Exam Details

Subject advanced java – i
Exam / Course b.c.a
Organization solapur university
Exam Date December, 2018
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

B.C.A. (Semester (CGPA) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: Q.1 and Q.7 are compulsory.
Solve any two questions from Q. 2 to Q. 4.
Solve any one questions from Q.5 and Q.6.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 07
used in web.xml to pass parameters to servletconfig.
<init-param> <context-param>
<web-app> <servlet-mapping>-
Which of these methods can be used to output a sting in an applet?
display() print()
drawString() transient()
Which of these packages provides classes and interfaces of servlet?
javax.servlet.* javax.servlet.http.*
javax.servlet.api.* both and
Which method is used for an SQL statement that is executed
prepareStatement() prepareCall()
createStatement() SQLStatement()
Which is the immediate super class of an Applet?
Object Window
Panel Component
What is/are true about type-4 driver?
Pure and auto downloadable
Also called thin driver
Not required native library to be installed
All of these
XML stands for?
Extensible Markup Language
Extended Mashup Language
Extensible Mashup Language
X-Markup Language
State whether True or False 07
DTD stands for Document Type Definition.
In Applet, start() method is used to initialization of an applet.
Cookies are maintained at client side or server side.
RequestDispatcher interface provide the facility of dispatching the
request to another resources it may be html, servlet or jsp.
JDBC stands for Java Data Base Connectivity.
XML is a self-descriptive language.
CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface.
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Q.2 Attempt any two of the followings: 14
What is an Applet? Explain Applet HTML tags.
Write a program to navigation (last, first, next, previous) employeerecords
such as eid, ename, designation, DOB, etc from employee table.
What is XML? Explain XML Tree in details.
Q.3 Attempt any two of the followings: 14
List the advantages and disadvantages of HttpSession.
Explain JDBCcomponents in detail.
Write a program to design an applet that displays the following shapes.
Q.4 Attempt any two of the followings: 14
Explain Applet Life cycle with example.
Explain JDBC statements and methods.
Write a demonstration program to use of include and forward method of
Q.5 Explain types of JDBC drivers with examples. 07
Differentiate between GenericServlet and HttpServlet . 07
Q.6 What is servlet? Explain features and advantages of servlet. 07
What is Cookies? Explain advantages and disadvantages and use of
'Cookies' in Servlet with example.
Q.7 Write a short note on the following:- (any 14
Features of JDBC
servlet API


  • advance programming in c
  • advanced java – i
  • advanced java – ii
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  • advanced web technology
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  • business communication
  • business statistics
  • communication skills
  • computer graphics
  • computer oriented statistics
  • core java
  • cyber laws and security control
  • data structure using ‘c’
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  • database management system
  • dbms with oracle
  • development of human skills
  • digital electronics
  • discrete mathematics
  • e-commerce
  • e-governance
  • financial accounting with tally
  • financial management
  • fundamentals of computer
  • fundamentals of financial accounting
  • introduction to data mining & warehousing
  • introduction to information technology
  • linux and shell programming
  • management information system
  • networking & data communication
  • networking and data communication
  • object oriented programming with c++
  • oop with c++
  • operating system
  • operations research
  • operting system
  • procedural programming through ‘c’
  • python
  • rdbms with oracle
  • software engineering
  • software project management
  • software testing
  • theory of computation
  • visual programming
  • web technology
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