Exam Details

Subject digital image processing
Exam / Course m.c.a.science
Organization solapur university
Exam Date October, 2018
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.C.A. (Semester (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Time 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory
Figures to the right indicate full marks
Q.1 Multi choice questions 14
Which of the following is in correct order according to their frequency?
X-rays, ultraviolet, radio waves, micro waves
ultraviolet, X-rays, radio waves, micro waves
ultraviolet, X-rays, micro waves, radio waves
X-rays, ultraviolet, micro waves, radio waves
Angiography uses
X-rays Micro waves
Gamma rays IR rays
A binary image of size 32X32 having two grey levels is of size bytes.
16 32
64 128
The Fourier transform separates pixels based on
Pixel intensities Variation in pixel intensities
Pixel locations Pixel intensities and locations
Which of the following used second order derivatives?
Roberts Laplacian
Canny Sobel
Which of the following statements is true for Gaussian high pass filter
Filter function is very smooth
ii) Filter used for sharpening
is true is true
Both are true Both are false
Rayleigh noise arises in application.
Quick transients Range imaging
Sensor noise Laser imaging
The adaptive local noise reduction filter uses
Local mean
ii) Global mean
iii) Local variance
iv) Global variance
and and
and All
A square with sides 5 cm is eroded with a rectangle having width 6 cm and
height 3 cm. The result is
Nothing remains No change
Object smaller than original One point remains
Page 2 of 3
10) Which one of the following use different approach?
Region splitting and merging Region growing 8
Edge detection Thresholding
11) Digital functions for derivatives are defined as
Addition Multiplication
Division Difference
12) The topology of the region changes when is performed on the
On which of the following operation of an image, t
13) Relational descriptors are best for in a boundary or region.
Repetitive pattern Iterative pattern
Recursive pattern All the above
14) When the pattern matching is performed using correlation, the correlation
coefficient value at any point will be
Any value 0 Between 0 and 1 inclusive
Between and 1 inclusive Non-zero value
Q.2 Answer any four of the following 08
List fundamental steps involved in digital image processing based on
the output they produce, in the order of their appearance.
Give the properties of first order derivative.
Write block diagram for homomorphic filtering approach for image
Compare bandpass and band reject filters.
Why shape representation through chain code is unacceptable?
Write short notes on (any two) 06
Image formation model based on illumination and reflectance.
Demonstrate X-OR operation between two binary images.
How to perform multilevel thresholding?
Q.3 Answer any two of the following 08
How to slice image bit planes? What are characters of bit plans?
Explain basic adaptive thresholding.
Discuss simple boundary descriptors.
Answer any one of the following 06
Apply following mean filter of size 3 × 3 on the given image segment.
For boundary condition only consider pixels within image segment.
251 248 66 0
13 148 21 76
128 150 191 188
162 153 182 191
Calculate chain code, difference code and shape number for the
following and find out which two shapes have highest match among
Q.4 Answer any two of the following 10
Derive expression for homomorphic filter.
List noise models. Give their properties.
Describe image thinning algorithm an example.
Answer any one of the following 04
Perform opening of a rectangle with base 8 cm and height 6 cm using
circular SE of 1 cm radius.
Using basic primitives c and d as
respectively and construct expression for the following structures.
Q.5 Answer any two of the following 14
What are the imaging modalities other than imaging in the electromagnetic
spectrum? Explain each.
Fill the following region using cross SE.
Threshold the following image using Global thresholding algorithm. The
initial threshold may be selected using the mid-point filter on entire image
and the algorithm iteration must stop when difference of threshold is less
than 0.1
60 12 33 46
18 29 45 62
41 39 12 7
59 25 26 14


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  • artificial intelligence
  • computer communication network
  • computer graphics
  • computer oriented statistics
  • data mining and warehouse
  • data structures
  • database management system
  • digital circuits and microprocessors
  • digital image processing
  • discrete mathematical structures
  • distributed operating system
  • finite automata
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  • management
  • mobile computing
  • network security
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  • object oriented programming using c++
  • opeartions research
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  • pattern recognition mobile computing
  • programming using - c
  • programming with php
  • software engineering
  • system software
  • uml
  • web design techniques
  • web technology