Exam Details

Exam / Course mains
Organization Haryana Public Service Commission
Position psychology
Exam Date 2010
City, State haryana,

Question Paper

Code -18
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks-150

Note: Attempt Five questions in all. All questions carry marks. Question no. 1is compulsory. Answer two questions from Part-I and two questions from Part II. The parts of same question must be answered together and must not be interposed between answers
to other questions.
1. Write critical notes on any four of the following: x 7.25=30)

What are the basic ideas behind Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theroy?

Can you describe how schedules of reinforcement operate in your own life?

What structures make up the brain stem? What are their functions?

How do the Cannon-Bard and James-Lange theories of emotion differ?

Do any gender difference in intelligence exist? If so what is the possible origin of such differences?

Why are some people better able to cope with the effects of stress than others?

What is observational learning? In what ways can observational learning be used to solve problems of everyday life?
What are retroactive interference and proactive interference? What role do they play in forgetting?
3.(a)What are the major stages in Piaget's theory, and what. cognitive abilities do infants, children and adolescents acquire as they move through these stages?

What is eyewitness testimony? What factors potentially reduce

What are the Oedipus and Electra complexes? What are the views of Carl Rogers about personality?

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the accuracy of eyewitness testimony?
What are laws ofperceptual organization? How do we
perceive depth?


5. What do you think of theory X and theory Which one appeals you and followed by the majority of managers in India?

What do you meanpy motive? Do you agree with Freud that the two major moti
es underlying human behayior are sex and aggression? State your reasons.

What are the major models of abnormal behavior? Describe schizophrenia in detail.

C-09/M-18 2

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