Exam Details

Exam / Course mains
Organization Haryana Public Service Commission
Position commerce and accountancy
Exam Date 2004
City, State haryana,

Question Paper

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Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 150
Note: Attempt Five questions in all. All questions carry equal marks. Q. No.1 is compulsory. Answer two questions from Part I and two questions from Part II. The parts of the same question must be answered together and must not be interposed between answers to other questions.
1. Answer any four of the following:

What is Responsibility Accounting Discuss its principal elements.

Explain the significance of cost-volume­

What is meant by Perquisites What are . tax-free perquisites

What, in your opinion, IS the most convincing theory of motivation Discuss the same and bring out the role of leadership in this connection.

"Informal channels of communication are more human and homely." Comment.

"Job stress can have physiological, psychological and behavioural effects." Explain with example.

profit relationship for managerial

Part I
What are the important methods to account for the changing levels of prices? Briefly ex­plain how does current purchasing power method of inflation accounting differ from the rest of the methods.

While evaluating capital expenditure proposals on the basis of Net Present Value it becomes necessary to go beyond the values and the

project itself in order to arrive at a proper
decision. Explain.
C-04/M-06 2

4. Discuss the meaning and significance of human resource accounting.
In the course of an audit of accounts of a public limited company you find that there are no profits available at the end of the year, but an interim dividend has been paid. What would be your duty as an auditor
Part II
Discuss Linkert's system 1 to 4 approach to leadership. Which of the systems IS conSI­dered most effective and why

"Traditional form of organization has ,been rendered less effective in the chang­ing business environment." Comment.

"If you start controlling everything, you will be controlling nothing." Comment on it.
C-04/M-06 3
7• Discuss the issue of child labour as a
growing concern in India. What has been
done to eliminate child labour in the
Discuss the role of Collective Bargaining
Mechanism of Indian Railways. HaVt",
they solved the major problems of
Railway Workers


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