Exam Details

Subject pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry–i
Exam / Course b. pharmacy
Organization savitribai phule pune university
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State maharashtra, pune

Question Paper

F.Y. B. Pharmacy (Sem. EXAMINATION, 2018
(2015 PATTERN)
Time Three Hours Maximum Marks 60
N.B. All questions are compulsory.
(ii Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate
answer books.
(iii Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Attempt any one from the following
What are antacids Classify them with examples. Give
mechanism of action, preparation, properties, storage of the
following antacids
Aluminium Hydroxide Gel
(ii Magnesium Hydroxide.
What do you mean by Hardness of water Discuss various
methods of removing temporary hardness and permanent hardness
of water.
2. Solve any four from the following
Define the following terms
(ii Achlorhydria,
(iii Limit test
[5345]-1003 2
Give the principle involved in limit test for sulphate.
Explain any three official waters.
Aluminium or calcium antacids are combined with magnesium
antacids. Give reason.
Give the composition and uses of ORS.
Write in brief history of Indian Pharmacopoeia.
Give the principle and reactions involved in limit test for iron.
3. Solve any two from the following
What are saline cathartics Give their mechanism of action.
Give preparation, properties, storage and uses of sodium potassium
Discuss any four electrolytes used in replacement therapy.
Give physiological role of
(ii Potassium,
(iii Phosphate,
Give the principle involved in limit test of Arsenic.
4. Attempt any one from the following
What are topical agents Classify them with suitable examples.
Explain mechanism of action of Antimicrobial agents. Discuss
preparation, properties, storage and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide
[5345]-1003 3 P.T.O.
Give the physiological role of
(ii Iodine,
(iii Copper,
Give preparation, properties, uses and storage of Ferrous
5. Solve any four from the following
What are anticaries agents Give preparation, properties and
uses of sodium fluoride.
Write storage and labelling conditions for Oxygen, Carbon dioxide
and Helium as inorganic gases.
What are expectorants Give mechanism of action, preparation,
properties of Ammonium chloride.
Define the term 'Astringents' with suitable examples. Give uses
of any one such agent.
Give preparation, properties, storage of any one inorganic
antidepressant agent.
Explain topical protectives with suitable examples. Give preparation,
properties and uses of Zinc oxide.
Write a brief note on 'Iodine and its preparations'.
[5345]-1003 4
6. Solve any two from the following
Write a note on 'Radioopaque Contrast Media'.
Define 'Antidotes'. Classify them with suitable examples. Give
preparation, properties and uses of sodium nitrite.
Give preparation, properties, storage and uses of
(ii Copper sulfate
Give preparation, properties, storage and uses of
Potassium permanganate,
(ii Potassium iodide.

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