Exam Details

Subject mechanical engineering
Exam / Course mains
Organization maharashtra public service commission
Position assistant motor vehicle inspector
Exam Date 2003
City, State maharashtra,

Question Paper

1 In multistage compression, intercooling is done to

reduce the volume of air

minimise the work of compression

cool the air

all of the above

2 Refrigeration is based on

First Law of Thermodynamics

Second Law of Thermodvncunics

Dalton's law

Boyle's law

3 In domestic refrigerator, following compressor is used




None of the above

4 Freezing point of Brine is

below 0° centigrade

above 0° centigrade

equal to 0° centigrade

none of the above

5 Function of thermostat in a domestic refrigerator is to maintain

Temperature constant

Pressure constant

Volume constant

None of the above

6 Air conditioning is control of

temperature of air

relative humidity of air

temperature, relative humidity and motion of air

none of the above

7 In comfort air-conditioning, the required comfort conditions are

15°C DBT 75 R.I.I

20°C DBT 80 R.I.I.

15°C DBT 35 R.I.I.

24°C DBT 60 R.I.I.

8 Human body dissipates heat in the form of

sensible heat only

latent heat only

both sensitive and latent heat

none of the above

9 The method commonly used for dehumidifying air is



heating and cooling

to spray steam in the air

10 Refrigerant used in vapour absorption refrigerator is





11 If window air conditioner is kept at the centre of closed room, then temperature of the room will



not change


12 In value engineering, the term value refers

manufacturing cost of the product

selling price of the product

total cost of the product

utility of the product

13 String diagram is used

know the floor space dimensions of a factory

measure paths of workers/materials/equi}'l1wnts

measure paths of workers/materials/equipments and their machinen'

trace paths of workers/materials/eqllipments

H. In a three high rolling mill, the middle roll rotates in a direction . to of the upper and lower rolls. same as oppositl' as same or opposite perpendicllbr 15 Which of the following is not " locating dcice 7 Support pin Trunnion CentraliseI' ClindricalluCcltur lh. Tlwrbli"s refer to the b adi-itie-.; pcrfornwd to wmpletl' the v:ork ill lee1Sl linw motions ufl1Lll1lclll bod <11 \ork f)LlCl' t"l'(ordillh (lIthe Iork actlities pcrfllr!1wd to 11Limell1 1110liOJb SI'D • l7. Thl; ledo! sum uf cuttin,", vcjocilv dnd chip is clJu,ll lo

more than

less than

h<df of till'

18 If and represent optimistic time, most proboble time one! l pessimistic time respectively for a project, then by probability onalysis, most F'robable expected time is equal to .

to 4 till tf, 6

to 6 till tl, 6

t" 2 tm tl, 6

2 t" 4 tm tp 6

19 The surface to be left unmachined is marked on the pattern colour.





20 In ultrasonic machining, the tool is made of .

tungsten carbide

brass or copper


stainless steel

21 Spacing between two spot welds inspot-welding should not be less than I where'd' is the electrode tip diameter.



22 In work measurement (time) study .

observed time should be taken as standard time

worker need not be explained reason for study

any worker may be studied

the study should not be conducted without correct tools and materials.

23 Slug pulling during piercing and blanking operations can be avoid£'d Lw providing

sufficient clearance in holes.

excessive lubrication.

spring 10Zle!ed punch shedders

perforated punches

24 The rake angll' of oltting tool

cOlltrols the chip formation rubhing dl'lermillc::; the 11m/ill' of till' determines whether the cutling actiull is ublilJul' or orthogonal 7 r.l.n. • 25. Till' nurnwllirnc is as obsen'ed time x F'l'rfUrtllclJltl' IOCl observed time f)erform<1llcl' rating

IOO observed time -l'crforrn<1lllt' rating

]00 observed time

. performancc r<1tmg

26 A metal hardened by cold working «In be softened by a heal treatms l,rocess known as carbonizing process al1l1t'aling normalising tempering

27 Why does a dial gauge need setting when used for linear measurements?

Dial gauge has a zero centred dial scale hence requires resetting.

Dial gauge has no reference surface, hence setting provides reference for the measurement.

Dial gauge is sensitive, hence needs resetting all the time

None of the above

28 The three sigma limits on control chart for X are

X± 3cr X

U 3

29 Comparators are used for

sorting good and incorrect components

measurement in sampling inspection

taking absolute measurement

none of the above

30 Centring of the manufacturing process (tool setting) is revealed bv statistical parameter

standard deviation

arithmetic aerage


range of vMiation

31 'Constant chord' measurement of gt'MS checks correctness of tooth profile cOIll'entrici ty of gears pitch circle diameter (.fl tooth thickness ,1t chordal addendum

32 Pneumatic comp,1raturs cn sm,lll r,mge or IlWdSUrel1lelll it is designed iOl high magililil'dlll 1l1 it is highh (31 its oUlput h,ls a sh,lrl of lilll'cHil' (41 nOlle of the SPD •

33 In qU;llil ch.lrllls('d is .. chart P chart X chart C chart

31 A 0 -25 mm micrometer has sll1.ll1est main scale division of 0.5 mm and has 50 divisions on lhimble. A thimble shows reading of divisions when measuring faces tOllch each other. This micrometer h,ls read one dimension as 17.28 mm. The corree! reading is

17.24 nun

17.32 mm

17.26 mm

17.30 mm

35 Flatness of surface plate is assessed using following method or set-up:


Toolmaker's microscope

Still water micrometer

Height Vernier

36 In a sampling plan, number of pieces inspected per lot will be as compared to double sampling and multiple sampling plans.

greater than

smaller than


none of the above

37 In the inspection by attributes

variation due to assignable factors are determined

good quantities are separated from bad

variations due to chance factors are determined

theory of probability is applicable

38 H 7g6 (H-seven g-six) gives the following fit

Interference fit

Transition fit

Precision run fit

Wide clearance fit

39 Wear allowance is provided on .


Both and gauges


Neither nor gauge

40 The OC curve is a graph between ._.

percent bad probability of rejection

probability of lot vs. probability of defects

percent defective vs. probability of acceptance

None of the abme

41 In alignment test of lathe machine, auto-collimator is used to check

true running of spi nd Ie

pitch error of lead-scrl'w

C,11Ti;1gC Il1mt'llll'nt parallcl to spindle axis

flatness of bed _..• r.T.a. •

42 -D.





48 .fl). SPD If positivE' chMgL' lllm'ing with velocity through a point in a magnetic held experiences deflecting force then the m,lgnetic inductance at thfll point will depend on . .

only T both and F and Ad. c. shunt molar is running ilt WOO r.p.m. with no exlernal resistors in its circuit.
Vhilt milY be the place for inserting suitable resistor in order to decreilse the speed to 800 r.p.m. across the supply in series with the supply line in series with armature only in series with field onlv ..., Dynamometer type instruments are used in the measurement of .._.... ...... D. C. quantity A. C. quantity Single phase A. C. D. C. or A. C. quantity For a load current of SA, copper losses in a transformer are 25 watts. If the load current is increased to lOA, the copper losses ilre . 25 watts 50 watts 100 watts 12.5 watts An overexcited synchronous motor draws a lagging current from a.c. source a leading current from a.c. source a unity power factor current from a.c. source a zero current from a.c. source All day efficiency is the performance parameter for a distribution transformer a power transformer a pulse transformer aJlthe above transformers A4 pole, lap wound d.c. generator at a speed of 1000 r.p.m. generiltes iln induced c.m.f. of 250 volts. If the same generator is waH' ilnd run at 500 r.p.111 the induced e.m.f. of the gcneriltor is . 500 volts won 'olts 125'olts 250 volts A series circuit behaves ,1S il l'('sislive circuit ilt a frequent) of 11/. At a frcquencvof ISO liz, it will (lS resisti'l' rcsisti'c ,md inductivc and cap,lCiti Resistal lee Rdul't,lI1tl' Res isL11ll'l' Rl,luclcmcl' 1-1 Reluctance Rl'sistant-l' III SPD • 5I. A d.c. motor draws power frolll the mains which is esscl1tially contrulled bv the load on the motor

the current on full load of the motor

the rdted supply voltage

the no-load current of the motor

52 What could be the possible faults if a capacitor-start induction run motor fails to start when switched on to its proper supply?

open in connection to line

open circuit in motor main

centrifugal switch contacts open

all of and above

53 In a series circuit, R 5 ohms, XL 7 ohms. What should be the value of capacitive reactance XC, so that the power factor of the circuit be 0.707 lag?

5 ohms

2 ohms

7 ohms

12 ohms

54 A three phase delta connected a. c. motor connected to a 3-phase, 400 volts, 50 1-1z system is developing 25.6 KW at an efficiency of 80% and a power factor of 0.8. The phase current in the circuit is 100 100


Tamp -J3

64 amp

100-13 amp

55 A series R-C circuit with R =10 KQ and C 10 is allowed to charge during a pulse width For what value of the waveform across C will show linear characteristic? Give your choice of correct answer:

T 5 secs

T sec

T 0.1 sec

T 0.05 sec

56 A transformer has iron losses of watts and full load copper losses of watts. Which of the following statements correctly represent 'total losses' in the transformer at half load?

3p watts

p watts

4 watts


57 In a U]T saw-tooth time base generator, the frequency of oscillation depends upon emitter resistance capacitance connected across emitter and base b2; Intrinsic stand-off ratio of U]T. only only only All and 11 r.T.a. • 58 For d.c. cakulatiuns thl' circuit, a l"l'cl"c-l',ia"ed diudc al'l'cMs ,1S ..

cl Cill'clcilc1l1ce

,1ll switch a low n'sist,lnCl' cl Illgh lc"ist,1l1I'l' SI'D 59, For normal working a tran"btor collector ba"e is revcrse bi,lsed Emitter bi1se is forward biased and collector base is reverse biased Collector base is forward biased, emitter base is forward bi,lsed and collector base is reverse biased (di emitter base is always reverse bi,lsed Answers only is true

and arc true

and clre true All four are true

60 Silicon controlled rectifiers are widely used for .

amplification of frequency

power control

production of oscillations

voltage amplification

61 A pure inductor of 0.1 I-I across the element? 1 volt cos(2t) volts is carrying a current of 10 sin(2t). What is the voltage drop sin(2t) volts 2 cos(2t) volts

62 An output of an LVDT is obtained by connecting the two secondaries

in parallel and in phase 0PI)ositiol1

in series and in phase opposition

in series and in same phasc condition

in parallel and in same phase condition

63 JFET is .

current-sensitive device voltage-sensitive device device tha t has very low inpu t impedance device that has low ilmplificalion factor b-l. Consider the following stillements A Zllld R. Assertion Thc re"i"tancc of Zl phut()(unducli'c cell increase" when illuminated. Reason Incident plllllom uf sufficicnt energ' raisC' '<llenee electrons tu conduction l1'lIld. Select your an"wcr frum the tp1lo\ing ,11 tern,l • Both A and R ,1rc truc and R is the truc l"-f'Lll1,lti,m for 12) Both II.,. ,lilt! R Inil' blll J j" I"lt till' tilL' 1"1"1"1'11 A i" true bid lcllsl' is hul R ITUC 12 SJ'D • This svmbol stands [or Diode

Zener diode

Transis tor


66 Ripple factor of a power supply is a measure of

its voltage regulation

purity of its output

its filter efficiency

diode rating

67 A resistive load is fed from output of a diode bridge. The load voltage will be closer to d.c. if

series resistor is used

shunt capacitor is used

SCR bridge is used instead of diode bridge

triac is used instead of diode bridge

68 A Zener diode works on the principle of

Zener effect

Hall effect

Avalanche effect

both Zener effect and Avalanche effect

69 A full wave rectifier with a capacitor filter is used to provide the required d.c. voltage. The rectifier circuit is operated using 230 volts/12-0-12 volts transformer. The no-load output voltage is

12 volts

16.968 volts

24 volts

33.936 volts

70 Through which terminal of FET, majority charge carriers enter?





71 The deflection factor "G" is equal to where S is the sensitivity of CRG, D is the deflection, ED is the deflection voltage and L is the length of CRG deflection. 1 1

1 1


13 £'.T.O. •

72 II materiill expands freely due to [ll'ilting, il \ill Thermal stresses Tensile ..;tresses Compressive stn'ssl's Nu stress

73 The total strain energy stored in a body is termed as Resilience Proof resilience Modulus of resilience Toughness

74 According to Euler's theory, the strength of a column against buckling is dependent upon

Modulus of elasticity

Bulk modulus

Cross-section area of column

None of the above

75 In a beam at a place where the shear force is maximum, the bending moment will be




neither maximum nor minimum

76 A beam is said to be of uniform strength if

Bending moment is same throughout the beam.

Shear stress is same throughout the beam.

Deflection is same throughout the beam.

Bending stress is same at every section along its longitudinal axis.

77 Maximum shear stress in Mohr's circle is Equal to radius of Mohr's circle Greater than radius of Mohr's circle Less than radius of Mohr's circle None of the above

78 The constant term for Rankine's formula is called Rankine's constant and is given by: f =vicld stress in component Eo: !,1odlllllS of vLsliCltl' . tC

a ITt: 1,1 • 7'3. Whilt is the angle pJaIlL' ul maximum lith 45° 0° SO. If a shaft is tu ti1ke combined bending moment ilnd then the cqui"llent turque will be


81 Hoop stress 0 in i1 thin c'linder is given by the formula, where D Dii1meter of cylinder, P Load i1pplied, t Thickness PO PD

0 2t

0 4t PO PD

82 Working of metals at temperature below their re-crystallisation temperature is defined as

Hot working

Cold working

Hot spinning

Cold spinning

83 Hollow cylindrical bodies like water pipes, gun barrels etc., can be manufi1ctured by

Investment casting

Die casting

Centrifugal casting

Shell moulding

84 Split nut in lead screw mechanism of lathe has threads. Vee Square Buttress Acme

85 Work holding device used for hollow cylindrical bilr on lathe




Magnetic chuck

86 The main difference between a shaper and a planer is A shaper is in size A shilper is lwdraulicillly operated while a planer is mechanical" operatl'd N umber of cut ling tuols is more in planer Cutting tool is c;tatiunary in planer while cutting tool mm'es ill sh,lper injection moulding die casting S7. Thcrmu-f,jastic milteri,ll such as cellulose nitrate, polyslyrene ilre cast L)y cunlinuous casting centrifug,ll lasting 15 p.r.o. • SPD

88 l iJling of curvcd irregulcll' surf"KC's is \·ith shZl}wr n'rtical column ill1d llIi1Chilll' pbne milling nunc of the ahwc

89 Shock resisting steel is mainJy used for Jeaf and coil spring lummers and chisel" cranks and piston rods loco wheels and rails

90 What are the changes of metal dimensions in hot rolling process as the metal through the rolls?

Reduced in thickness and increased in. length

Reduced in thickness and in length

Increased in thickness and reduced in length

Increased in thickness and in length

91 vVhich process is used to produce tools, gear blankst crankshafts, connecting rods, gears etc. Forging Smithing Swaging Fullering

92 vVhich is the process of removing thick layers of metal by means of Culd Chisel 7




None of the above

93 Drill size before tapping is derived from the formula . where'D' is diam_eter of tap drill size, is diameter of tap to be LLsed <md is depth of cut

D 2d

D =cT-2d

D T 3d


94 What are conditions which tend to promote the formation of built-up edge of cutting tool?

Low cutting speed, low rake angle and high speed

I Ugh cutting speed, lcm rake angle and high speed

High cutting speedt high rake ,111gle and high feed

Low cutting speed, high rake angle and l(m feed

93 Vhich cLltting tool is llsed for enlcHging or fini..,hing a hole pn''iouslv drilled, ,red or cured to gin' a good finish and an accur'lte dimension? shank h'ist drill cnn' drill Rcamer Multi-tooth twist 16 .

96 Precision grinders are those that finish parts to a very accurate d iml'nsions. One uf the grinders is

Swing frame grinder

Abrasive belt grinder

Surface grinder

Portable and flexible shaft grinder

97 Which is a process that is used to produce geometrically true surface, correct minor surface, imperfections, improve dimensional accuracy or provide a very close fit between tvvo contact surfaces?





98 The purpose of annealing is

to refine structure

to reduce softness

to improve machinability

none of the above

99 Choose the wrong statement from the following:

The shaper in comparison to planer is easier to operate and about three times quicker in action.

In shaper, the metal is removed during forward stroke.

The shaper is best suited for cutting keyways and splines on shafts.

In case of planer, reciprocating motion is given to the cutting tool.

100 The orthogonal cutting takes place when cutting face of tool is at one of the angles mentioned below to the line of action of tool.





101 Which one of the following is most suitable to hold the job for drilling hole on the curved surface?

Angle plate

Table with T-slot


None of these

102 A body of weight 1000 N is moved on a horizontal plane having coefficient of friction 1 ..j3 . The minimum force applied parallel to the horizontal plane to move the body is



1000 ..j3


103 The efficiency qf screvv jack

depends on load on jack

depends on the pitch of the screw threads of the jack

depends on both and

does not depend combined!y on and 17 r.T.n. • SPD 10-1-. A dynamol1wll'r fitted on internal COmL11stiol1 engine measures the brake horse pOVl'r hrilke torquc indicated hurse' power indicated torque 1O:=i. The size of the cam depends upon base circle prime circle pitch circle pitch curve

106 The magnitude of 'Coriolis' component of acceleration of sliding block relative to link is where v velocity of sliding block on link angular velocity of link vW




107 In an engine mechanism, at what position of crank angle, the angular velocitv of connecting rod is zero




108 Contact ratio of spur gear pair is the ratio of angle of action to pitch angle length of line of action to base of pitch of teeth length of line of action to circular pitch of teeth arc of contact to circular pitch of teeth Which of these statements are correct

and are correct

and are correct

and are correct

all are correct

109 The angle between the common tangent to the base circle of gear pair and common tangent to their pitch circle is called as cone angle helix angle spiral angle pressure angle

110 No force is required for the dov'l1\'ard motion of the load on screw jack if pitch angle, Gl friction angle)


None of the above

111 In CclSe of L1iot heMing, the we,lr is Lluximul1l ,lt the centre of tlw cOlllild area I'ero ,ll the centre of the Clll ,Kl Mea UllifUl'll1 IhlOughulit the l'lJllLld the 111,lximum radius of thc cUl1tact ilrea 18 SI'D •

112 Specific speed of the hydraulic turbine given by following equcltion . N.P !iJE

NS= -1H




113 Fallingdrops of rain acquire spherical shape 011' account of

-iscocity surface tension adhesion and cohesion compressibility 1H. The standard atmospheric pressure of air is 760 mm of mercury 10.33 metres of water column 1.0332 atm 101.325 alone is correct

and are correct

and are correct

all are correct

115 The centre of gravity of the volume of the liquid dispersed by an immersed body is called as

centre of pressure


centre of buoyancy

centre of gravity

116 117. Which of the following represents steady uniform flow?

Flow through a diverging duct at increasing rate Flow through a diverging duct at any decreasing rate Flow through a long pipe at constant rate Flow through a long pipe at decreasing rate Cavitation in hydraulic turbine results in noise and vibration

reduction of discharge

drop in output and efficiency

all of the above

118 For pumping viscous oil, the pump used is

Centrifugal pump

Reciprocating pump

Turbine pump

Screw pump

119 A pump which does not corne in category of displacement I'limp is

Reciprocating pllmp Gear pump Vane pump Centrifugal pump 19 1'.1'.0. • SPO l20. The water turbine selcclL'd for head '<1l"ying from 50 m to 150 m is Bulb turbine

Propeller turbine

Pelton wheel

francis turbine

121 Airy vessels are provided in reciprocating pump

to store air discharged by pump

to obtain continuous discharge from the pump

to increase the pressure of water

to safeguard the pump

122 Petroleum can be classified as

a renevable form of energy source

a non-renewable form of energy source

a non-conventional form of energy source

none of the above

123 Disadvantage of using solar energy for power production is

energy available in daytime only

initial cost is high

requirement of large area for harnessing solar energy

all of the above

124 Solar cells are made of





125 Which of the following devices can be used to harness solar energy?

Photo-voltaic cell

Wind mill

Gas turbine

Steam turbine

126 When can we have 'windmill for power?

When high velocity wind (not cyclonic) for long duration of day is available

Cyclonic wind is available

Low velocity wind is constantly available

Movement of air occurs

127 Which one of the following is correct statement?

Latent heat is the heat that does not foLlow first law of thermodynamics.

Latent heat is the heat that is required to change the substance from solid gaseous state

Latent heat is the heat that can be detected.

Latent heat is the heat required to change a state of substance from liquid gaseous state, 20 to to •

128 In stvarn power plant, lhermodyn<llllic cycle used is BrZlytOl1 Rankine C,ltnot Joule

129 Match List-I correctly with List-II and select your answer using the code gi'en l'elow List-I List-II Steam Engine L Spark plug Steam Turbine n. Eccentric Otto cycle Engine m. Manhole Boiler IV. Fixed and moving blades





130 The fuel mostly used in Stearn Boilers is


Coking bituminous coal

Non-coking bituminous coal

Brovm coal

131 In a four stroke engine, ·ve get one power stroke in

270 of crank rotation

360 0 of crank rotation

540 0 of crank rotation

720 0 of crank rotation

132 Morse test is carried out to determine the LP. of a

single cylinder petrol engine

single cylinder diesel engine

multi cylinder engine

double acting steam engine

133 The device for smoothing out the power impulses from the engine is called

Fly wheel


Torque convertor


134 'Thich one of the statements is correct? Petrol engine is a reciprocating engine Petrol engine is high engine' Petrol engine uses JS fuel Petrol enginc is an intC[ll,11 combustion engine

All four are correct Only is correct Onl is correct All ,ue wrong 21 r.T.O. • SI'O To high
ltage for sf"uk of petrol engine. distributor is installed carburettor is instdlled batten is installed ignition coil is inst,llled lJiJ. Stand,ud firing order for four cylinder four stroke petrol engine is 1-3 137, In compression-ignition four stroke cycle engine, Glm sh,lft runs at hall the speed of crankshaft

5al11(' the speed of crankshaft

twice the speed of crankshaft

any speed irrespective of crankshaft speed

138 The actual volume of fresh charge taken into four stroke-petrol engine is

less than stroke volume

equal to stroke volume

equal to stroke volume clearance volume

does not depend upon stroke volume

139 A two stroke I.C engine is identified by .

the size of the engine

size of the fly wheel

type of cooling system

absence of valves

140 Vithin a carburettor, the velocity of air is maximum at

outlet inlet throat at venturi central point of total length HI. The diesel engine, is identified by the presence of. . . air cleaner


fuel injector


142 In a heat engine, which of the following energy L'clIlsenation necLlrs Work is com'erted into heat Heat energy is converted into clectrical energy Heat energy is com'erted into wurk ElectriC<l1 energy is com'erted into hC<lt In. What is tlwrm,lll'lficicnc" of l1l'clt engine? It is the riltin llf br;lke po\-er tn indic<ltcd power II is the r,lhn oj outpul to heat supplied It is llw r"lll) oj hedl rejected lW,lt SUf'f)lled It is tile ratio nl \ork output to Ill',lt rejected 22 SPD •

144 Compression ratio of a petrol engine is

higher than that of diesel engine

lower than that of diesel engine

equal to that of diesel engine

none of the above

145 In a condensing steam engine,

the pressure in condenser is above atmospheric pressure

the pressure is below atmospheric pressure

the pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure

the complete vacuum exists in condenser

146 With increase in compression ratio, the thermal efficiency of the Otto cycle


does not change

cannot be predicted unless (adiabatic index) is known


147 As the compression ratio increases, the volumetric efficiency of compressor



remains same

becomes unpredictable

148 Rotary compressor can supply

large volumes of air at low pressure

small volumes of air at high pressure

large volumes of air at high pressure

small volumes of air at low pressure

149 Which one of the following is not a safety device on compressor?

Relief valve

Over-pressure shut down


Over-speed shut down

150 The axial flow compressor and centrifugal compressor represent

positive and non-positive type of rotary compressors respectively.

positive type compressors.

non-positive and positive type of rotary compressors respectively.

non-positive type of compressors. 23

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