Exam Details

Subject animal biotechnology
Exam / Course m.sc
Organization central university
Exam Date February, 2014
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

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Booklet Code: C
Department of Animal Sciences

M. Sc Animal Biotechnology Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 100
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The question paper consists ofPart A and Part B. The marks obtained in Part A will be taken in consideration in case ofa tie i.e., when more than one student gets equal marks, to prepare the merit list.
1. Grave's disease is related to
Mammary gland Adrenal gland
Thyroid gland Pituitary gland

2. The law "Amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure" is known as
'Gay Lussac's law Daltons law
Raoult'slaw Henry's law

3. The process in which lactate formed in skeletal muscle is transported to the liver and
kidney, where it reforms glucose is called Calvin cycle Glucose alanine cycle
Citric acid cycle D) Cori cycle

A method that allows mapping of transcription start site is

Primer extension SAGE DNA foot printing RT-PCR

Which one of the following is not true of the Krebs cycle

Industrial melanism in certaiJ.1 moths is an example of

Mullerian mimicry Sexual selection Directional natural selection Warning coloration

Total number of steroisomers possible for ketohexoses are

A)4 B)8 C)16 32

When an acid is exactly half neutralised

pH>pK pH<pK pH=pK pH=O

The reduction of a ketone always gives

Primary alcohol Secondary alcohol Carboxylic acid Ketal

Primary phloem develops from

Lateral meristem Protoderm Extrastelar cambium Provascular tissue

Which one of the following drugs blocks mitosis by stabilizing the micronemes? Colchicine Taxol . Mitomycin Vinblastin

The correct electron affinity order of is:

Steroid response elements (SREs) are composed of Amino acids Nuc1eotides Monosaccharides Fatty acids

Which one of the following hormone has low molecular weight? TSH ACTH TRH GnRH

Metamorphosis of amphibians is triggered by environmental cues that act on the

,Three molecules of NADH are Two molecules ofFADH2 are
produced per molecule of glucose produced per molecule of glucose
Addition of acetyl CoA to GTP is produced and converted into
oxaloacetic acid starts the cycle ATP

Thyroid Pituitary
Hypothalamus Gonad

16.. Which one of the following is also called as Sewall Wright effect? Gene pool Genetic drift Genetic polymorphism Gene isolation
The pH of 10-8N HCI is approximately

A)8 B)9
C)5 D)7

Which one of the following is a protein deficiency disease?

Gaucher's disease Kwashiorker
Goitre Pellagra

Which has maximum value of mean free path?

CO2 H2
O2 N2

If an autosomal recessive disorder which shows Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium has an incidence of 1 in 6400 then frequency of carrier is approximately

1in20 1in40
1in80 1in 160

Synthetic detergents can be represented by one of the following general formula


Which one of the following is an extinct species?

Mouse deer Koala
Dodo Okapi

23.' Absolute alcohol is distilled from rectified spirit by Fractional distillation Steam distillation Vacuum distillation Azeotropic distillation
Polyuria, polydipsia and hypernatremia occur due to insensitivity of renal cells to

Urothelin Neurophysin
Vasopressin Oxytocin

Amino acid metabolism involves all the following except

Oxidative deamination Transamination
The Krebs cycle Beta oxidation

Boo'"tQX CoJ/Q.' C
Actin filaments are found in all of the following except Flagella ofthe bacteria Sarcomeres of skeletal muscle cells

'Microvilli of the intestinal brush Contractile rings ofthe dividing
border animal cells

The standard molar enthalpy of formation of C02 is equal to Zero The standard molar enthalpy of combustion of gaseous carbon

The sum of standard lTIolar The standard molar enthalpy of
enthalpies of CO and 02 combustion of carbon

Trichocyst are present in

Porifera Hydrozoa
Protozoa Ctenophora

The human body has of spinal nerves

A)10 31
C)28 35

30. "Red drop" effect is Decrease in the phosphorylation of Decrease in the electron transport majority of cellular proteins in the when plant cells are exposed to red plant cell pigment
Decrease in photosynthetic Decrease in the production of red
efficiency in far red light pigment by plant cells during osmotic

Marsh gas evolving from the decomposing organic matter contains

Hydrogen sulphide Ammonia
Nitrogen Methane

Which one of the following cell organelles responds to cellular injury immediately?

Lysosmes Nucleus
Ribosomes Mitochondria

Rubella belongs to following family of RNA viruses

Reoviridae Picomaviridae
Togaviridae Retroviridae

Conjugate acid of HF2­A) HF F2­

Following region marks the future dorsal side of the embryo

Archenteron Grey cresent
Mesoderm Proctodeum

36. Galvanising the sheet of iron is done by dipping the sheet into molten
Mercury Cadmium
Lead Zinc

37. Which one of the following enzymes is activated by phosphorylation?
Acetyl CoA carboxylase' Pyruvate kinase
Fructose 1,6-biphosphate Fructose 2,6-biphosphate

38. To measure the population density of a monarch butterflies occupying a particular park, 100 butterflies are captured, marked with a small dot on a wing and then released. The next day, another 100 butterflies are captured, including the recapture of 25 marked butterflies. One would correctly estimate the population to be
500 400
200 600

39. Optical isomerism is shown by
N-butyl chloride Sec-butyl chloride
Ter-butyl chloride Isobutyl chloride

40. The reversible phenomenon of gas exchange explained by Bhor effect is exhibited by
Transferrin Haemoglobin
Phycocyanin Myoglobin

41. Nuclear localization signals are mainly composed of
Hydrophobic amino acids Acidic amino acids
Basic amino acids Sulfur containing atnino acids

42. When the inhibitory effect of two or more end products on a single regulatory enzyme is strictly additive, the feed back inhibition is known as
Concerted Multivalent
Cumulative Cooperative

43. Smooth movement of partially processed food down the intestine is facilitated by mucin
secreted by Goblet cells Clara cells Luminal cells Enterocytes
44. Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment called
Anthocyanin Catotene
Chlorophylls Xanthophylls

£. -15

45. Mercurous chloride is known as
Calomel Amalgam
Plaster of Paris Blue Vitriol
46. When a child with a blood group fA, IBis born of a woman with genotype IB, lIB, the father of the child could not be a man of genotype
47. Protein glycosylation occurs in one of the following cell organelles
Golgi complex . Peroxisomes
Ribosomes Lysosomes
48. Total number of atoms presenting 25 mg of camphor having molecular formula ClOH160
9.98XI019 6.02XI02o
9.98XI02o 2.6?XI021
49. Timber yielding plants like pine, fur, spruce and cedar belong to
Angiosperm Gymnosperm
Monocotyledons Dicotyledons
50. An example of known oncogenic virus is
HIV-l Herpes zoster
Epstein-Barr virus Vesicular stomatitis virus
51. Ethers react with cold concentrated H2S04 to form
Oxonium salts Alkenes
Alkoxides Zwitterions
52. The rate of renaturation of a DNA molecule is given by "cot" value, which is the product of molar concentration the product of number of nuc1eotides of nucleotide residues and the time and the temperature of renaturation ofrenaturation in seconds the product of the number of purines the product of length (in AngstrOlTIs) and pyrimidines divided by the time of DNA molecule and renaturation of renaturation time
53. The condition where hind limbs are absent but their remnants are embedded in the flesh is referred to as
Hypophalangy Heterophalangy
Hyperphalangy Homophalangy
54. Which of the following types of vector would be most suitable for introducing DNA into a human cells?
Plasmid ,Bacteriophage
Cosmid Adenovirus

55. Which one of the following is used to prepare Asprin?
Picric acid Mesoxalic acid
Salicylic acid Methyl salicylate

56. An antigenic epitope associates with one of following part of an antibody Antibody binding site The heavy chain constant region only
Combined regions of heavy and The light chain constant region only
light chains

57. The major structural pr9tein underlying nuclear envelope is
Keratin Dynein
Lamin Elastin

58. Isopropyl bromide reacts with alcoholic KOH to give
Propene Isopropyl alcohol
Propane n-propyl alcohol

59. The genome size of HIV virus is
5.75 Kb 9.75 Kb
12.75 Kb 20.75 Kb

60. DNA shows hyperchromicity in all processes except by
Heat denaturation Addition of a denaturant
Increasing pH Decreasing pH

61. Formation of primitive streak in chick embryo is evident in during
Neurulation Gastrulation
Allantoic development Chorion development

62. The common intermediate of proteins, carbohydrates and lipid metabolism
Ammonia Pyruvic acid
Acetyl CoA Phosphoglyceraldehyde

63. The percentage of solar energy entering the space in the form of light rays that is absorbed in the atmosphere is
37% 450/0
57% 71%

64. Desalinating of sea water is done by
Reverse osmosis Osmosis
Filtration Evaporation

65. On a Lineweaver-Burk plot, the slope of the reaction in the presence of a competitive inhibitor is indicated by
Km/Vmax l/Vmax

66. The endomembrane system of a cell includes
Nucleus, Golgi complex and Goigi complex, ribosome and
endoplasmic reticulum endoplasmic reticulum
'Lysosomes, Golgi complex and Lysosomes, nucleus and ribosonles
endoplasmic reticulum

67. Heat of neutralization of NaOH with equivalent amount of acid is maximum in the case of
In a shallow lentic habitat, which zone is most productive?

Littoral Pelagic Profundal Limnetic

Which one of the following vitamins is considered as hormone?

VitaminA Vitmnin D Vitamin K Vitamin C

The placental type where the number of barriers between maternal and foetal blood streams is reduced to just two is referred to as

Haemoendothelial placenta Haemochorial placenta Endothelial placenta Syndesmochorial placenta

Which one of the following pairs of compounds gives positive reaction to Tollen's test?

Glucose, sucrose Glucose, fructose Sucrose, fructose Sucrose, mannose

Leucine zipper motif in some proteins function to Bind excess leucine in cells Activate enzymes that allow leucine biosynthesis

Facilitate binding of the proteins to Facilitate binding ofproteins to DNA ribosomes

Example of intracellular protozoan parasite that resides in phagolysosome is

Plasmodium Leishmania Toxoplasma Thileria
74. Two moles PCls, 1 mole Ch and 1 mole PCh are taken in 1 litre flask. When equilibrium is set up, PCls is found to 50% dissociated into products. The Kc is
4 mol/Litre 1.5 mol/Litre 1 mol/Litre 0.17 mol/Litre

Monotremes are unique mammals because they

Possess hair Give birth to young ones
Secrete milk in pouch Lay eggs

AGo in a biochemical reaction represents

Free energy change Equilibrium constant
Standard free energy change Redox change potential

Which one of the following types of drugs reduce fever?

Tranquilisor Antibiotic
Analgesic Antipyretic

Unit ofviscocity is

Poise Dyne/em
Joule/m2 Joule

Copper containing mitochondrial enzyme is

Catalse Succinic dehydrogenase
Cytochrome c oxidase Acid phosphatase

Which alkyl free radical is the most stable?

Methyl Primary
Secondary Tertiary

Which one of the following is not a chromosome instability syndrome?

Klinefelter syndrome Ataxia telangiectasia
Fanconi anaemia BlootTI syndrome

Perception to the sense of taste depends on

G protein coupled receptors Gated cation channels
Gated anion channels Both gated anion and cation channel

BCG is used to protect against

Tuberclosis Pertusis
Influenza Measles

RNA molecules that can catalyse chemical reactions such as self splicing are known as

Isozymes Ribozymes
Ribosomes Lyzozyme

Which one of the following amino acid has a maximum of three codons?

Phenyl alanine Isoleucine
Leucine Glycine

86. Which one of the following is true regarding stomatal opening in leaf!
Involves closing of channel Occurs when there is an increase in

turgor pressure of the guard cells
Occurs in dark Occurs in response to abscisic acid

87. Nucleus was first discovered in 1831 by
Robert Brown

Robert Hooke
Theodore Schwann

88. In humans, the eggs are Macrolecithal

89. Mumps is a disease caused by


90. Plants growing on sand are called as


91. Snakes first appeared in one of the following periods Palaeozoic period Archaeozoic period Mesozoic period Silurian period
92. Which of thefollwoing honey bees is commonly domesticated
Apisflorae Apis indica
Apis dorsata Apis

93. Cystic fibrosis is a recessive trait disease. If a woman with cystic fibrosis marries a man without the disease and for whom there is no famil)' history of disease, what is the probability of their girl child getting disease?
A) 0 0.25
0.5 0.75

94. 0.2g of an organic compound gave 20.7ml of nitrogen at 15°C and 760mm pressure when analysed by the Duma's method. The percentage of nitrogen in the given compound is
14.26 16.26
12.26 10.26

95. Which one of the following is a mucopolysaccharide?
Mannose Chitin
Hyaluronic acid Fibrinogen

96. Aluminium-air battery is also called
Flow-battery Leelanche cell
Dry cell Fuelcell
97. Pyorrhaea is a disease of
Nose Heart
Gum Lungs
98. The most common cystic fibrosis mutation consists of
A deletion A duplication
A substitution An insertion
99.Patagium is an evolutionary adaption called as
Volant adaptation Fossorial adaption Aquatica adaption Cursorial adaption
100. Which one of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter?
GABA Norepinephrine
Dopamine Neurotropin
For rough work


  • animal biotechnology
  • biochemistry
  • chemistry
  • health psychology
  • mathematics
  • molecular biology
  • ocean & atmospheric sciences
  • physics
  • plant biology biotechnology
  • statistics