Exam Details

Subject software engineering
Exam / Course m.c.a./ m.c.a.(lateral)
Organization Alagappa University Distance Education
Exam Date May, 2018
City, State tamil nadu, karaikudi

Question Paper

MAY 2018.
Fifth Semester
(2005 to 2010 Calendar Year)
Time Three hours Maximum 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
x 20 100)
1. Explain the various activities involved in developing and maintaining a software product.
Explain any ten factors which influence the productivity and quality.
2. What is meant by software process model? Explainany two process models in detail.
Write a note on Process Metrics.
3. Explain the steps involved in planning for a software project.
With the structure and communications paths,explain the features of democratic team.
Sub. Code
SP 5
4. How do we estimate the software cost through COCOMO?
Explain the different types of project structure in detail.
5. Give an account on Risk Management.
List down the activities performed by the SQA team.
6. Write short notes on x 5 20)
Software Configuration Management
Characteristics of a SRS.
7. Explain the golden rules for designing an efficient interface.
What is a module? What are its characteristics?
What are the measures used to design an effective module?
8. Explain the basis path testing in detail.
Draw a structured flowchart and flow graph to find
the biggest of three numbers. Also, determine the
numbers of test cases required to verify and
validate the above mentioned task through cyclomatic complexity.


  • .net frame works
  • .net lab
  • accounting and financial management
  • agent based intelligent system
  • c-sharp (c#)
  • communication skills
  • compiler design
  • computer applications
  • computer networks
  • data mining and warehousing
  • data warehousing and mining
  • distributed computing
  • image processing and analysis
  • internet programming
  • lab : vi — algorithm and shell programming
  • lab v — rdbms
  • lab vii –– internet programming
  • lab viii — network lab
  • lab x — compiler design
  • lab–ix : visual c++
  • middleware technology
  • mobile communications
  • multimedia systems
  • multimedia tools lab
  • network lab
  • neural networks
  • object oriented analysis and design
  • open source architecture
  • open source programming lab
  • operating systems
  • rdbms
  • resource management techniques
  • software engineering
  • software project management
  • unix and shell programming
  • visual programming
  • visual programming lab
  • web technology
  • web technology lab