Exam Details

Subject hydrogeology
Exam / Course m.sc. applied geology
Organization solapur university
Exam Date April, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Applied Geology) (Semester II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Day Date: Monday, 24-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM
N.B. Answer any Five Questions.
ALL question carry equal marks.
Question No. 1 is compulsory.
Attempt any two from Q.No.2, 3 and 4.
Attempt any two from Q. No. 6 and 7.
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 14
The permissible limit of Na in groundwater for irrigation purpose is

20-40 40-60 60-80 80-90
An unconfined aquifer which occurs within the zone of aeration is
known as
Artesian Aquifer Perched Aquifer Aquifuse Both a b
When the piezometric surface lie above the groundwater surface,
which of the following type of well result?
Ordinary Well Well which have no water
Drawdown well Flowing Well
In irregular terrain, underground water basin is artificially charged by
Basin Ditch or Furrow Flooding Natural channel
Water saturated unconsolidated sediments shows in Seismic
Increase Decrease
No effect Sometimes increases sometime decreases
Water with hardness of (CaCO3 ppm) is used for domestic
>200 ppm b)>150 ppm <150 ppm <100 ppm
Specific Yield of a material will be maximum for material.
Coarse grained Fine grained
No relation with For coarse fully saturated b
Page 1 of 2
For dating of underground water, the most useful radioisotope is
C14 Tritium Thorium(th) 235U
Hydraulic Conductivity can be determined by
Tracer test Auger hole test
Pumping test of Wells All of the above
10) A map which shows the surface contours of an imaginary surface to
which water would rise in drilled well is termed
GW map Water contour map
Piezometric map Water table map
11) The field capacity of any soil in any depends upon
Storage Coefficient Porosity of soil
Hygroscopic co-efficient None of above
12) Total evaporation transpiration from the catchment area is known
Evaporation Transpiration
Evapo-transpiration dehydration
13) Which will be the correct sequence in order of increasing specific
Sand-gravel-clay Silt-gravel-clay
Clay-sand-gravel None of the above
14) In soft formation the method most suitable for groundwater
prospecting is ___method.
Self-potential Resistivity Inductive Telluric current
Q.2 Explain in detail hydrological cycle. 14
Q.3 Describe the various structures and methods of artificial groundwater
Q.4 Describe the method of groundwater quality assessment and impact of
over exploitation on Groundwater quality.
Q.5 Write short notes on: 14
Different methods of determination of hydraulic conductivity.
Types of aquifer
Q.6 Explain in short: 14
Seismic refraction method
Porpsity& Permeability
Q.7 Write note on: 14
Ghyben-Herzberg equation for seawater intrusion
Computer application in hydrogeological studies

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