Exam Details

Subject nuclear, physics, molecular & resonance spectrosopy
Exam / Course m.sc. in physics
Organization acharya nagarjuna university-distance education
Exam Date May, 2018
City, State new delhi, new delhi

Question Paper

Total No. of Questions [Total No. of Pages 2
Second Year
Nuclear Physics, Molecular Resonance Spectroscopy
Time 3 Hours Maximum Marks 70
Answer any Five of the following
All questions carry equal marks
Q1) Explain dipole moment and quadrapole moment of the nucleus.
Explain proton proton and Neutron Proton scattering mechanisms.
Q2) Obtain semi empirical mass formula.
Explain Bohr wheeler theory.
Q3) Explain different nuclear reactors with examples.
Obtain Q equation and explain its importance.
Q4) Discuss the Gamow's theory of α decay
Explain the properties of elementary particles.
Q5) Explain the basic principle and relaxation mechanisms in NMR.
Explain briefly the working of ESR spectrometer.
Q6) Explain the fine structure and hyperfine structure of unpaired electrons in ESR.
Draw the block diagram of NQR spectro meter and explain.
Q7) Explain rotational spectra of rigid rotator.
Discuss the energy levels of Non rigid rotator.
Q8) Explain how diatomic molecule on a simple harmonic oscillation.
Explain the fundamentals of IR spectroscopy.
Q9) Write a notes on any two of the following
Ground state of deuteron
Interaction between the elementary particles.
NMR spectrometer.
PQR branches

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