Exam Details

Subject applied linguistics
Exam / Course m.phil
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Time: 2 Hours Marks: 75
Hall Ticket No:
Code NO: W -43

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ii). There is negative marking. Each wrong answer carries -0. 33 mark.
iii) Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided there upon.
iv). Hand over both the question paper booklet and OMR aIIlwer sheet, at the end ofthe examination, to the invigilator.
v). No additional sheet will be provided. Rough work can be done in the questionpaperitself/ space provided at the end of the booklet.

I. The Sound Patterns ofEnglish was first published in
A. 1970
B. 1968
C. 1971
D. 1969
2. Syntactic Structures was first published in
A. 1969
B. 1968
C. 1957
D. 1965
3. Lectures on Government and Binding was fustl'ublished in
A. 1981
B. 1985
C. 1961
D. 1979
4. Remarks on Nominalization was published in
A. 1970
B. 1975
C. 1972
5. The Author ofGenerative MOtphology (1984) is
A. Mark Baker
B. Mark Aronoff
C. Sergio Scalise
D. Laurie Bauer
6. India as a Sociolinguistic Area (1972) is written by
A. L.M. Khubchandani
B. R. K. Agnihotri
C. P. B. Pandit
D. H.R.Dua
7. The Case for Case is written by
A. J.D. McCawley
B. C. J. Fillmore
C. N. Chomsky
D. R. Lakolf
8. India as a Linguistic Area is written by
A. M. Shapiro
B. M. B. Emeneau
C. G. A. Grierson
D. Bh. Krishnamurti
9. Oneofthefollowingisconsideredto beassociatedwiththedefinition ofphoneme
A. Prague school;
B. London school;
C. Neogrammarians;
D. Generative enterprise
10. One ofthc following is credited to have integrated the work on languagc acquisition and language los by aphasia in linguistic theof)
A. Roman Jakobson;
B. Nikolar Sergeycvich 1 rubetzkoy;
C. Morris Halle;
D. Paul KiparsJ..oy
Segments are defined as fcatures

bundles of;




12. Distinctive Features have a standard phonetic interpretation, in tcrms of
A. articulatory and/or acoustic properties.
B. articulatory and perceptual properties
C. perceptual and acoustic properties
D. acoustic properties alone
13. A-B
I C D isa

A context-free rule

A context-sensitive rule

A rewrite rule

A phonetic law

14. In Generative phonology A
A. segments, features
B. phonemes, segments
C. phonemes, allophones
D. segments, sounds

B I C D does not involve whole but
IS. Conventional generative phonology believes in
A. Obsolute slicing hypothesis
B. hierarchical nature ofphonological units
C. autosegmental nature ofphonological units
D. non-linear ofphonological units
16. State which ofthe following stntements is com:ct:
A. The grammatical category of a morphologically complex word is determined by its head.
The grammatical category ofa morphologically complex word is determined by its non-head.;

The grammatical category ofa morphologicall)' complex word is determined neither by the hcad nor the non-head.;

Morphologically cample> words are not headed at all.;

17. The Lexical Phonology Morphology Model is proposed by:
A. Kiporsky and Mohanan
D. Aronoff
C. ChomsL'Y
D. Peter Matthews
18. The extension of X-bar Syntax to morphology in the form ofW(ord) syntax is proposed
A. Selkirk
B. Scalise
C Seigel
D Aronoff

19 The main proponents of the the<'ry of Distributed Morph"logy are:
A Halle and Mohanan;
B Aronoff and Mohanan;
C Morris Halle and Alec Marantz;
D Chomsky and Halle

20 The derivational process whereby the lexical category of a word changes without changing its phonological shape is:
A Dlending;
B Conversion;
C Clipping;
D None of the above

21 The term is used to refer to the set of all the inflected forms of a lcxeme.
A Syntagm
B Paradigm
C Derivation
D Inflection

22. In Remarks on Nominalization, Chomsky argues that derived nouns should be treated as:
A. derived from a
B independent lexemes;
C syntactic phrases;

D sentences;
23 One ofthe following is not a term used for economy principles in Minimalist Program.
A. Procrastinate.
B. Shonest move.
C. Wh-movement.
D. Greed.
24. Principle B ofthe Binding Theory deals wiU,
A. Trace
B. Pronominals
D C-command

25. a L-marks II iff:
A. II is O-marked by a lexical head
B. a which C-comrnands Il is a lexical head
C. II belongs to a lexical category
D. II is not 9-marked by a functional head
26. In the sentence I wanted Karan to give the book to his friend, Karan to give book his friend is:
A. An adverbial clause.
B. An infinitival clause.
C. A complement clause.
D. A predicative clause
27. Identify the wrong statement.
A. PRO is universal.
B. INFL is 8 functional category.
C. pro occurs only in prtHirop languages.
D. COMP is an empty category.
28. The Case Filter is stated thus:
A. ·NP ifNP has semantic content and has no Case;
B. ·NP ifNP has phonetic content and has no Case.
C. ·NP ifNP has no phonetic content and has no Case;
D. ·NP ifNP has no phonetic content and has Case;
29. As a principle ofphrase structure, Kayne's Linear Correspondence Axiom "dA. is a linear ordering ofT" can be simplified/restated as:
A. Aterminal nodeaprecedesanothertenninnlnode p,ifandonly ifa c-commands p.
B. A tenninal node a precedes another tenninnl node ifand only ifa c-commands p.
C. AtenninaInodeaprecedesanother tenninaInodep,ifandonl)' ifa m-commands p.
D. A terminal node a precedes another terminnl node II, ifand only ifa c-commands and m-commands p.
30. Buyer and seUer are examples of
A. Conversive antonymy.
B. Rcversivc antonymy.
C. Binary antonymy.
D. Complcrnent:uy antonymy.
31. Polysemy ofa given word would involve multiple
A. unrelated meaning
B. related meaning
C. equivalent meaning
D. divergent meaning
32. Punch which can mean both and blow oflist' are instances of
A. hyponymy
B. mcronymy
C. homonymy
D. metonymy.
33. The sentence 'All elephants arc animals' is
A. analytic
B. conditional
C. synthetic
D. none ofthe above
34. The theory of Conversational Implicature was discussed
A. Paul Grice
B. Stephen C. Levinson
C. John R. Searle
D. John L. Austin and John R. Searle
symmetrically asymmetrically asymmetrically asymmetrically both
35. boiled an egg' cooked an egg'
A. Presupposes
B. Entails
C. PlII'lIphmses
D. ContIadiets
36. Greenberg's Unive=I states that:
A. Languages with dominant VSO order nre always prepositional
B. In languages with dominant ordor VSO, an inneeted auxiliary always precedes the main verb.
C. In languages with dominant order SOY, an innected auxiliary always follows the main verb.
D. All languages with dominanl VSO order have SVO as an alternative or as the only alternative basic Order
37. Thestalement"ifalanguagehasproperty 1',thenithasproperty Q"wouldbeadefinitionof:
A. Absolule unive=Is
Implicalional universals

C. Non-implicational universals
D. Unidirectional universals
38. It is not
ue that:
A. All Tibelo-Burman languages do nol have lones.
B. All Dravidian languages are found only in South India.
C. In some AUSlro--Asiatic languages. verbs and 8djcc:tivcs are one:md the sounc.
D. All Indo--Aryan languages have a vcfb..final word order.
39. Sinhalese belongs 10 the group of
A. Indo-Aryanlanguages
B. Dravidian languages.
C. Language Isolates.
D. Endangered languages.
40. The Jarnwara language is spoken in
A. Andaman Islands.
B. Amazonas.
C. Jharkhand
D. Nigeria
41. does not have 'Dative subjects'.
A. Khasi
B. Telugu
C. Hindi
D. Meiteilon
42. A Lingua Franca is a
A. Regional Language
B. National Language
C. Link Language
D. Trade Language
43. The usc of two languages/varieties oflanguage in two different domains is called
A. Polyglot
B. Diglossia
C. Biglossia
D. None of the above

44. The phenomenon such that an individual has more than one connection in a social network is known as
A. Density
B. Strong social network
C. Weak social network
D. Multiplexity
45. When speakers ofa language are spread over different parts ofthe world, they form a
A. Speech community
B. Language community
C. Diaspora
D. Regional community
16. Rhenish fan is an example of
A. A relic area
B. A transitional area
C. A centre ofprestige
D. A major dialect area
17. A change like b is called as
A. Arnie
B. A phonetic law
C. phonetic process
D. amerger
8. Modelling oflanguage change over time is
A. Glottochronology;
B. Historical linguistics;
C. paleontology;
D. paleography;
49. A sound change which is ",gular brings irregularity but analogy which is essentially irregular brings ",guIarity is often known os
A. Sturtevant's paradox;
B. grandfather paradox;
C. barber paradox;
D. drinker paradox;
SO. Grimm's Law involves ..]
A. a split;
B. amerger;
C. a shift;
D. none ofthesc;
51. Languages which do not have any other genetically ",Iated member arc usually known os_
A. Unique languages;
B. lsolatcs;
C. Unitary languages;
D. None ofthe above.
52. Proto-Indo-European has been "'constructed from its
A. descendants;
B. sisters;
C. daughters;
D. parents;
53. Reduplicative babbling rcqui",s
A. Doubling ofwords;
B Doubling ofphrases;

C. Doubling ofsyllables;
D. Doubling ofmorphemes;
54. Deletion of function words and bound grammatical morphemes during language acquisition marks_
A. jargon;
B. holophrastic speech;
C. telegraphic spcccb;
D. full competence;
55. A language disorder found among normal childn:n in n:ading, writing and arithmetic is technically kno"nas
A. dysnomia;
B. hypcrlexia;
C. alexia;
D. dyslexia;
56. The theory oflanguage acquisition focuses of the care-givcr speech
A. Innatist·•
B. Behaviourist;
C. Social Interactionalist;
D. Modular;
57. Psycholinguists believe that we store representations of words in a dictionary known as
A. Mental lexicon;
B. Mental parsing;
C. Gating;
D. Checklist;
58. The Wernicke's and Broca's areas in the brain afO lueated in
A. Right hcmisphere;
B. Left hemisphere;
C. Occipital lobe;
D. Corpus callosum;
59. Much of research on language production have originated from the study of:
A. Reading;
B. Writing;
C. Speci:h errors;
D. Corpus studies;
60. Recent advances suggcst that important aspects of language. specifically grammar, may be associated with a specific gene known as:
A. Foxlp;
B. Fox2p;
C. Foxp2;
D. Foxl;
61. A morphological analyzer requires input
A. Root formatives
B. Suffixes
C. Wordform
D. Stems
62. A synthesizes words.
A. POS tagger;
B. Parser;
C. Generator;
D. Analyzer;
63. is the process ofassigning a part ofspeech to each word in a sentence.
A. Morph analysis;
B. Parsing;
C. POS Tagging;
D. Tokenization;

64. Indian Scripts are
A. syllabic
B. A1pbabc1ic
C. Logographic;
D. logosyllabic;
65. A common encoding scheme for Indian Scripts is knOWIIllS
D. Unicode;
66. A morphological generator requires lIS input
A. Root features
B. A word;
C. A wordfonn;
D. A lexeme
67. A Parddigm refers to a set ofword forms derived from the same root but with different
A. derivational;
B. inflectional;
C. Sufftxes;
D. Afftxes 68 The number ofOCCWTCJ1CCS oflexical units in a language are presented in alan
A. Dictionary ofneologisms
B. Dictionary offrequency counts
C. Dictionary ofusages
D. Ideographieal dictionary
69. Etymology deals with the
A. source ofa language
B. source ofphrases
C.. source ofmeaning

D. source ofa word.

70. Exegetic dictionaries arc based on
A. slangs, jargons, argots
B. works ofauthors
C. technical tenns
D. none ofthe above
71. Grammatical infonnation is usually given along with
A. lemma
B. etymology
C. labels
D. ahead word
72. Thesecond-languageteachingthatconsisted ofthestudy ofgrammnticalrules,followed bytranslation from the second language into the first and back again is called .
A. the grammar-translation method
B. the Direct Method
C. the Silent Way
D. content-based instruction method
73. An approach to second or foreign language education that integrates theoretical and empirical foundations for good pedagogy with a focus on tangible learning outcomes especially with regfud to what learners are to do with the language is known as thc,
A. Task-based Language Teaching
B. Radical Language Teaching
C. Computer-assisted Language Teaching
D. Content-based Language Teaching
74. A way to increase the efficiency ofvocabulary focus in lanb'WIge learning is by making usc of specially designed vocabulary lists. The four distinguishing vocabulary levels are:
A. frequency, academic, technical, and bonowcd words.
B. high-frequency, academic, technical, and low-frequency words.
C. high and low-frequency, academic, technical, and native words.
D. academic, technical, bonowed and native words
75. In Language teaching, a core idiom is a unit where the meaning ofthe parts does not make up the meaning of the whole.
A. multi-word
B. figurative
C. compositional
D. literal


  • anthropology
  • applied linguistics
  • centre for english language studies
  • comparative literature
  • dalit adivasi studies & translation
  • economics
  • english
  • gender studies
  • hindi
  • history
  • indian diaspora
  • philosophy
  • political science
  • sanskrit
  • social exclusion & inclusion.
  • sociology
  • telugu
  • translation studies
  • urdu