Exam Details

Subject electronics
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course b.sc. neuro electro physiology
Organization Dr.M.G.R. Medical University
Exam Date August, 2017
City, State tamil nadu, chennai

Question Paper

AUGUST 2017 Sub.Code :2512
Q.P. Code 802512
Time: Three Hours Maximum 100 Marks
Answer All questions
I. Elaborate on: x 10 30)
1. With neat sketch explain the operation and the characteristics of PN-Junction
2. Draw the circuit diagram of PMMC instrument and elaborate its operating
principle with the errors.
3. State the need of calibration in medical electronic equipments and its
importance. Explain.
II. Write notes on: x 5 40)
1. Explain the calibration methodology for medical equipment.
2. Explain the operation and characteristics of full wave rectifier.
3. With a neat diagram explain the NPN transistor characteristics and
mention its area of application.
4. Draw and label the diagram of EEG.
5. Write a note on CRO.
6. Illustrate the operational characteristics of differential amplifier.
7. How the medical electronic equipment is classified based on medical
safety and explain.
8. Elaborate neatly the safety measures in medical equipment.
III. Short Answers on: (10 x 3 30)
1. Define transistors and its applications.
2. Define capacitor and its applications.
3. State the need of filters.
4. Define Calibration.
5. Explain the concept of polarization in Bio potential electrode.
6. State the need of recording devices in neurology.
7. Write the difference between high pass and band pass filter.
8. Classify the types of transformers based on the application.
9. Define standards in medical equipments.
10. How the equipments are classified based on electrical safety?

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  • anatomy
  • application of clinical neurophysiology and assessment
  • electro encephalo graph
  • electronics
  • evoked potentials and clinical neurology
  • nerve conduction studies and electromyography
  • physiology and biochemistry
  • polysomnography transcranial magnetic stimulation autonomic lab intraoperative monitoring