Exam Details

Subject buddhist studies
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Entrance examination June 2010·11
Course: Ph.D. Buddhist Studies
Duration of exam: hours
Code No.X·9S
Full marks: 7S
1JN:re B1e twl> s"'lions :mdthe c:mdidales h:Jve 10 311sw,'r the queslions from both the seclions.
Section A comprising objective type ofquestions carries 45m:ufcs lYith negative m:ufdng for
C3ch wrong answer. Section B. cvmprising de'cnptb'c ofquestions. canies 30mlJlks.
All questions are compul<01"V. Earh ooestion c:urie. I mark. There will be negati"e marking
for the IVrong answers. 0.33 mark will be deducted for each wrong ans" cr. . .
QI. Which is not a part of the TIpi!aka
A. Buddhavarpsa
C 11lcrogiithii
D. Visuddhimagga
Q2. Which is not a text of the Ahhidhamma Pi!aka
A. Vibhanga
a. Dhiiwkarhii
C PuggaJa-Pafiiiatli
D. Mahiivagga
Q3. Who wrote the Atthasiilini
A. Moggalana
B. Siriputta
C. Buddhaghosa
D. DhammapaJa
Q4. Buddha had his parinibbiina in
A. Bodh Gaya
B. Lumbini
C. Samalh
D. Kushinagara
Q5. Which Jiitaka story exemplifies the glory of wisdom
A. Vidhura
B. Sasa
C. Khant;
D. Vcssantara
Q6. Vinaya roles were compiled during the
A. Fust Buddhist Council
B. Second Buddhist Council
C. Third Buddhist Council
D. Fourth Buddhist Council
Q7. The Abhidhamma Pi!aka was created as a separate book like the Vinaya Pi!aka during the
A.First Buddhist Council
B. Second Buddhist Council
C. Third Buddhist Council
D. Fourth Buddhist Council
Q8. Who was the patron of the Third Buddhist Council
A. Ajatasattu
B. Bimbisara
C. Asoka
D. Bindusiira
Q9. The Vinaya Pi!aka or the 'Law Book of the Buddhist', was compiled by a so called
'shudra' named
A. Ananda
B. Upali
C. Saripulla
D. Moggalana
Q10. Cullvagga belongs to
A. Sulta Pi!aka
B. Vinaya Pi!aka
C. Abhidhamma Pi!aka
D. None of the above
QII. Which is not a book of the Abhidharma Pi!aka
A. Prajiiaptipada
B. Vijiianapiida
C. Dhatokatha
D. liianaprasthana
Q12. Which is not a book of the Abhidhamma Pi!aka
A. Pa!!hiina
B. Dbammasmigapj
C Yamaka
D. Dbiitukiiya-pii!ba
Q13. Which Pali book is written in the style simiiarto the Platonic dialogues
A. Milirlda Paiiha
B. Nettipakkart1{la
C Mahiivagga
D. CulJavagga
Q14. What is the magnum opus of Buddhaghosa
A. Mahavamsa •
B. Visuddhimagga
C A!!hasiilini
D. CuJJal"lIgga
Q15. The largest book' -the Tipilakn. inscribed on 729 stone tablets on both sides in
the text area of 5ft x3 1f2 ft. though originally gilded bUI plundered and vandalized in
1885 by the British troops is located in
A. HongKong
B. China
C. Myanmar
D. Sri Lanka
Q16. The famous Pali scholar BuddhOOatta belonged to the eurrent territory of modem
A. Bihar
B. West Bengal
C. Tamil NOOu
D. Maharashtra
Q17. Anuruddhacariya Wa" born in
A. Bodh Gaya
B. Anuradhapur
C. Kanehipuram
D. Shravasti
Q 18. Who wrote the Riipiiriipa Vibhiiga
A. Buddhadatta
B. Anuruddhacariya
C. Dhammapala
D. Buddhadatta
Q19. Which is not a book of the Khuddaka Nikiiya
A. Jataka
B. Dhammapada
C. Mahavagga
D. Apadana
Q20. The largest Buddhist temple in the world is in
A. Angkor
H. Colombo
C. I.eshan
D. Borobudur
Q21. 1be giant slatue of Maitreya Buddha which is 71 metres UIII, which has 8.3 metres long
middle fmger is located in
A. !.eshan, China
B. Anuradhapur, Sri Lanka
C. Candy, Sri Lanka
D. Mand1ay, Myanmar
QU. The compilation of the Chinese Tripilaka was begun by
A. Kashyapa Matanga and Dharmaraksh3ka
B. An Shih Kao
C. Kumarjiva
D. Yuan Chwang
Q23. Where is the famous Heinsa temple. which houses 81,340 woodcn blocks of the
Tripil3ka containing 52.382. 960 characters and is marl<ed as a world heritage site by
A. South Korea
B. Japan
C. China
D. Taiwan
Which Tripi!aka is reckoned as the "omy punctuated" v=ion of the Tripi!3ka
A. Taish5 Tripi!3ka
B. Mahisiisaka Tripi!3ka
C. Sarvastivadin Tripi!3ka
D. Kasyapiya Tripi!3ka
Q25. Which Jataka tale narrates the story of hunger strike against untouchability
A. Malanga
B. Sasa
C. Vidhura
D. Mahajanaka
Q26. Buddhism discusses the thCOfY of which God
B. Buddha
C. both
D. Buddhism does not approve of any theistic belief
Q27. Which is not true
A. Buddhism believes in rebirth
B. Buddhism believes in almaor atLito explain the theory of rebirth
C. Buddhism does not believe in God
D. Buddhism believes in doctrine of Dependent Origination
Q28. Which Noble Truth discusses Nibblina (NuviiJ;la)
A. FU'St
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Q 29. Which Noble Truth is classified into sila, Samadhi and Pannii for the complete
Analysis of the Buddhist teachings
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Q30. Whieh inscription refers to Koniigamana Buddha to archaclogieally corroborate to the
belief in many Buddhas prior to Gaut= Buddha by the Age of Emperor Asolen
A. Bhabru
B. Gimar
C. Nigalisagar
D. None of the above
Q31. Who was Dipatilcara Buddha
A. One of the Buddhas before whom Sumedha took the pledge to be h Buddha
B. Future Buddha
C. A politiealleadcr of the modern age
D. Another name ofGaut= Buddha
Q32. Amidii in Japan is known as
A. Amitiibha or Dhyiini Buddha
B. Another name ofGaut= Buddha
C. Arnitabh Bacchan
D. None of the above
Q33. Which ancient-medieval Buddhist centre of learning is best known for Pali erudition
A. Nalanda
B. Vikramshila
C. Valabhi
D. T8XiIa
Q34. Who was the teacher of Yuan Cbwang in the ancient Nalaoda University
A. Dinniiga
B. DharmaIdrti
C. Sthinnati
D. None of the above
Q35. Which Buddhist tr.lI'e/er(sJ, who visited thr: Indian Buddhist sites, wrote mr:moirs on
Buddhist sites in India
A. Yuan OIwang
B. HyeOlo
C. OnlyA
D. Both A B
Q36. lWJen and where were the Buddhist canons first put to writing in the cWTClltly available
A. 80 BCE in Sri Lanka
B. 265 BCE in Patna
C. 261 BCE in Afghanisthan
D. None of the above
Q37. What scripts were used in As"kan inscriptions
A. Kharosthi and Brahmi
B. Annenian and Greek
C. Only A
D. BothA&B
Q38. Which script is used in Japan to write the title of a Buddhistlcxt
A. Siddhamiitrikii
B. Grantha
C. OIinesc
D. Shillan
Q39. Several scripts of South-cast Asia ad.pted for writing Pali are due to
A. South Indian influence
B. Bengal influence
D. None of the above
Q40. The national emblem has been borrowed from
A. Lion capital of Sarnalh
B. Gir forest
C. Kanha national park
D. None of the above
Q41. Asoka erected a pillar of lion capital at. place where the Buddha had delivered his fint
sennon with a wheel or chakra embossed at its base because
A. He wanled to mark the silc of thr: Buddha's fint sennon which in the Buddhist
tradition is called 'turning lhr: wheel ofrighlcous lc3Chings
B. Thinking that the wheel would become a p3J1 ofIndia's national flag;
C. For aesthetic appcaI
D. As being a 'secular king' he wanled to pay respcclto the Mahiibhiirata.
Q42. No Asokan inscription is found in
A. Central Asia
B. Greece
C. Annenia
D. Italy
Q43. Bada Nagar, a famous Buddhist site under excavation is 10
A. Bihar
B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Maharashtra
D. Gujarat
Q44. Why did Buddhaghosa, the f:unous Poli scholar of the fifth century A.D., had to go 10 Sri
A. To bring the Pall commem:lries from Sri Lanka because the Singholese had bener
appreciation of the original Buddhist teachings almost lost in India
B. To see the foot prints of the Buddha in Sri Lanka
C. To leach Pall to the Sri Lankans
D. To pursue his tourism interest
Q45. Who is a Bodhisntln according to the Buddhist canons
A. One who takes the pledge to be a Buddha by mastering the len par:uni-s in presence
of an existing Buddha in a particular neon
B. Any compassionate person
C. Any Buddha
D. Any well educated person
Section B
Answer any tlYO questions. Each question carries equal marks.
QI. What is the Doctrine of Dependent Origin3tion Discuss.
Q2. Discuss the Buddhist Philosophy of Relations?
Q3. Why is Buddhism called a 'Middle Path' according to the Poli c::nons. Discuss the fourth
Noble Truth.
Q4. Write a note on origin and development of Pall.
Q5. Write a note on the nature and chlU'llc1eristics of the Pall language.
Q6. Discuss Nagarjuna's philosophy of SiinyavOda.
Q7. Discuss the Yogiicara theory ofTI-Sabhiiva.
Q8. Show the salient features of the architecture of a stiips or a chailytl.

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