Exam Details

Subject animal diversity – ii
Exam / Course botany
Organization Mar Ivanios College
Exam Date June, 2017
City, State kerala, thiruvananthapuram

Question Paper

(Pages 1109
Reg. No. :.………………… Name :.………………….
Second Semester B.Sc. Degree Examination, June 2017
First Degree Programme under CBCSS
Complementary Course: Zoology II: (for Botany)
AUZO231.2a: Animal Diversity II
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer ALL questions in one or two sentences.
1. What is the function of endostyle in Amphioxus
2. What is nuptial pad
3. Name the larval phase of Lampreys
4. What is Kolliker's pit
5. Name the hormone causing amphibian metamorphosis.
6. What is haemotoxin
7. What is nictitating membrane
8. Write the scientific name of Indian Krait.
9. What is preen gland
10. Name a limbless amphibian.
(10 x 1 10 Marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions, each in a short paragraph not exceeding 50 words.
11. Give notes on Loris.
12. What is echo location
13. Differentiate between tunic and mantle.
14. Comment on placoid scale.
15. What is the structure of buccal funnel in Petromyzon
16. What are the features of Enhydrina
17. Write notes on the adaptations of Chaemeleon.
18. Mention the salient features of class Amphibia.
19. Mention the economic importance of fishes.
20. Write a note on the legs of Ostrich.
21. Give four characters of subphylum vertebrata.
22. Comment on the structure of frog heart.
x 2 16 Marks)
Answer any SIX questions, each in a paragraph not exceeding 120 words.
23. Mention the aquatic adaptations of whales.
24. Explain the important features of Echidna.
25. Give an account on Macropus.
26. Write an account on Kiwi.
27. Explain the feeding mechanism in Amphioxus.
28. Explain retrogressive metamorphosis with a suitable example.
29. Give an account on the adaptations of Echeneis.
30. With the help of a suitable diagram explain the 8th vertebra of frog.
31. What is neoteny Explain with a suitable example.
x 4 24 Marks)
Answer any TWO questions, not exceeding four pages.
32. Describe the mechanisms of respiration in frog.
33. Mention the different types of feathers in birds; add a note on its importance.
34. Mention the general characters of Class Mammalia.
35. Give an account on the identification of poisonous and non poisonous snakes with suitable examples.
x 15 30 Marks)

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