Exam Details

Subject general studies
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course mains
Organization Karnataka Public Service Commission
Position gazetted probationers
Exam Date 2014
City, State karnataka,

Question Paper

QCA: 30/1
e;,Q6oilc:;j Paper-I
3 7l0"1 250
Time 3 hours ilaximultl marks 250




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(PIt.·flSf read ofth£ followion instructions carefully tx'forc attempt"ill(J
are TWENTY questions printed both in KANlADA and in I::lGL.lSH.
AI! the questions are compulsory.
Thenumberofmarkscarriedbya question/pan is indicatedagainst it.
Answer milSl be wrillen inlhe medium authoriz..'d in the Admission Ccnifieate which

must be stated clearly on the coverofthis Question-cum-Answer(QCA) in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers wrillen in a medium other than the aUlho,;zcd one.
Word limit in questions, wherever spec·itied. should be adhered to. Any page or ponion oflhe page len blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off
30iGenerai Sludies-I P.T.O
150 ... ... ...,lti,)oj

12 x 20 =250

Answer alllhe (Iucstions not more than 150 each. Contents of thl' answer :ue more important than its Il'nglh. All qU('slions c:lrry cqu:l1 marks:


Oi,;cuss the ideas which the Satya Shodhak:t Samaj articulated and built up a mO'l'ment 10 empower the under privikged classes.
Explain the meaning and nature oflolaIn:volution and highlight its significance intfle socio-politicallife ofcontemporary India. .

Explain the main It:atures ofS,'ull'turc art during Rashtrakuta period.

Whal du you think were the causes for rise of Sufism in Kamataka?
5. 12
Wrile aboul the importancc of backward class struggle in the Kamataka Independence movemcnt.

11 D.:'cribc di fkn:n( of the nn ificalinn of Kamataka from 191 (llo


Eluciclat.: favoul'ahle the uplilimem of women stalu" in i·ludern lndi:1.

Explain Ihe nature of Indian system.

Discuss the broad features oftillJncial relations bctween the union and the state in India.

Discuss the constitucnt amendment related to urban local Governmcnts.


Examine the bearings ofJajnHlni system on the tradilional rural society ill India and changes which have influcnced the Jajmani system.

30 'General Studio'-.

Ddin.: E.:onomic ckvd..lpmcnt and discuss the impact of social dell."rminants on e.:onomic development.

Explain th.: role of Panchay:ll Raj in changing thc traditional powcr structure in Rui'al India. .

Discuss tlte gro\1h of Kal1lalab economy during the plan Era.

Critially examine India's balance of payment trends during f950-2005 and explain thc phasc of crisis during 1990-92
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Critically evaluate India's tr:lde policy of "Import libcralisation for export promotion".
17. .

12 Yz

What arc the major objecti'cs of Spe.:ial d.:velopmcnl Plan introduced by GOCl1lmCnl of Kamataka to reduce regional imbalances! Critically examine the implementation orSDP.

'India's Economic dcvelopment in recent years is serviccs Sector led'. Justify?
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27.6"0 14.5%

23.4"' 61.0% 15.6%

13.1 77.7% 9.2%

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CJm 12
OEM " . High ehol esterol levels in the blood have been associated with an increased risk of heart attack and diet seems to affect cholesterol levels. Researchers . have foun d that fats with higher percentages-of monounsaturated fatty acids reduce the c.holesterol level in the blood. The following is the breakdown for some com1110n oils. Type of oi Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated Saturated
Olive oil 72.3% 10.6%
Peanut oil 31.5% 20.4%

Duller 30.0% 4.0% 66.0%
Com oil 27.6% 57.9% 14.5%
Soybean 0 il 234% 61.0% 15.6%
Sunflo\"eroil 13.1% 77.7% 9.2%
Construct a barchart showing the percentage ofmonolll1saturates in the six

oils. Also pn:par, a pie chart showing the breakdown of olive oil into the three kind -of fally acids. Comment based on the bar and pie charts.
.10 Gl.:n...·ral Studies 5

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