Exam Details

Subject psychology
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course mains
Organization Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission
Exam Date 2015
City, State arunachal pradesh,

Question Paper

Time 3 hours Full Marks 200
Note: The figures in the right-hand margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Attempt five questions in all.

Question No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Answer any ten of the following 4xlO=40

Discuss how an individual difference is measured.
What are the characteristics of good psychological test?
How are the classifications of psychological disorders made?
Describe different models of psychopathology.
Differentiate between client-centered therapy and group therapy.
Discuss the importance of psychology in personnel selection.
What are the characteristics of small group?
What are the symptoms of mentally retarded children and.the problems related to education?
Discuss school as an agent of socialization in human.
Describe the concept of disadvantaged group.
Illustrate the manifestation of prejudice in group situation.
What is stress? Discuss the stages of stress according to Hans Selye.

2. Answer any eight of the following Sx8=40

Explain the stages of psychological test construction.
What are the symptoms of a neurotic person?
Illustrate the process of behavioural therapy.
What is work motivation?
Discuss how group behaviour is measured.
Describe the criteria of psychotic disorder.
Discuss the characteristics of people under stress.
Discuss the psychological consequences of disadvantaged people.
What is nosological system?
What are the problems faced by an aged person?

3. Answer any five of the following 8x5=40

What are the characteristics of psychological test?
Explain the symptoms of psychopathic personality.
What are the theories of work motivation?
Demonstrate the factors of resistance to change.
How does promotion of entrepreneurship take place?
What are different measurements of individual differences?
How are psycho-physiologic disorders clarified?

4. Answer any four of the following lOx4=40

Discuss planning to change with example.
What is deviance? Who are socially deviant?
Define delinquency. Discuss the symptom of juvenile delinquent.
Discuss the educational problems of disadvantaged people.
Explain the concept of change proneness.

5. Answer any two of the following: 20x2=40

What are the psychological problems related to depression?
Discuss the impact of technological changes on human behaviour.
Describe the impact of television on human behaviour.

6. Answer any four of the following 10x4=40

What is social integration? Describe the steps to achieve social integration.
Discuss the entrepreneur syndrome.
What are the psychological factors in information management?
Define an alcoholic. Explain how alcoholism can affect contemporary society.
What is information overload? Discuss with example of it.

7. Answer any two of the following 20x2=40

What are the types and problems associated with an anxiety disorder?
Define social change. Discuss the psychological bases of social change.
Discuss the issues related to juvenile delinquency and available rehabilitation in your State.


Define mass media. Discuss the psychological basis of effective advertising in your geographical area.
Discuss different types of psychological test and their applicability to population.
Discuss the importance of psychology in work motivation and job designing in organization/industrial setting.

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