Exam Details

Subject management
Exam / Course mains
Organization Karnataka Public Service Commission
Exam Date 1999
City, State karnataka,

Question Paper

1999 MANAGEMENT Paper 1
TIIIIC 3 Hours} [.Maximwn Alarhs 300
EClCh quest/on is printed both in English and in Kannada.
AnS[L1crs must be written m the medium specified (English or Kannacla) in the Admission Ticket i:jsued to you, which must be stated clearly on the couer or the n!lSU)fr booh in the space prorJided (or this purpose. No credit will be giucn for the answers written in a medium. other than that specified in the Admission Ticket.
Candidates should attempt any five questiOlis.
All questions carry equal marks.
6-i -cfi ZliSrfo:t

[Turn over

Human behaviour can be classified into two categories of characteristics. List and explain them in detail.
what arc the various causes of conflict? what steps can be taken to reduce and resolve conflict that is behavioural in nature?
A leader has certain inherent qualities and traits which assist him in playing a directing role and wielding commanding influence over others. Enumerate these qualities and traits and explain them.
Decision making involves four basic phases. Explain those four basic phases to make a wise decision rationally.
The broad questions that executives face time and again will be,"what degree of-decentralisation is desirable and what are the obstacles in achieving decentralisation Under the rapid changes in our economy, how should an organisation try to answer the above two questions?
Discuss the traditional and modern techniques of capital investment appraisal bringing out their relative merits and demerits.

Goods are to be transported from the production centres P1,P2 and P3 to the different markets M1,M2,M3 and M4. The availability in the three production centreS is 250, 300 and 350 tons of the materials. The requirements at the markets are 150, 250, 200 and 300 respectively. The unit costs of transportation from the different production centres to the markets are as given below.

From/To M1, M2 M3 M4

P1 4 7 5 6
P2 7 4 3 8
P3 7 5 9 4

Determine the optimum allocation that will minilnIse the total cost of transportation.

8. Yrite short notes on

Applications of normal distribution
Decision making under certainty, uncertainty and risk

Paper 2

runc Hours 1 [Maximum Alarks 300
Each question is printed both in English and in Kan.nada.
Answers must be written w the medLUm specified or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, whwh mu.st be stated clearly on the COUer of the anSU)eT book in the space provided for this purpose. No credit will be given {or the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Ticket.
Candidates should attempt five questwns in all selecting at least one (rom each Section.
All questions carry equal marks.
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I Turn


Elucidate the planning activities that all corporates must undertake in the context of domestic and export marketing.
what kind of marketing strategies do you suggest to sustain rapid growth as long as possible?
what are the risks involved In trying to enter foreign markets Explain
In designing marketing channels, manufacturers have to struggle between what is ideal, what is feasible and when is available." Under the circumstances how are channel design decisions made?
Explain the major factors that influence buying behaviour. Illustrate these influences for a hypothetical consumer named Mr. John, married, manager in an advertising agency.


"The less analytical qualitative forecasting methods are followed for long-range forecasting and planning facilities decision. more analytical models are used for operational planning." -Examine the above statement and identify the tools for forecasting.
What are the basic types of layout designs Explain their suitability, for adoption.
what is Flexible manufacturing System Explain the salient features of FMS and its utility in our conditions.
Determine the usefulness and limitations of the Economic Order Quantity.
what are the functions of materials management?
"The financial method or tool refers to any logical method or technique to be employed for the purpose of accomplishing certain goals." What are the goals in the above statement and what are the tools available for the finance manager in performing-his job?
"Financial ratios can be broadly divided into liquidity ratios and stability ratios." mention some of them, illustrating their usefulness and significance.
State any one theory of capital structure, explaining the relationship between capital structure, cod of capital and value of the firm.
what are the different sources of long-term financing? Critically examine them.
State the role of SEBI in controlling stocks and Indian stuck markets.
what are the objectives of cash management? what arc the basic cash management problems
Every organisation, whether it be business or government organisation, hires people. How should they work out their personnel plan?
Appraisal of employees serves several useful purposes.Bring out clearly the purposes behind performance appraisals.
"Individually oriented training programmes do not prove to be of lasting benefit." -Do -you agree Discuss.
Job evaluation is useful in eliminating discrepancies of a wage payment system. State the discrepancies that are removed by job evaluation.
what are the essentials of successful collective bargaining?
"Industrial relations is always a mixture of cooperation and conflict." -Discuss.

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