Exam Details

Subject solid state physics - i
Exam / Course m.sc. in physics
Organization acharya nagarjuna university-distance education
Exam Date May, 2017
City, State new delhi, new delhi

Question Paper

Total No. of Questions 09] [Total No. of Pages 1
Second Year
Solid State Physics I
Time 3 Hours Maximum Marks 70
Answer any Five of the following
All question carry equal marks.
Q1) What are symmetry operations? Explain the meaning of a fold rotation axis
and n fold scew axis.
Explain different point groups and span groups in a crystal lattice.
Q2) Explain the Laue's interpretation of x ray diffraction in crystals.
Explain the determination of lattice constants.
Q3) Define tomic conesion and explain the conesire energy.
Explain the ball and spring model of a harmonic crystal.
Q4) Explain the normal modes of a one dimensional diatomic chain.
Explain the phonon dispersion by inelastic Neutron scattering.
Q5) Give the assumptions of classical theory of lattice specific heat.
Explain quantum theory of heat capacity.
Q6) Discuss in detail the Kronig penny model for the motion of electron in a periodic
Q7) Explain the nearly free electron model.
Obtain an expression for carrier density in extrinsic semiconductor.
Q8) State and explain Hall effect.
Explain thermoelectric effect.
Q9) Write a notes on any Two of the following
Bragg's law
Quantization of Lattice vibrations
An harmonic effects.
General features of extrinsic semiconductors.

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