Exam Details

Subject history
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date 28, August, 2016
City, State ,

Question Paper


Paper II

Note This paper contains fifty objective type questions of two marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Which of the following is the characteristic tool of the Lower Palaeolithic period

Handaxeü Burin

Scraper Celt

2. Who, among the following, were victorious in the 'Battle of Ten Kings' of the Vedic period

Matsyas Purus

Anus Bharatas

3. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion and the other labelled as Reason Assertion Gautama Buddha did not recognise the existence of a permanent soul.
Reason :He believed in rebirth.
In the context of the above two statements which of the following is correct


Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

4. Which of the following is not one of the 'Saptangas'

Kosa Svamin

Durga Ratnin

5. Which of the following statements is not true

The Southern limit of Asoka's inscription is Karnataka.

Kalinga war took place in Asoka's 8th regnal year.

Asoka's edicts refer to the restriction of slaughter of animals in the royal kitchen.

Asoka's edicts mention the contribution of Mahendra and Sanghamitra in the spread of dharma.


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6. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched

Pushkalavati Charsadda Sakala -Sialkot

Takshasila Sirkap Mahodaya Mahoba

7. Which of the following statements is not correct in respect of the Satavahana period

Hala was the composer of the Gatha-saptasati.

Gautamiputra Satakarni destroyed the Kshaharata family.

Satavahana Kingdom comprised aharas.

Somadeva was the rival of Gunadhya in the Satavahana Court.

8. Which of the following subjects is dealt with, in the Kudumiyamalai inscription of the Pallava family

Architecture Music

Irrigation Polity

9. Which of the following is correct in respect of the plan of the Durga temple at Aihole

Square Rectangular

Stellar Apsidal

10. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below
List- I List- II
(Author) (Title of the book)

A.L. Basham Hindu Polity

D.D. Kosambi The Wonder that was India

K.P. Jayaswal An Introduction to the study of Indian History.

R.G. Bhandarkarü Early History of the Dekkan


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11. Which of the following is the correct connotation of the word Upadha

Land given to the temples Land given to the Brahmanas

Tax on profession Test of integrity

12. Which of the following places marks the southern most extent of the Harappan Culture

Desalpurü Daimabad

Rojdi Lothal

13. Which of the following places yielded the remains of Kushan devakula, where statues of royal persons were kept

Ahichchhatra Chamba

Mat Shahbazgarhi

14. Which of the following places are mentioned in the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea as
market places.
Select the correct answer, using the code given below




and and

and and

15. Which of the following inscriptions, refers to the performance of Sati

Bhitari inscription of Skandagupta.

Mandasor inscription of Kumaragupta.

Mathura inscription of Chandragupta II.

Eran inscription of Bhanugupta .

16. Which of the following statements relating to the reign of Chola Rajendra I is not correct

He renewed the matrimonial alliance with the Chalukyas of Vengi.

He sent an expedition to Kadaram.

He conquered Ceylon and reinstated its ruler Mahinda V.

He renewed his father's grant to the Buddhist monastery at Nagapatam.

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17. Which of the following temples of Khajuraho are constructed either wholly or largely of granite Use of the code given below

Chausatha Yogini temple

Brahma temple

Visvanatha temple

Kandariya Mahadeva temple


18. The Vaishnavite devotionalism paved the way for the emergence of which of the following local literary genre in Bengal

Manasa Mangalam

Mangalakavya Chaitanya Mangal

19. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below
List- I List- II
(Source) (Author)

Siyar ul Auliya Amir Khusrau

Jami-ut Tawarikh Saiyid Muhammad

Fatawa-i Jahandari Rashiduddin Fazlullah

Matla-ul Anwar Ziauddin Barani


20. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched Source Author

Tarikh-i Firuzshahi Shams-i Siraj Afif

Futuh us Salatin Rashiduddin Fazlullah

Hasht Bihisht Amir Khusrau

Rehla Ibn Battuta

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21. Treadles in the loom are first described in India in

1348 49 1368 69

1448 49 1468 69

22. Which of the following Sultan built a hospital at Mandu in 1442-43 and ordered that medicines should be procured as were prescribed by both 'Islamic' and 'Brahmanical' physicians

Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq Sultan Mahmud Khalji

Sultan Nasiruddin Sultan Bakhtiyar Khalji

23. Consider the following statements relating to the mountain horsebreed found in the Himalayan steppes of Tibet.

This mountain horsebreed was known as Kohi.

This mountain horsebreed was known as Tanghan.

These mountain horses were in profuse supply in the medieval period, particularly in

the Bengal Sultanate.
Select the correct answer from the code given below


and and

and and

24. Nimatullah writes, 'The Sultan then went on a boat to see the site. Enjoying and hunting on the way, he reached the place and liked the elevation of the area for purpose of habitation … the Sultan said 'the name of this city be Agra'.
Identify the Sultan

Alauddin Khalji Firoz Shah Tughlaq

Bahlol Lodhi Sikandar Lodhi

25. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below List- I List- II

Silahdarü A salaried officer

Wajhdarü foot man

Waqf an armed man

Paik endowment







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J-06-16 11 Paper-II

26. Mahdawi movement in India was founded by Saiyid Muhammad Jaunpuri. He proclaimed his mahdiship at which of the following place

Ahmadabadü Patan

Jaunpurü Barli

27. Arrange the following in chronological order and choose your answer from the code given below

Monument Place

Jama Masjid Gulbarga

Gol Gumbaz Bijapur

Jahaz Mahal Mandu

Govind-dev temple Vrindaban


28. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion and the other labelled as Reason Assertion Portuguese introduced element of force and politics in commerce. Reason hen Portuguese Silveira came to Chittagong in 1517 he forcibly
captured two Gujarat bound ships of the Bengali merchants. In the context of the above statements which of the following is correct


Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and true, but is not the correct explanation of

is true, but is false.

is false, but is true.

29. Abul Fazl constructs Akbar's descent from which of the following Prophet

Adam Abraham

Moses Muhammad




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30. Which one of the following is not true about Akbar's tomb at Sikandara

Akbar began to build his own tomb at Sikandara during his life-time.

In 1607 Jahangir visited the site; and did not like the plan and ordered to make a new plan.

The work of Akbar's tomb at Sikandara was finished in 1618.

Out of respect for Akbar's cultural ideas, Jahangir deliberately departed from the prevalent domed structure.

31. "I ordered that he be brought to my presence (at Lahore). I gave over his homes and houses and children to Murtaza Khan, Confiscated his goods and ordered him to be capitally punished."
In the above passage Jahangir is ordering the execution of which Sikh Guru

Guru Angad Guru Arjan

Guru Hargobindü Guru Tegh Bahadur

32. Parauti land was

Cultivated every year.

left uncultivated for a year.

left uncultivated for three or four years.

a cultivable waste.

33. Which one of the following sufis, belonging to the naqshbandi order, concluded that the Vedas were the revealed books, and the Hindus therefore possessed the status of the ahl-i kitab and could not be treated like the Kafirs of Arabia

Mirza Mazhar Jan-i Janan Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi

Shaikh Kalimullah Miyan Mir

34. Who founded the 'Asiatic Society' in Calcutta in 1784

William Jones Warren Hastings

Jushua Marshman Henry Derozio

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