Exam Details

Subject psychology
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course civil services main optional
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2017
City, State central government,

Question Paper

1. Answer each the following questions in about 150 words:

Describe how you used psychology to solve a social problem.

Distinguish between negative reinforcement and punishment. Do you think punishment is an effective way to modify behaviour?

In a study, the number of students intake in a college correlated very highly with violence. Explain the research finding.

Do you think subliminal messages can actually lead to significant changes in attitudes or behaviour? Cite research evidence.

Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour. Evaluate.

Why do we forget Differentiate between anterograde and retrograde amnesia.

How can you use 'Focus Group Discussion' to promote use of toilets in rural areas?

How would you apply Operant Conditioning technique for toilet training to a 3-year-old boy?

Whatever we are, it is because of Genes. Discuss.

Which research design would you apply to prove that a particular method of teaching yields best results? Describe.

How are we able to perceive the world in three dimensions when our eyes are capable of sensing only two-dimensional images?

Evaluate "interview" as a method of data collection.

Explain the role of meaningfulness and emotional arousal in encoding. Discuss the implications of encoding specificity' principle.

Explain the differences in information processing at various levels of memory. In what way is recall affected by initial processing of information

Creative people usually have high IQ scores but those with highest IQ scores are not necessarily the most creative people. Explain.

Critically evaluate Noam Chomsky's theory of transformational grammar.

Drug-addiction is just a maladaptive behaviour. Like other behaviour, it can be easily changed. Discuss.

What is paradoxical in REM sleep? How active is a person during different stages of sleep?

Explain different types of reasoning processes used in problem solving with their strengths and limitations.

According to Gardner's theory, there is no one kind of general intelligence for ranking individuals. Explain.

A young person helped a visually impaired woman to cross the road. He explained his action saying that he has positive attitude towards such persons. Did his attitude determine his behaviour or the behaviour determine his attitude. Explain.

Explain the importance of Critical Periods in language development. In what ways are bilingualism arid cognitive development related?

Which needs should one be high on to be a successful entrepreneur? Explain on the basis of Maslow's Hicrarchy of Needs.

Can we do justice to measuring personality by projective and objective tests? Discuss.

Why do some people behave aggressively towards those who defy social norms? How can such aggressive behaviours be changed?

Can we determine a person's academic performance based only on IQ score? Explain.

How do we explain self-defeating behaviour of a person from the Humanistic perspective?

People emphasize the personal traits more than the situational factors. Evaluate the statement.


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