Exam Details

Subject imsc in nursing science
Exam / Course ima/imsc
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

IM.Sc-Naning Sciences
Entrance Examination-2011

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The salt formed when nitric acid is neutralised usiDg potassium hydroxide is... Potassium sulphite Potassium chloride Sodium nitnte Potassium nitnte

What is the symbol for the element Selenium? Si B)Se C)Na D)S

Which ofthe diseases hive no vaccine till date: Small pox Meases Typhoid Common Cold

4. The ftmction oftRNA is to
Transport ofamino acids for protein synthesis
Carry codons to the ribosomes
Translate RNA
Transcribe the DNA code

S. Ifa material is described as being biodegradable, it can be
softened by heating B)easily moulded into different shapes broken down by bacteria in the soil and rot away disposed by burning
The four main elements in the human body are

sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen
carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen
carbon, sulphur, nitrogen and hydrogen
carbon, sulphur, oxygen and hydrogen

The function ofthe hmgs is to toke in .

Oxygen into the blood and remove nitrogen
Nitrogen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide into the blood and remove oxygen
Oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide

Down's syndrome is an example ofa cbromosal abnormality called: Trisomy Monosomy Deletion Inversion

In a variety ofgarden peas, the allele for tall plants is dominant over the allele for short plants A cross between a taU plant and a short plant resulted in 50010 ofthe offspring being short. What were the genotypes of the parents?

A)Tland It Tland Tl TTand Tl D)TT and It

What enzyme is required for the polymerase chain reaction

Taq Polymerase Paq polymerase
DNA polymerase RNA Polymerase

I I. What is the function ofxylem vessels?
Transport dissolved food from the leaves
Form root oodules for nitrogen fixing

Store carbohydrates
Tl1IIISpOrt water and mincraIs from the roots and help support the plant

12. Mercury is:
A liquid and metal A liquid and DOn-metal
A solid and DOn-metal Neither liquid nor metal

Which ofthe following indicates fitness?

High resting pulse rate and short recovery time
Low resting pulse rate and short recovery time.
Low resting pulse rate and long recovery time
High resting pulse rate and long recovery time

The branch ofZoology that concerns the study of birds is known as: Kineosology Ornithology Ichthyology Acarology

Which ofthe metal shown has the highest density? Iron Calcium Silver Gold

What name is given to a catalyst affects living things? A precipitate Platioum A converter An enzyme

Genetics is the study of:

Functions ofnuclear material Sexual and asexual characteristics Science ofreproduction Study ofhuman traits

Choose the conect pair

Sore throat: bacterial infection Amoebiasis: Fungi
Malaria: Viral Typhoid: Helminthes

The process ofdestroying foreign particles entering ioto the body is known a Al Phagocytosis Haernolysis Exocytosis Catalysis

Water soluble vitamios are AlVitC&VitB Vit B Vit 0 ViI. C Vito E Vit.O Vil.E

21. Which ofthe following never contains in food chain?
Consumer habitats herbivore O)omnivorc
22. Inflammotion is usually IIl:COIIlponicd with
Pain B)Nausca Dianbea Chills
23. What is the formula for the ion which has 17 protons and 18 electrons?
C)Cl" O)Ar
24. In flumsis, which ofthe following tissues is not affected:
Bane Teeth Spine Brain
25. A high white blood cell COUDt could indicate
Hacrnophilia B)Disbetes C)Anaemia Leukaemia

26. Which ofthe following is responsible for controlling the ce1l7
Chloroplast vacuole nucleus cell wall
27. The function ofarteries is to
Allow nutrients to pass from the blood to the tissues
Carry blood to the heart
Carry blood away from heart
Link the veins to the capillaries
28. Which ofthe following plant pigment traps solar energy?
Chloroplast cell wall cytoplasm chlorophyll
29. The stain used for microsonpic examination ofplant cells is
Cell stain Iodine solution Biuret reagent Bencdicts solution
30. The instrument used for blood pressure measurement in humans is
Reaction timer Pulsometer Sphygmomanometer Peak flow meter

The following is usually accompanied in a chemical reaction

A color change occurs A gas is given off Cl Heat energy is absorbed A new substance is formed

More than 60"/0 ofbody weight in humans is made up of

A)tibre fat Clwater protein
33. Iron is used in the body to
make blood Cl make teeth and bones make muscle protect the body against scurvy
34. Which ofthe following is the richest source ofenergy in our diet?
Proteins Fats and oils Cl Carbohydrates Fibre
35. Which of the following metals is the most reactive?
Zinc Copper Cl Magnesium O)lron
36. Which ofthe follwing stain do we use for staining anima1 cells?

iodine solution cell stain Cl methylene blue ribena
Tissue is defined as to perform a function a group ofcells a group oforgans Cl organism a cell system

Which lne ofthe following is not a symptom ofdiabetes: Excess urination Excessive thirst Cl Loss ofweight Night blindness

Another name ofCopper sulphate is: Green Vitriol Red vitroil Cl Blue vitriol Black vitriol

Which one ofthem is a correct pair:

Glucose: ADP Process does not require oxygen: Anaerobic Cl Adenosine diphosphate: Autotrophs Organisms that make their own food: c.H1206

Kidneys maintain blood pressure by regulating:

Salt BDd Fluid levels in the body Nu1rieots levels in the body Toxins levels in the body Lipids BDd Proteins in the body

Choose the incorrect pair:

Insulin Pancreas Epinephrine: AdreDal
Prolactin Pituitary Oxytocin Thyroid

Orange is a good of: A)VilC Minerals Iron Protein

Which one oftbe following is a monosaccharide: Sucrose Lactose Galactose Maltose

Excess Glucose is stored in animal tissues as Cellulose Starch Protein Glycogeo

A fat is called 'saturated' as

The Fatty acid carbon chains are saturated with Hydrogeo
The fat is saturated with water
The fatty acid chains can have more water added
They saturate the body with fat when eaten

Zymogens are inactive enzymes honnones nucleotides glycosides

48. Malaria is caused by: Plasmodium vivax Caenorhabdilis elegam Emamoeba Hislolylica Closlridium lelanii
Haemoglobin content is tested for a person suffering from Schizophrenia Parlcinson's disease C)Jaundice Anaemia

Trypsin is an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of: Proteins Carl>ohydrates C)Fats Nucleotid

5I. Ifa double stranded DNA bas 20010 Adenine, what would be the pen:ent ofcytosine? 20 30 C)40 0)80
52. Which ODe ofthe following is not a sexually transmitted disease
Gonorrhea Syphilis Hepatiti..B Psoriasis
53. The protein coat ofa virus is called:
Cosmid Plasmid C)Capsid Plastid
54. TUIllor pressure become equal to the wall pressure when
Water leaves the cell Water enters the cell

No exchange ofwater takes place Solute goes from cell into water
Cultivation oftrees, in dwarf form is known as: Bonsai Ikebana C)Dwarfism ltiolation

Hepatic ports! system collects blood from Liver Lungs C)Kidney Alimentary canal

Whichofthe following belongs to phylum Arthropoda? CockrollCh Goldfish Silverfish Cuttlefish

Which ofthe following is used by plants to make proteins? Phosphates Bl Nitrates Potassium salts Magnesium salts

What are the tubular structures present in Xylem Tracheids and vessels Xylem parenchyma Sieve tubes Xylem fibers

The living part ofth. cell is called Coli Wall Protoplasm Hyalaplasam Cell sap

Free floating organism in open sea and shon: are collectively called: A)Necton Plankton Zooplankton Benthos


Mitosis men to

Division ofnucleus Division ofcytoplasm Reducing chromosome nwubcr by half Division ofcytoplasm and nucleus both

Culturing ofplants in water mediwu is Hydrophonics Sand culture Acrophonics Soil-less culture

Sea gulls excrete excess ofNaCl from: Liver Lungs Nasal cavity Kidney

Tube feet is the locomotory organ in: Starfish Jelly fish Silver fish Scoliodon

Exoskeleton is absent in: Scoliodon Frog Rabbit Fowl

A reaction that combines small molecules to form large molecules is known as Anabolic reaction Catabolic reaction Anabolism Hydrolase reaction

Which ofthe following helps in clotting ofblood? Vitamin BI Vitamin B2 Vitamin D Vitamin K

Total volume ofblood in a normal adult human being is 5-6 liters 3-4 liters 8-10 liters 10-12 liters

Vitamin BI2 deficiency can lead to Night blindness Pernicious anemia Bcri-Bcri Loss ofappetite

Carbohydrates arc composed of amino acids nucleic acids monosaccharides glycerol and fatty acids

Pollen grains arc rich in: Nutrients Water Salt fat


Tobecco mosaic disease was the first eukaryotic disease recognized to be ca"sed by: Bacteria a virus genetic abnormalities radiation

Histology is the study of: cells and membranes skin organs and organ systems tissues

During exercise, there is an increased flow ofblood to Brain Kidneys skin lungs

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