

Hygroscopic water Gravitational water

Capillary water Crystalline water

3. Plants capable of growing,satisfactorily under shady condition are called as

Sciophytes Heliophytes

Epiphytates Xerophytes

4. Which one of the following is the largest jute producing State of India?

West Bengal Uttar Pradesh

Haryana Maharashtra

5. Anemometer is an instrument used for measurement of

Light intensity Transpiration

Humidity Wind velocity

6. Soils formed by deposition of soil particles transported by river water are called as

Podzolic soils Alluvial soils

Laterite soils Black cotton soils

7. Arrangement of soil particles in soil mass is called as

Soil texture Soil profile

Soil structure Soil density

8. Biological nitrogen fixation refers to conversion of
NtoNH/ NtoN0'
2 23
NH/ to N2 N03' to NH/
9. Planning Commission ofIndia (1989) has divided India into

Five agro-climatic regions

Ten agro-climatic regions

Fifteen agro-climatic regions

Twenty agro-climatic regions

10. Which one of the following fertilizers is NOT produced in India?

Urea Super Phosphate

Diammoniurn Phosphate Muriate of Potash

Series·A 2 BAC-22
11. Which one of the following is the largest tea producing cOllntry in world?

China India

Sri Lanka Kenya

12. Green manuring has NO effect on

Soil aeration Soil structure

Soil reaction Soil texture

13. Simultaneous cultivation of two crops on a piece of land during the same season is called as

mono-cropping inter--<:ropping

double--<:ropping multiple cropping

14. For planting of sugarcane, which portion of cane is selected as "Seed sets"

Top Middle

Bottom Any portion

15. "UTERA" or "PAIRA" cultivation of linseed is a kind of

inter--<:ropping multi-storeyed cropping

relay cropping alley cropping

16. Contour tillage refers to ploughing of land

along the slope across the slope

centre to periphery of field periphery to centre of field

17. Wheat varieties cultivated in India are

winter type rabi type

spring type none of the above

18. A fresh soil sample weighing 60 g was found to contain 20% moisture on dry weight basis. The dry weight of the soil sample would be

12g 40g

48g 50g

19. Which one of the following is NOT the principle of inter--<:ropping Two crops should have different

seeding rate growth habit

rooting depth pests and diseases

BAC·22 3 Series-A
20. Spatial and temporal arrangement of crops in a given piece of land is called as

Cropping system Cropping patlem

Cropping geometry Cropping methods

21, A crop is required to be irrigated at 30% depletion of available soil moisture. Field capacity and wilting point values were 20% and respectively. At what soil moisture content irrigation will be applied
70% 30%
. 13% 17%

22. Due to puddling and impounding of water in rice fields, the pH of soil



increases in acidic and decreases in alkaline soils

remains unaltered

23. Which one of the following is NOT the effect of Topping in tobacco?

Early maturity Increased nicotine content

Uniform ripening Thickening of leaves

24. A herbicide is said to be selective when it is toxic to

different weeds in all the crops

different weeds in a specific crop

a specific group of weeds in all the crops

a specific group of weeds in a specific crop

25. DNA of chloroplast is present in

Stroma Thylakoids

Periplastidial space Grana

26. F2 population is

Uniformly heterozygous Genetically homogeneous

Genetically heterogeneous Uniformly homozygous

27. If a man of blood group marries a woman of blood group whose father was of blood group to what different blood groups can this man and woman expect their children to belong?

AB, 0 AB


Series·A 4 BAC-22
28. Linkage equilibrium can be achieved by

Selfing Sibbing

Random mating Genetic drift

29. The term cybrid was coined by

Barski et al Bunn et al

Larkin Scowcraft

30. Allotetraploids can be produced in a single step by

Anther culture Microcloning

Somatic hybridization None of these

The DNA synthesis extension temperature of PCR machine is W 00 37°C

'Sui generis' is a latin phrase, which means

A system of its own A new system

A secure system A traditional system

33. The order of inbreds in a double cross is decided on the basis of

Genetic relationship among the inbreds

Performance of the parental single crosses

Performance of the parental inbreds

GCA of the parental inbreds

34. Heterosis will become fixed if it is mainly due to

Additive x additive effects

Additive x dominance effects

Dominance x dominance effects

All of the above

35. Protoplast fusion is induced by treatment with

High pH (10.50 and high con)

Polyethylene glycol

High voltage electric current

All ofthe above

36. The term, 'transgenic' was coined by

Dale Dale and Irwin

Gordon Mnd Ruddle Meyer

BAC-22 5
37. The multiple factor hypothesis in Nicotiana was given by

D. S. Falconer E. M. East

J. L. Jinks R. W. Allard

38: The idea of multilane varieties was first suggested in 1952 by

Borlaug Jenson

Briggs Knowles

39. The colour of breeder seed tag is

Golden yellow White

Blue Green

40. Which of the following is not correct about gamete selection?

It is a scheme for inbred isolation.

An inbred is crossed with an open pollinated variety.

It is a method of inbred improvement.

Involves progeny test of the FI plants

41. Beadle and Tatum proposed

Operon concept

One-gene--{)ne-enzyme hypothesis

Genetic code

Triplet code

42. Which of the following analysis is used to locate genes on particular chromosome?

Monosomic analysis Nullisomic analysis

Trisomic analysis All of the above

43. Globe mutant reported in Datura is an example of aberration.

Trisomic Nullisomic

Monosomic Tetrasomic

44. Antisense technology is to

Arrest the gene function

Addition of Foreign gene

Knockout of a gene

Substitution of defective gene with a normal gene

45. Which of the following amino acids is specified by only a single codon?

Glutamine Tryptophan

Asparagine Isoleucine

Serles-A 6 BAC-22
46. Which of the following chemical mutagen is likely to cause frame shift mutations?

5--Bromouracil Acridine orange

Hydroxylamine 2-aminopurine

47. The proteins that bind to the TATA BOX in the promoter region are known as

Co-regulators Co-activators

Enhancers Transcriptional factors

48. Lobed nucleus is seen in

Leucocytes Vaucheria

Meiocytes Luzzula

49. Surya is a gynodioecious variety of

Banana Mango

papaya Peach

50. Bunchy top is a disease of

Ber Aonla

Banana Plum

51. Apple colour is a variety of

Apple Guava

Ber Sapota

52. Pineapple is a variety of

Sweet orange Acid lime

Mandarin Lemon

53. Polyembryoni is found in

Guava Ber

Aonla Mandarin

54. Highest mango productivity is in the State'of
Andhra Pradesh Maharashtra

Karnataka Gujarat
55. Optimum C N ratio for tomato setting is

2.28 2.8

1.8 1.8

BAC-22 7 Series-A

56. Nitrogen fixing bacterium in the tap root system of Pea is

Azosperillum Rhizobium

Azotobacter None ofthem

57. Arka Anamika has been developed out of

Selection Mutation

Interspecific cross Intervarietal cross

58. Most suitable temperature for bolting in onion is

50-60 OF 60-70 OF

70-80 OF 80-90 OF

59. Viviparous cucurbit is

Pointed gourd Ciccinia


60. Which pigment imparts red colour in chilli pods?

Capsorubin Capsanthrin

Capsakin Lycopene

61. Which of the cucurbit bears no tendril

Pumpkin Muskmelon

Snapmelon Bushsquash

62. Young plants ready to be transplanted into containers or the open field are collectively called as

Lining out stock Saplings

Seedlings Nursery stock

63. In bottom heat technique which of the following temperature is most productive?

70-80°C 85-90°C

60-65 °C 50-55°C

64. Most serious pest of rose is

Red Spider Mite Red Hairy caterpillar

Red Scale Thrips

65. Family of bird of paradise is

Liliaceae Amaryllidaceae

Musaceae Compositae

Series-A 8 BAC·22
66. Number of corms required for planting one hectare of Gladious.

1,00,000 1,50,000

1,87,500 2,50,000

67. Which of the following is informal garden

Mughal garden Persian garden

Italian garden None of these

68. Medium shrubs are planted at a distance of

60cm 100cm

150cm 200cm

69. Best root stock for propagation of Sapota is

Khirnee Jamun

Mahuva None ofthese

70. Pruning is most desirable in

Mango Phalsa

Litchi Carambola

71. In Bael marmelosin is found in high quantity

Roots Leaves

Bark Fruit

72. Vitamin content of Aonla is (mg/IOO

1300 600

450 150

73. Directorate of Plant Protection and Quarantine is located at

Hyderabad Faridabad

Allahabad Firozabad

D.I.P. Act was passed in India in

1914 1920

I 1924 1934 75. The full abbreviation of NCIPM is

National Council of Integrated Pest Management.

National Centre for Integrated Pest Management.

North Corolina Centre for Integrated Pest Management.

Northern Council of Integrated Pest Management.

BAC-22 9 Series-A
76. Quarantine means observations for

four days fourteen days

forty days eighty days

77. Domestic quarantine for wart disease of potato in India is imposed in

Darjiling Patna

Shimla Jalandhar

78. Which one is the smallest organism?

Fungi Mycoplasma

Bacteria Algae

79. Bee Keeping is known as

Sericulture Silviculture

Apiculture Olericulture

80. "Bengal Famine" was due to severe epidemic of

Blast of paddy Bacterial blight of paddy

False smut of paddy Brown spot of paddy

81. Which rust does not occur on wheat?

Black rust Brown rust

Yellow rust White rust

82. White grub is an important insect of

Bajra Maize

Groundnut Soyabean

83. Bud necrosis is an important disease of

Sunflower Groundnut

Sorghum Brassica

84. Active ingradient of Bordeaux mixture is

Copper Sulphur

Mercury Nickel

85. Trichograrna is used as biocontrol agent against

Fungal diseases Rodents

Insects Bacterial diseases

Serles-A 10 BAC·22

96. Penicillin is produced from

. Bacteria Fungus

Virus Nematode

97. When the capital is limited and fanner has to grow two or more enterprises for gelling maximum profit. which law is applicable in that returns?

The law of equi-marginal returns

The law of substitution

The law of opportunity cost

The law of diminishing returns

98. With the introduction of new technology of production and if new technology turns to be inferior to the previous one in use shift in production function will be

Upward Downward

No shift All the above

99. Who fixed the minimum support prices for agricultural commodities?

Government of India

CACP in consultation with Government of India

Planning Commission of India

Directorate of marketing and inspection

100. The law of diminishing returns in agriculture

operates at early stage

operates at later stage

does not operate

sometimes operate and sometimes do not operate

101. Demand function of

Production Consumption

Price None of the above

102. Optimum level of output can be obtained when

MVPx Px MVPx> Px

MVPx=Px None of the above

103. Net fann-income is computed by deducting

fixed costs from net operating income

Operating expenses from gross profit

Cash expenses from cash receipts

Variable costs from gross income

Series-A 12 BAC-22
104. Total product will be maximum when marginal product is

Zero Minimum

Maximum Constant

105. In general, profit will beat a maximum where



106. Another term which has the same meaning as owner's equity is

Net worth Net farm income

Total asset value Total liabilities

107. The "Equi-marginal principle" for efficient allocation of resources between two fields in agricultural production

requires that all resources be used on the most fertile field.

requires that resources be allocated so that the marginal productivities are the same on both fields.

requires that resources be allocated so that the average productivities are the same on both fields.

tell us how to get the most output from the limited resources.

108. In terms of time, "Increasing returns to scale" refers to the

short run

long run

both the long and short run

sometimes and sometimes the other

109. When the marginal cost of an activity is equal to the marginal benefit

The activity is futile -no profit.

We have just enough of the activity -the optimum.

We have too much of the activity. . We do not have enough of the activity.

110. The economic analysis expects the consumer to behave in a manner which is
Rational Irrational
Emotional Indifferent
BAC-22 13 Series-A

111. The State Government subscribes per cent of square capital of RRB's

15 percent 12 percent

10 per cent 8 per cent

112. Optimum product combination will be where


IJ.XIJ.X1=PX/PX(d) Noneofthese

113. Least cost combination of inputs can be obtained where
IJ.X[ D.X, PXpX1
D.X[ PxpX1 None ofthese
114. Better standard of Jiving comes under the category of

Current costs Current prices

Intangible benefits None of the above

115. India is world's largest economy as regards GDP in PPP terms.

Third Second

Fourth Fifth

116. W.T.O. came into being in

January, 1995 February, 1995

March, 1995 April, 1995

117. Linear inequalities are taken care of in case of

Production function Budgeting

Linear programming None

118. The Jaw ofincreasing returns is only applicable to agriculture to

Classical school Neo classical school

Modem school 1. M. Keynes

119. During the lJth Five Year Plan, the agriculture sector has been given

First priority Second priority

Third priority None

120. The decreasing share of agriculture sector in total GDP of the country each is an indicator of

Economic development Stagnation

Declaration None

Series-A 14 BAC-22
Space For Rough Work

BAC-22 15 Series-A

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