Exam Details

Subject fuel geology
Exam / Course m.sc. applied geology
Organization solapur university
Exam Date December, 2018
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester IV) (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Applied Geology
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions carry equal marks.
Question 1 is compulsory.
Answer any two essay questions from 4.
Answer any two short note questions from 7.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1 Marks the correct objective. 14
Plant materials, vegetation and waste from living things are regarded as

Fossil fuel Coal
Bio mass Crude
When wind blows across seas and oceans there are seen
Whirling Snails
Surfs Waves
Trapped heat inside of earth is known as
Thermal energy Geothermal energy
Heat energy Volcano
Burning of fossil fuels are leading towards
Pollution Global warming
Both a b None of above
Energy resources which will not run out in long term are called
Renewable Non-renewable
Generating Producing
Coal seam formed by in situ origin are characterized by
The presence of coal bed
The presence of coal beds of wide aerial extent
The presence of coal beds of uniform thickness and wide aerial extent
The presence of partings in the coal seams
Uranium deposit are found in
Epicontinental environment Marine environment
Costal environmental All of the above
Smarskite is an ore mineral of
Thorium Uranium
Cobalt Osmium
Cambay shale, the oil producing horizon of the Gandhar on land field is of
Eocene Miocene
Oligocene Pleistocene
10) In India, the main coal forming epoch was
Permian Carboniferous
Tertiary Cretaceous
Page 2 of 2
11) Which of the following one of the following mineral is found in monazite sand
Uranium Potassium
Thorium Sodium
12) Match the following and choose the correct answer:-
Basin Structure
a. Bombay high 1. Double plunging anticline
b. Cambay basin 2. Elongated structure dome.
c. Assam shelf 3. Folded asymmetrical anticline
d. Tripura-Cachar basin 4. Anticline
a-1 b-2 c-3 d-4 a-2 b-3 c-4 d-1
a-1 b-3 c-2 d-4 a-3 b-4 c-2 d-1
13) Radioactive waste is generally treated by
Ammonia to neutralize it Bacteria to consume it
Storage until it gets harmless Acid to decompose it
14) Radiations of radioactive waste remain for thousands of years, so they are
stored in
Isolated tanks Wells
Reservoirs Ditches
Q.2 What is trap rock? Explain various types of trap. 14
Q.3 How coal is formed? Explain in detail petrographic classification of coal. 14
Q.4 Give an account on distribution of Atomic mineral in India and its uses. 14
Q.5 Discuss the following question in short. 14
Salt dome
Explain shale and oil gas hydrate.
Q.6 Write short notes on. 14
Migration of oil
Brief introduction to radioactive surveys.
Q.7 Write short notes on. 14
Types of fuels
Non-conservation energy resource in India.


  • advances in pest control - i
  • advances in pest control – ii
  • agro-based marketing management
  • analytical techniques for agrochemicals
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations - i
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations – ii
  • climatology and planetary geology
  • diseases of crop plants – i
  • diseases of crop plants – ii
  • economic entomology
  • economic geology
  • engineering geology and mining geology
  • environmental geology & disaster management
  • environmental geology and disaster management
  • fuel geology
  • geochemistry
  • geotectonic and physical oceanography
  • hydrogeology
  • igneous and metamorphic petrology
  • indian stratigraphy
  • introductory and industrial entomology
  • lgneous and metamorphic petrology
  • manufacture of agrochemicals
  • micronutrients and plant growth
  • mineral exploration
  • minerology and optics
  • pesticide residues and toxicology
  • plant pathology and weed management
  • regulators
  • remote sensing and gis
  • research methodology
  • sedimentology and palaeontology
  • soil science, fertilizers,
  • watershed management (oet)