Exam Details

Subject methodology of social sciences with special reference to economics
Exam / Course economics
Organization Mar Ivanios College
Exam Date November, 2016
City, State kerala, thiruvananthapuram

Question Paper

(Pages 1632
Reg. No. :.………………… Name :.…………………
First Semester B.A. Degree Examination, November 2016
First Degree Programme under CBCSS
Foundation Course (for Economics)
AUEC121: Methodology of Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics
Common for Regular 2016 Admn. and Improvement 2015 Admn.
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer ALL the following terms each in one or two sentences.
1. State the wealth definition of economics.
2. Full employment.
3. Social science.
4. Price elasticity of demand.
5. Deductive method.
6. Equilibrium.
7. Marginal utility.
8. Voluntary unemployment.
9. Hypothesis.
10. Macro economics.
(10 1 10 Marks)
Write short notes on any EIGHT of the following, not exceeding a paragraph.
11. Differentiate between Time series and Cross section data.
12. Scarcity definition of Economics.
13. Diffentiate between Micro economics and Macro economics.
14. Define Stock and Flow variables.
15. Positive and Normative Economics.
16. Objectivity and subjectivity.
17. Uses of theory.
18. What are the merits and demerits of inductive method
19. What do you mean by Laissez Faire Policy
20. State the main ideas of Historical School.
21. What is the difference between endogenous and exogenous variables
22. Explain Effective demand.
2 16 Marks)
Short essay type Answer any SIX questions, each not to exceed one and a half page.
23. Explain the limitations of economics.
24. Discuss the nature of economic laws.
25. Contributions of Alfred Marshall in Economics.
26. State the merits and demerits of economic models.
27. What is monetarism
28. Explain the role of assumptions in Economics.
29. What is the importance of review of literature in a research study
30. Write a short note on institutional School.
31. Can you justify that Keynesianism gives importance to demand side management.
4 24 Marks)
Long essay type Answer any TWO questions, each not exceeding three pages.
32. What is research What are major steps involved in conducting a social research
33. Explain the relation of Economics with other social sciences.
34. Write an essay on the classical school of economic thought.
35. Explain the relevance of social sciences in understanding and solving contemporary problems at the regional, national and global levels.
15 30 Marks)

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