Exam Details

Subject geotectonic and physical oceanography
Exam / Course m.sc. applied geology
Organization solapur university
Exam Date December, 2018
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester III) (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Applied Geology
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Draw neat and labeled diagram wherever necessary.
Q.1 Rewrite the sentences by choosing correct answer from given alternatives: 14
Benioff zone is associated with
Subduction slab Transform fault
Mid oceanic ridge Mountains
The fastest spreading divergent plate boundary is the
Central-Indian ridge Carlsberg ridge
Mid-atlantic ridge East Pacific rise
As a result of seafloor spreading:
New ocean crust is generated at ridges to accommodate the spreading
Continent attached to the plates on each side of the ridge slowly move apart
A record of paleomagnetic reversals is recorded in rocks that formed at the
All of the above
Tectonic plates are not very thick compared to the radius of the Earth because
they are only made up of rocks that are part of the:
Ocean crust Continental crust
Lithosphere Asthenosphere
The average slope of continental shelf
1o 2o
4o 15o
A flat topped seamount rising more than 1 km above the seafloor is known as:
Guyot An atoll
Submarine fan Continental rise
What happens to the ocean as depth increases (as you go deeper)?
Temperature decreases Temperature increases
Pressure increases Both a c
Thermohaline circulation is results is due to the difference in
Density Temperature
Salinity All the above
Due to landforms and the Earth's rotation, ocean currents form huge circles in
the world's oceans called:
Currents Tides
Gyres Coriolis Effect
10) The deflection of ocean current in the northern and southern hemispheres is
due to
Thermohaline circulation Coriolis effect
El Nino effect Monsoon effect
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11) The oceans contain approximately of all the Earth's water.
97% 3.5%
12) When the sun, moon and earth are all aligned, a is formed.
Spring tide Neap tide
Longshore current Low tidal range
13) Slow-moving cold ocean currents may rise to the surface. This of
cold water carries food particles to the surface, resulting in areas of good
Upwelling Crest
Tide Trough
14) Desalination is a process where:
Salt is added to seawater Freshwater is obtained from seawater
Salt is taken from freshwater Energy is obtained from seawater
Q.2 Answer the following any four:-
1. Divergent type plate boundary
2. Subduction zone
3. Oceanic trench
4. Calcareous ooze
5. Cold ocean currents.
Write notes on (Any
1. Tectonic division of Himalaya
2. Estuarine circulation
3. Difference between Volcanic dome and guyots
Q.3 Answer the following Any
1. Tectonic evolution of ocean basin
2. Ophiolite complex
3. Terrigenous sediments
Answer the following any one
1. What is Coriolis Effect? Explain with neat sketch diagram three cell model of
global wind circulation.
2. Classification and nomenclature of estuaries.
Q.4 Answer the following Any
1. Ocean margin and its significance.
2. Sea level changes and its causes
3. Note on Himalaya Orogeny
Answer the following any one
1. Indian Ocean ridges
2. Thermocline and Halocline
Q.5 Answer the following. (Any two) 14
Explain openings and closing of ocean gateways during cenozoic time.
Discuss different type of sources of oceanic sediments and their controlling
Difference between warm water and cold water current. Brief note on Indian
Ocean Currents.


  • advances in pest control - i
  • advances in pest control – ii
  • agro-based marketing management
  • analytical techniques for agrochemicals
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations - i
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations – ii
  • climatology and planetary geology
  • diseases of crop plants – i
  • diseases of crop plants – ii
  • economic entomology
  • economic geology
  • engineering geology and mining geology
  • environmental geology & disaster management
  • environmental geology and disaster management
  • fuel geology
  • geochemistry
  • geotectonic and physical oceanography
  • hydrogeology
  • igneous and metamorphic petrology
  • indian stratigraphy
  • introductory and industrial entomology
  • lgneous and metamorphic petrology
  • manufacture of agrochemicals
  • micronutrients and plant growth
  • mineral exploration
  • minerology and optics
  • pesticide residues and toxicology
  • plant pathology and weed management
  • regulators
  • remote sensing and gis
  • research methodology
  • sedimentology and palaeontology
  • soil science, fertilizers,
  • watershed management (oet)