Exam Details

Subject economics
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date June, 2010
City, State ,

Question Paper

1. Marshallian Theory of consumer's behaviour is based on

Hypothesis of additive utilities.

Hypothesis of independent utilities.

Both and

Weak ordering.

2. Consider the following statements

Income effect is positive in case of normal goods.

Income effect is zero in the case of superior goods.

All Giffen goods are inferior goods, but not all inferior goods are Giffen goods.

Income effect is negative in case of inferior goods.

Which of the above is /are correct




3. A profit maximising firm will stop production in the short run if price is

less than the average variable cost

less than the marginal cost

less than the average total cost

equal to the average total cost

4. Consider the following statements

When MC curve is below the AC curve, then the AC curve must be rising.

When MC curve is above AC curve, then AC curve must be falling.

MC curve intersects AC curve at the point where AC is constant.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct

5. With which of the following is the doctrine of excess capacity in the long run not associated



Monopolistic competition

Perfect competition

6. To derive the demand curve for a firm for one of the several variable factors, the following must be considered

The external effect of the change in the factor price

The internal effect of the change in factor price

Monopolistic exploitation

Monopsonistic exploitation


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7. In an Edgeworth production box, the only possible positions of equilibrium is

the isoquants are tangent to one another

the isoquants intersect each other

the marginal products of the inputs are equal

both and

8. In case of Keynes' Psychological Law of Consumption Function, which one of the following statements is incorrect

As disposal income increases, consumption also increases, but less than proportionately.

Marginal propensity to consume is positive but less than unity.

As disposable income increases, average propensity to consume falls, and vice versa.

Average propensity to consume equals marginal propensity to consume at all levels of income.

9. Which one of the following statements in case of balanced budget multiplier is incorrect

The value of balanced budget multiplier is unity in case of autonomous taxes.

The value of balanced budget multiplier is less than unity in case of proportional taxes.

The value of balanced budget multiplier is always unity no matter whether the taxes are autonomous or proportional.

The value of Government expenditure multiplier is more than the value of tax multiplier.

10. Consider following statements
Credit creation varies inversely with Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR).

Credit creation varies positively with Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR).

Bond price and interest rate are inversely related.

Bond price and interest rate are

positively related. Which of the above statements is correct

1 and 3 1 and 4

2 and 3 2 and 4

11. Given that C Currency with the public, DD Demand Deposits, TD Time Deposits and R Cash balances with the Commercial Banks, then high powered money is defined as





12. The premise that there exists inverse relationship between money wage inflation and unemployment was originally given by

A.W. Phillips

Milton Friedman

Philip Cagan

Robert Lucas

13. Based on accelerated-multiplier interaction, whose theory of trade cycles generates constrained cycles

Hicks Kaldor

Samuelson Baumol

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1 †Ö¸îü 3 1 †Ö¸îü 4

2 †Ö¸îü 3 2 †Ö¸îü 4

11. µÖÆü פü‹ ÆüÖê-Öê ¯Ö¸ü ×.ú C »ÖÖ.êÖÖë .ú ¯êÖÖÃÖ .ú¸êü-ÃÖß; DD ´ÖÖÑ.Ö TD ÃÖÖ¾Ö׬Ö.ú †Öî¸ü R ¾ÖÖ×.ÖÛ•µÖ.ú ²Ö.úïÖë .ú ¯êÖÖÃÖ -Ö.ú¤üß ¿ÖÂêÖ Æüî, ŸÖÖê ˆ""Ö ÃŸÖ¸üßµÖ (ÆüÖ‡Ô ¯ÖÖ¾Ö›üÔ) ´Ö¦ãüÖ .úß ¾µÖÖ.µÖÖ ‡ÃÖ ŸÖ¸üÆü ÃÖê .úß •ÖÖŸÖß Æüî:



12. µÖÆü †¾Ö¬ÖÖ¸ü.ÖÖ ×.ú ´ÖÖצîü.ú ´Ö•Ö¤æü¸ü߭ñúß×ŸÖ †Ö¸îü ²Ö¸êüÖ•êÖ.ÖÖ¸üß .úê²Öß"Ö ×¾Ö¯Ö¸üßŸÖ ÃÖ´²Ö-¬Ö Æîü, ´Ö»æÖŸÖ: ×.úÃÖ-Öê ¯ÖןÏÖ¯ÖÖפüŸÖ .úß

‹. ›ü²»Ö. ×±ú×»æÖ¯Ö

×´Ö»™ü-Ö ±Ïúß›ü´Ö-îÖ

×±ú×»Ö¯Ö .îú.Ö-êÖ

¸üÖò²Ö™Ôü »Ö.úæÖÃÖ

13. Ÿ¾Ö¸ü.ú­.Ö.ãÖ.ú ¯ÖÖ¸üïÖ׸ü.ú ×.ÎúµÖÖ ¯Ö¸ü †Ö¬ÖÖ׸üŸÖ ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü "Ö.úÎÖë ÃÖê ÃÖ´²ÖÛ-¬ÖŸÖ ×.úÃÖ.úÖ ×ÃÖ¨üÖ-ŸÖ ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü "Ö.Îú' .ú¸üŸÖÖ Æüî?

×ÆüŒÃÖ .úÖ»›ü¸ü

ÃÖî´µÖã»ÃÖ-Ö ²ÖÖˆ´ÖÖ»òÖ

14. Which of the following statements is incorrect

Monetary Policy is relatively ineffective, when the interest elasticity of investment is low (IS curve is steep)

Monetary Policy is relatively ineffective, when the interest elasticity of demand for money is high (LM curve is flat)

Fiscal policy is relatively ineffective, when interest elasticity of demand for money is low (LM curve is steep)

Fiscal policy is ineffective, when interest rate elasticity of investment is low (IS curve is steep)

15. The practices of transfer pricing in the open economy is resorted to by

Mutual Funds

Institutional Investors

Multinational Corporations

Private Banks

16. The warranted rate of growth as defined in Harrod's Model is
S/y 1/k


none of the above

17. The Human Development Index was first developed by



18. Which one of the following is not an instrument of fiscal policy

Public Revenue

Public Expenditure

Public Borrowing

Cash Reserve Ratio

19. Who is Director General of WTO

Alan Greenspan

Lamy Pascal

William Diamond

Eugine Black

20. The role of the State under globalization is

zero maximum

minimum neutral

21. Which one of the following is the most important source of revenue of State Governments in India

Land Revenue

Sales Tax

Stamps and Registration Fees

State Excise Duties

22. Equity in Taxation can best be achieved by applying the principle of

Equal Absolute Sacrifice


Equal Marginal Sacrifice

Equal Proportional Sacrifice

14. ×-Ö´-ÖÖÓÖ.ú£-ÖÖ´ë Öê.úîÖ ÖÖ.»ŸÖÆü×.úŸÖëÖÃÖ-ÃÖÖî?

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15. .Öã»Öß †£Ö¾µÔÖ¾ÖãÖÖ ´Öë ÆüßÖÖÓŸÖ¸ü.Ö .úß´ÖŸÖ ×-Ö¬ÖÖÔ¸ü.Ö (™ÒÖÓÖ±ú¸ü ¯Ï‡ØÃ.) .úê .êüÖ¸üÖ Ö¾ÖüÖ¸ü ´Öë

´µÖ"µãÖ†»ãÖ ±ú›ÓüËÃÖ


²ÖÆãü¸üÖ™üÒßµÖ ×-Ö.Ö´Ö

×-Ö•Öß ²Öï.ú

16. ÃÖ¾ÓÖרéü .úß ¾ÖÖÓ×"ûŸÖ ¤ü¸ü .úÖ Æüî¸üÖê›ü ´ÖÖ›òü»Ö ÃÖ´Öß.ú¸ü.Ö, .êú «üÖ¸üÖ ×-Öºþ×¯ÖŸÖ ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü S/y



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†Ó.ú™üÖ›ü (UNCTAD)

18. ×-Ö´-ÖÖÓÖ ´ë Öê .úîÖ ÖÖ ¸üÖ•ÖêÖßµÖ -ßן.ú×.úŸÖÃÖ-ÃÖ.úÂÖÖ Ö ˆ¯Ö.ú¸ü.Ö -ÖÆüà Æüî?

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ÃÖÖ¾ÖÔ•Ö×-Ö.ú Šú.Ö

-Ö.ú¤üß ×¸ü•Ö¾ÌÖÔ †-Ö¯ãÖÖŸÖ

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22. ×.úÃÖ ×ÃÖ¨üÖ-ŸÖ .úÖ †-Ö¯ãÖϵÖÖ.êÖ .ú¸ü-Öê ÃÖê .ú¸üÖ¸üÖê¯Ö.Ö ´Öë ÃÖ¾ÖÖÔ׬Ö.ú ÃÖ´ÖŸÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¯ŸÖ .úß •ÖÖ ÃÖ.úŸÖß Æîü

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23. Which of the following is correct measurement of fiscal deficit in India

Excess of total revenue expenditure over total revenue receipts.

Excess of total expenditure over total revenue receipts plus non-debt capital receipts.

Excess of total expenditure over total receipts.

Excess of total expenditure over total interest payments.

24. Marginal cost of a pure public good is

zero or close to zero


and both

very high

25. Which of the following is not one of the objectives of the tax reforms in India

Reduction in multiplicity of custom duty rates

Improving tax compliance

Widening the tax-base

Suggesting ways to increase the share of indirect taxes in total tax revenue

26. An excise duty is fully borne by the buyers, when price elasticity of demand for the product is




between 1 and .

Note In the following Question No. 27, there are two statements, one is Assertion and the other Reason You have to examine these carefully and select the answer from the codes given below
27. Assertion Indirect taxes promote inequalities in the distribution of income.
Reason The poor bear more burden of indirect taxes.

is true but is false.

Both and are true and

is the correct explanation of

is false but is true.

Both and are false.

28. Factor Endowment Theory of International Trade is given by



Raul Prebisch

Jagdish Bhagwati

29. The concept of single factoral and double factoral terms of trade have been given by


Jacob Viner



30. The equation of foreign trade multiplier is

Rupee Dollar Ratio

mpm mps

Tax GDP Ratio

mpm mps

23. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ ´Öë ¸üÖ•Ö.úÖêÂÖßµÖ .úÖ ÃÖÆüß ´ÖÖ¯Ö ×-Ö´-ÖÖÓÖ ÖëÃê.úÖ-ÖÃÖ î?×.úŸ´ÖîÖÆü

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24. ¿Öã¨ü ÃÖÖ¾Ö•ÔÖ×-Ö.ú ¾ÖßÖã .úß ÃÖß´ÖÖ-ŸÖ »ÖÖ.ÖŸÖ Æîü
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29. ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü .úß ¿ÖŸÖÖí .úß ‹.ú»Ö .úÖ¸ü.ú ‹¾ÖÓ ×«ü.úÖ¸ü.ú
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Ã-ÖÖ‡›ü¸ü Ã.êú´Ö»Ö

30. ×¾Ö¤üê¿Öß ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü .Öã.Ö.ú .úÖ ÃÖ´Öß.ú¸ü.Ö Æîü

¹ý¯ÖµÖÖ ›üÖò»Ö¸ü †-Öã¯ÖÖŸÖ

mpm mps

.ú¸ü ÃÖ.ú»Ö 'Ö¸êü»Öæ ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü †-Öã¯ÖÖŸÖ

mpm mps

31. Trade Policy Reforms in India include


lowering of custom duties

increasing SLR

reduction in direct and indirect taxes

32. Which of the following countries is a member of the ASEAN Group

China India

Sri Lanka Thailand

33. The meeting of G-20 in 2009 was held at




New Delhi

34. From a bag containing 6 red, 4 green and 5 black balls, one ball is drawn at random, find the probability that it is either red or green.
6C +4C
1 1



15 6C×4C×15C

1 1


35. Match list I with list II and select the answer from the codes given below
List- I List- II
Total area 1. ß=0
1 under
normal curve

Square of 2. 1 standard deviation

Symmetric 3. distribution

Co-efficient 4. variance of variation


3 4 1 2

2 4 1 3

4 1 2 3

1 2 3 4

36. The area between and under standard normal curve is

1 0.9973

0.95 0.6826

37. If the co-efficient of determination is
0.12 and one of the regression co­efficients is 0.3 what is the value of the other regression co-efficient

0.4 0.36

0.9 0.15

38. For a large sample, s x rxy 0.8 the standard error of b .

1.1 2.1

1.2 1.6

39. The mean and variance of a standard normal variate respectively

0,0 0,1

1,0 1,2

31. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ ´Öë ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü -Öß×ŸÖ ÃÖ´²Ö-¬Öß ÃÖã¬ÖÖ¸üÖë ´Öë ÃÖ´ÖÖ×¾Ö™ü Æüî


Ãß´Ö Öãë.úÖ.ú´.ú¸ü-Ö

ÖÖ¿».úÖê Ö Ö

‹ÃÖ.‹»Ö.†Ö¸ü. (ÃÖÖ×¾ÓÖ׬Ö.ú ŸÖ¸ü»ÖŸÖÖ

†-Öã¯ÖÖŸÖ) ´Öë ¾Öéרü

¯ÖŸµÏÖ.Ö ‹¾ÖÓ †¯ÖŸµÏÖ.Ö .ú¸üÖë ´Öë .ú´Öß

32. ×-Ö´-ÖÖÓÖ ´ë Öê .úîÖ ÖÖ ü¿Ö Ö×ÃÖÖ-Ö
×.úŸÖÃÖ-äê†Öµ(ASEAN) ÃÖ´ÖæÆü .úÖ ÃÖ¤üÃµÖ Æîü


ÁÖß»Ö.úÓÖ £ÖÖ‡»Öï›ü

33. G­20 .úÖ 2009 .úÖ ÃÖ´´Ö»êÖ-Ö .úÆüÖÑ †ÖµÖÖוêÖŸÖ ×.úµÖÖ .ÖµÖÖ


•Ö-êÖ¾êÖÖ -Ö‡Ô ×¤ü»»Öß

34. 6 »ÖÖ»Ö, 4 Æü¸üß †Ö¸îü 5 .úÖ»Öß .Öë¤üÖë ÃÖê ³Ö¸êü £Ö»îÖê ´Öë ÃÖê ‹.ú .Ö¤ëü µÖÖ¥üÛ""û.ú œüÓ.Ö ÃÖê ×-Ö.úÖ»Öß •ÖÖŸÖß Æîü … µÖÆü .Ö¤ëü »ÖÖ»Ö µÖÖ Æü¸üß Æîü ‡ÃÖ ŸÖ£µÖ .úß ¯ÖÖÏ×µÖ.úŸÖÖ .úßו֋ …
1 1


15 6C× 4C× 15C

1 1


35. ÃÖ"æÖß­I .úÖ ÃÖæ"Öß­II ÃÖê ×´Ö»ÖÖ-Ö .úßו֋ ŸÖ£ÖÖ -Öß"Öê פü‹ .úÖ›êüÖë ÃÖê ˆ¢Ö¸ü .úÖ .úßו֋
"Öß­I æ

ÃÖÖ´ÖÖ-µÖ ¾Ö.Îú .úê

1. ß1=0
†ÓŸÖ.ÖÔŸÖ .ãú»Ö .Ö¡êÖ

¯ÖÏ´ÖÖ¯Ö ×¾Ö"Ö»Ö-Ö .úÖ ¾Ö.ÖÔ 2. 1

ÃÖÛ´´ÖŸÖ ×¾ÖŸÖ¸ü.Ö 3.

×¾Ö"Ö»Ö-Ö .Öã.ÖÖ.ú Ó4. ¯ÖÃÏÖ¸ü.Ö


3 4 1 2

2 4 1 3

4 1 2 3

1 2 3 4

36. ¾ÖÎêÓÖ.ŸÖ Öîü Ö.úÃÖ.ú.ú†ŸÖÔ3 †¸.ú ²êÖß"Ö .Öê¡Ö Æîü

1 0.9973

0.95 0.6826

37. µÖפü ×-Ö¬ÖÖ¸Ôü.Ö .Öã.ÖÖ.ú Ó0.12 Æîü †Öî¸ü ‹.ú ¯ÖÏŸÖ߯Ö.Ö´Ö-Ö .Ö.ãÖ.ú 0.3 Æüî, ŸÖÖê ¤üæÃÖ¸êü ¯ÖŸÏÖ߯Ö.Ö´Ö-Ö .Ö.ãÖ.ú .úÖ ´Ö»µæÖ ŒµÖÖ Æîü

0.4 0.36

0.9 0.15

38. ‹.ú ²Ö›üÍê¯ÖןÏÖ¤ü¿ÖÔ ´Öë s x rxy 0.8 Æîü, ŸÖÖê b xy .úß ´ÖÖ-Ö.ú ¡Öã×™ü ÆüÖê.Öß

1.1 2.1

1.2 1.6

39. ´ÖÖ-Ö.ú ¯ÖÃÏÖÖ´ÖÖ-µÖ "Ö¸ü .úê´ÖÖ¬µÖ †Ö¸îü ¯ÖÃÏÖ¸ü.Ö
.ú´ÎÖ¿Ö: Æüï

0 1

0 2

40. The algebraic sum of deviations of a given set of observations from their arithmetic mean is

8 1


41. Unbalanced regional growth in India is due to

unequal budgetary support by Central Government to different States

spatial distribution of industries

inadequate development infrastructure in some States

all of above

42. In HDI, which one of the following is not taken as an indicator

Life expectancy


GDP per capita

Per capita food consumption

43. The Union Budget is presented under which Article of the Constitution in India

110 111

112 122

44. Financial Sector reforms in India consist of

Lowering down of CRR and SLR

Entry of private firms in insurance sector

Deregulation of rate of interest

All of the above

45. New Agricultural strategy has

widened the gap between the rich and the poor farmers

increased production of only few crops

led to an increase in regional disparities

all of the above

46. Match the list I with the list II and select the answer from the codes given below
List-I List-II

Theory of Harvey big push Leibenstein

Unlimited Lewis supply of labour

Trade as an (III) Emery engine of growth

The Kuznets concept of economic growth


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