Exam Details

Subject botany
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course indian forest service
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2009
City, State central government,

Question Paper

(lime Allowed: Three Hours) (Maximum Marks 200)
Candidates should attempt Question 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and THREE ofthe remaining questions. selecting at least ONE question from each Section. The number ofmarks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. Answers must be written in ENGLISH. Neat sketches may be drawn, wherever required.

1. Answer any FOUR of the following (answer should not exceed ISO words in each case) :-lOx4=40
Write critical notes on the following:

Plasmid and its types

Heterotrichous thallus in Algae.

Write short notes on the following:

Structural details of Lyginopteris oldhamia (seed)

Gram staining and its importance.

Differentiate between the following:
Conjugation and transduction
Calyptra and capsule.

Write critical notes on
Disease resistance in plants
Fungal toxins.

Write about the following
Diatomaceous Earth
Differentiation between Hybrid and Cybrid.

2. Define biofertilizers. Give a detailed account of microbial biofertilizers and their importance in agriculture.
Differentiate between cell culture and tissue culture. 20x2=40
3. Give a detailed account of Protoplast fusion and its importance. 20
Discuss in detail the evolution of stele in Pteridophytes. 20
4. Comment on the economic potential ofBryophytes and their distribution in India. 20
Define plasmogamy, karyogamy' and meiosis. Narrate the types ofsexual reproduction in fungi. 20


5. Answer any FOUR of the following (answer should be within 150 words in each case) :-1ox4=40
Distinguish between the following

Apogamy and Apospory

'Tracheid' and 'Vessel'.

Substantiate your answer with suitable examples below:

Concept of Quiscent zone

Why Gnetum is not included in Angiospenns

Comment critically on 'the following

Vavilov's centres of origin

Pollen allergy.

Why do some plants have sunken stomata

Distinguish between 'Spiket and 'Spadix'.

Write brief account on the following


Botanical Gardens in India.

6. Draw the scientifically accurate diagrams of the following and label the parts correctly :-lOx4=40
Floral parts of an orchid and Fabaceae member

Spikelet in poaceae and capitulum in Asteraceae

Androecium in Asclepiadaceae and cucurbitaceae

Axile and parietal placentation.

7. Write critical notes on the following :-IOx4=40
The importance of Palynology


Double fertilization.


8. Give a detailed account of Cordaitales and explain why they form important group. 20
Give botanical name, family and utility ofeach of the following :-lOx2=20
Red sandal
Snake Gourd
(viii) Jowar


  • agricultural engineering
  • agriculture
  • animal husbandary and veterinary science
  • botany
  • chemical engineering
  • chemistry
  • civil engineering
  • english
  • forestry
  • general knowledge
  • geology
  • mathematics
  • mechanical engineering
  • physics
  • statistics
  • zoology