Exam Details

Subject precision engineering
Exam / Course m.tech
Organization Institute Of Aeronautical Engineering
Exam Date July, 2018
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: BCC201
M.Tech I Semester End Examinations (Supplementary) July, 2018
Regulation: IARE-R16
Time: 3 Hours (CAD/CAM) Max Marks: 70
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only
1. State the formula for tolerance grade for any diameter <500mm. What are the considerations in
the development of this?
A hole is bored to the limits of 50.03 to 50.00mm diameter and the shaft which is to fit the hole
is machined to the limits 50.02mm to 49.98 mm
i. State the allowance for this fit and value for maximum clearance.
ii. If a limit and fit system was used for arriving the above dimensions, what was the fundamental
deviation of hole? What type of shaft it could be?
2. Explain with a neat sketch the various ways by which the tolerance frame is connected to tolerance
Explain with a neat sketch the construction of main spindle for machine tool.
3. Give a brief classification of datum system and explain two mutually perpendicular grouped
datum planes.
Discuss the steps involved in computational of transnational accuracy.
4. Explain with a neat sketch data system with pin and hole and list out any four advantages.
Write short notes on geometric analysis of spigot and recess pair.
5. Discuss the relation between tolerance grades and machining process.
Briefly discuss about process capability metrics in design of tolerance work sheet.
6. Explain geometric tolerance frame with a suitable example.
Write short notes on
i. Feature tolerance
ii. Cost aspect
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7. Explain the preparation of process drawings for various operations with a suitable example.
Elaborate different manufacturing considerations in component design.
8. Define and explain the tolerance work sheet with a neat sketch.
Explain the design features to facilitate machining in detail.
9. Discuss the laser optical measuring system with a neat sketch.
Explain briefly about the working of 3 axis coordinate system.
10. Explain the working system of Computational Machine Measurement(CMM) and its applications
Explain in process measurement of position of processing on machine measurement of dimensional
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  • computer oriented numerical methods
  • cyber security
  • data science
  • data structures and problem solving
  • dc to ac converters
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  • mathematical foundation of computer
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  • micro controllers and programmable digital signal processing
  • multilevel inverters
  • numerical method for partial differential equations
  • power electronic control of ac drives
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  • power quality
  • precision engineering
  • principles of distributed embedded systems
  • programmable logic controllers and their applications
  • rapid prototype technologies
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  • renewable energy systems
  • research methodology
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  • special machines and their controllers
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