Exam Details

Subject botany
Exam / Course mains
Organization Karnataka Public Service Commission
Exam Date 2008
City, State karnataka,

Question Paper


Paper 1
'TuIiC 3 Hours] rA1aximum Marhs ..
Candidates should attempt all the questions in B However, they have to choose only three questions in Part D. C.
Answers must Kannada). be written in the medium opted (i.e. English at
This paper hus four parts:
A B C D 20 marks 100 marks 90 marks 90 marks Afarh·' allotted to each question are indicated in each part.

PART A each question in about 50 words. Each question carries 5 marks.
I. Ia) Describe the salient features of Rhodophyceae.
(bl a brief account of leaf modification in plants.
Ie) ¥hite a note on transduction in bacteria.
Give an account of Rhynia.

(3 I
PARTB Answer each question in about lOO words. Each question carries 10 l/wrks.
Draw a labelled diagram of the ultra-structure of a bacterial cell. Add H note on its economic importance.
3. Give a brief account of polyembryony m higher plants and its significance.
.J. Describe the structure and replication of Bacteriophage.
5. Briefly describe the thallus organization and pigmentation seen m algae. Vrite a note on their economic importance.
fi. Describe the life cycle of PucClnia graminis.
7. Vlth suitable illustrations, explain the differences b(,tween the anatolll,Y of Cs and C,J plants.
H. With diagrams, list out. the differences between xylem ana phloem.
List Qut the names of any 10 fruits, identify the fruit type and name tlw edible parts.
IO. Enumerate the n-'scmbJances and differences between Cymnosperm:,; and
1. Write notes on tlw following: la) Reprodudivt, ,stages in Oedo{;onium
Asexual reproduction 1Il Aspergillus
[Turn over
03/1 41 PART C 6x15=90 Answer each question in about 150 words. Each question carries 15 marks.
Present the similarities and differences that distinguish liver worb and mosses.

Write notes on the following:


Heterothallisrn III fungi

Androecium in Asclepiadaceac

Explain the mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation.

Give the most salient features of the family Palroae and discuss its phylogenetic relationship.

Give the salient features of Bentham and Hooker's system of classification. Discuss its merits and demerits.

17. Describe the changes that take place In a typical dicotyledonous ovule leading to the formation of seed.

03/1 PARTD
Answer any three of the following questions, each rn about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
18. Describe the structure and reproduction of lichens. Give a brief classification and their economic importance.
tH. Mention the causal organism, symptoms and control measures of the following plant diseases:
Bunchy top of banana
Ib) Rust of coffee
Bacterial wilt of potato
Id) Sandal spike
Ear cockle of wheat

20. Give the important flower characters of the following families. Give economic importance of three plants from each family.



21. What are downy mildews Describe the disease cycle of P. graminicola on bajra and also give its control measures.
22. Write an account on Bioremediation by fungi with suitable examples.
I03/2 I
Paper 2
Tlnw 3 Hours] Maximum Murks 300

Candidates should attempt all the questions in Parts B However, they have to choose only three questions in Part D. C.
Answers must Kannada). be written in the medium opted (i.e. English or
This paper has four parts:
A B C D 20 marks 100 marks 90 marks 90 marks Marks allotted to each question are indicated in each part.

03 121 PART A AnSWtr each question in abnut 50 words. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. What do you understand by Genomic library?
Give structure and function of Mitochondria.
Mention important causes of Global warming.
Describe important fiber yielding plants and their morphological

13) 03/2
PARTE Answer each question in about 100 words. Each question carries 10 nwrks. Describe the importance of green belt in reducing the environmental pollution. :1. Give the importance of the following in plant metabolism
Describe physiological changes occurring during seed germination.

Write a note on rRNA biosynthesis in Eukaryotes. fj. Describe structural variations in chromosomes.

7. Describe Photosy."ltem 1. Add a note on Hill reaction.
B. Give the importance of GM crops in food security and better human health.
9. Mention five important medicinal plants, parts used and their applications.
IO. 'What do you understand about secondary metabolites A.lention their commercial applications.
1 L Describe use of RFLPs in plant breeding.
[Turn over
03/2 PARTe
Answer each question in about 150 words. Each question carries
15 marks.

"What do you understand by Energy Plantation Give any three examples.

Describe different forest types of India.

What do you understand by Hatch Slack cycle Mention the cell organelle where the cycle operates.

Describe synthesis of gibberellins in plants and their physiological effects.

What do you understand by mineral disorders Describe symptoms caused by deficiency due to Fe, Zn and Cu.

Describe characteristics of genetic code.

5 I 03/2 PART D 3x30=90
Answer any three of the following questions, each in about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
Mention different methods of gene transfer In plants. Discuss the role of vector in gene transfer.

Write in detail about alcoholic and non·alcoholic beverages.

Discuss role of National Parks and Sanctuaries in conservation of plant biodiversity.

Explain electron transport system. How does ATP help III energy transfer?

Describe the role of growth hormones and their application in agriculture.

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