Exam Details

Subject cosmetic technology
Exam / Course b.pharmacy
Organization G. Pulla Reddy College Of Pharmacy
Exam Date March, 2016
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

B.Pharmacy 4/4 II-Semester (Main) Examination, March 2016
Subject: Cosmetic Technology
Time 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Not Answer All questions. All questions carry equal marks
1 Define 'Cosmetics" and write about the classification of cosmetic preparations
with suitable examples.
With a neat sketch, describe the structure of skin and mention the functions.
Enumerate different types of colouring agents that are used in cosmetic
Write a note on legal and regulatory requirements related to cosmetics.
2 What are cleansing creams? Write about the formulation of cleansing creams.
Explain in detail about the formulation and evaluation of a baby lotion.
Write in detail about the various stages involved in the manufacture of lipsticks.
What are eye preparations? Write about various types of mascaras.
3 Discuss about the raw materials used in the formulation of nail lacquers.
Mention the differences between preshave and after shave lotions. Write about
the formulation of an after shave lotion.
Mention the differences between lather shaving cream and brushless shaving
cream. Write about the formulation of a lather shaving cream.
Write about the formulation and evaluation of a body lotion.
4 What are the desirable characteristics of an abrasive in a toothpaste
preparation. How will you manufacture a toothpaste.
What is the mechanism of hair dying? Explain the formulation of a permanent
hair dye.
What are the various preparations marketed for hair care. Describe about the
evaluation of a shampoo preparation.
Write about formulation of mouthwashes.
5 What are herbal cosmetics? Name various herbal ingredients used in
cosmetics industry.
How do you formulate and manufacture herbal shampoo?
What are face packs? How do you formulate and manufacture a face pack with
herbal ingredients?
Write about the formulation and evaluation of a herbal moisturizing lotion.


  • bio-pharmaceutics & pharmacokinetics
  • cosmetic technology
  • dosage formulation and design (pharmaceutics – iii)
  • hospital and clinical pharmacy
  • medicinal chemistry – ii
  • pharmaceutical analysis - ii
  • pharmaceutical biotechnology
  • pharmaceutical business management
  • pharmacoinformatics