Exam Details

Exam / Course mains
Organization Haryana Public Service Commission
Position sociology
Exam Date 2003
City, State haryana,

Question Paper

Maximum A1arks 150Time Allowed: 3 HOllrs
Note: fltempt any Five questions. All questions cmTy equal marks. Q. No, 1 is compulsory. Answer tvI'D questions from Part I and IvVD questions from Part II. The parts of the same question must be answered together and must not be interposed between answers to other questions.
1.. Write critical notes on any four of the follOving (4x 7Yz=3

'Value Problem' is Sociological Research

Factors related to declining proportion of femaks in sex-ratio in India

Educational Inequalities in India.

Suicide as a Social Fact
Gonformity and Deviance
Emerging Pattern of Sex-roles m
contemporary Indian Society

Part I
Define status, role and role conflict. hAp!am their importance in understanding social structure with appropriate illustration.

Explain the basic features of the ex-post facto research design and assess its role in Sociological Research.

Discuss the importance of 'sacred' and 'profane' in the understanding of religion. Cite examples.

"Not all facts about human behaviour are necessarily social facts.!! State the meaning of 'social facts' and the methods of studying of them with reference to this statement.
Part II
Vhat is the relative role of ritual and secular factors in the traditional caste system Explain how their roI.e IS changing in the modern time.

"Education promotes social equality." Comment with particular reference to women and scheduled tribes of India.

"Fecent Social Legislations on Hindu Marriage and Family have put women at par with men in India." Comment.

C-03/M-21 2

Vila! changes have taken place m the tfibal stratification pattern in recent times? Describe the factors responsible fCF these changes.

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