Exam Details

Subject civil engineering
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course indian forest service
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2003
City, State central government,

Question Paper


Answer any four parts:

What do you understand by cash-flow diagram Find out a relationship fur F where;
F future worth at end of n years
i rate of interest
p =present worth at zero time
Write down the Jilcton! fc)r selecting tho constmc.tion cqu.i1>.mcnt for a projcc.L
C'ompare the an analla lic telescope with those nf an fD¢ussing tel.;scope in

Why do you employ n venic11l curve in desi[llting a highwny'! Derh<e an expressirm fur the
length a summit curve wbcn tltis is gttalcr than the stopping sight dista.ooc.

Explain with sketches:

Double llagslone floor
RCC' floor
bnclly ll•e activity for constructionnJ planning.

Two distonccs of m and 200 m ucouralely men,<ured out und the on Ote
staff between the outer web5 were 0. 196 m at the fonncr disbncc nt1d 0.996 m at the
Iafler. Calcul:lle I he taoheometric cons tnn ts.
Why do you provide sub-surface drainage for highways'i E.xpl:tin the methods for
suc.h dr:tinase.

rite short notes on

600 micron &icve and it$ USCI
Bearing for beams and lintuls
Find out the best leng·U• of span for the cost of a bridge of le.tl!!ih 700 m lo he a minimum
given lhc following data:
The superstructur.tl stccl's w• igln per s prut is 4L 1 70L. whore L Jon gUt of one sp:u1 in
·m' and weight in ·kg'
Co&t of s ingle abutrucnVpier Rs. 1.500.00il
AJsumo fubricotiun of supcoslructurc s teel Rs. 15 per kg
6 nfR
(bl Deocnlle • intmcction for • highwoy. utility? How do you determine
rod ius of n rotary roudwny'l
H:tpluin briefly various syMlem of railwoy signalling.
iii Show the contours wr
An overhanging c HIT
A valley line

What are the various methods (systems) of plane tabl Stale the where these are

are the basic elements of a modem kitohen and how do you plan for such provision in a
Write short notes on (any two)
for roil

C'•lculotc Ute maximum allowable speed on o ltorizonlDI curve of rudiu; 350 111 lf the
mo.'>imum allowable values of lateral coefficient of tncllon is 0.15 and the rote of
sopcn:lcvatioo is (1.07.
i>.'lplain the fo llowing costs tbr a con>tructioo equipment
Depreciation 3nd replacement cost
Down-lime oost
Dolioe or explain the following (•ny etght)
Stor•ge coeftjcient
(iii Field c.•pncity
Cou•llml>livc il$e
iv) Bed luod
l'cmtnncnt wilting point
Coitica I trac.tive stress
I tlow in opC!l channels
Daroy·s law

X 8 20)
1 of'S
Conjunctive use
t do you understand by the tem1 Optinwm Coa.,>t tlam Explain lhe procedure to
dmermine tbe Optimum Coagulant Dose in laboratory, duly takingin to consideration Ute
necessary opt;,num pH condition''
Tlle BOD rate constant at 2Q°C for domestic sewage has been found to be 0 I per day (base
10). If J-day BOD of tho above sewage of30°C h 270 calculate i!S 5-day BOD at

li) l.03TT,-1I I
Ulti mate lirst stage BOD Lo remains constant at all temperatures
ln an aquifer whose area is I 00 ha. the water table dropped by 3.0 m Assuming porosity and
specific J'Ctentiou of the aquifer material as 30% and 10% determine the specific
yi cld of the aquifer and UJtl change iu !,'l"Oundwatcr storage.

Describe conditions whicb would favour selection of a gras•ity dam.
The demand of domestic water for a cenain city is observed to follow a following patcem
tt'imc (hJ D-emand Ht the !Stated timQ
0 o.oo
2 0.10
4 0.15
6 0.20
10 (160
Jq 0.30
18 0.20
21J o.2n
Assuming unifom1 rise or fall in demand in tl1e successive lime interval, calculate ihe
minimum capacity ofn Sel'vicc if the treated water supply by pumping is constant
tbruughout il.tc
Discuss tl1e mecbauisru of DOD removal in l'ied Film Reactot (suclt as in Trickling Fi lter).

What launching apron? Where and when it is used? Explain Its usefulness.

Water llows at a veiocity of I 2m/sin a rct:t:tngular channeL The bed slope. of the channel ls
2 x 101 and Manning's roughness coefficient is 0 014. Determine the width of the channel and
deplh of llow for the most emc.ient chauncl section.
Classify ri vers on th< basis variation irt discharge and also the plrm-li:mn of the river
tc) The main sanitary sewer is to serve a population of 76,000, Calculate 1he size and Slope of
the sewer ror the following data:
The rat1o of m11ximum How in tn average A ow is given by
K ol K
Q .... l

where. p is the popnlalinn in thousand
Av, per capita water supply 140 lpcd Av. flow 80% of water 5Upply Manning's
Roughness Cqeffidenl (for concrete sewer)= 0 013
Sewer should run half lit II when carrying the ma.imtrm now
Minimum velocity in sewer at maximum daily now O.Sk m/s
Explain the manual method of aerobic oompostlng for domestic solid wastes in a btief

Describe the inigation method which is considered ideal from the point of view of efticieut
water application.
A spi ll has been designed to have an ogee profile. Sketch the va.ria tion of pressure along
the spill way surface when the head over tl>e spill way is equal to, more than and less than the
design head.
Clearly distinguish berween the different settling I clari tication processes. namely
Type I clarification
Type IJ clarification
Type Ill cllll'i.lit'lliion
Type IV clari fication

Give at least one example the rreatmem unns in water or waste-water treatment, where
each or the above proc.esses is exhibited.
(dJ What do you understand by the half-line of a radioactive material?
Half-li fe of a certain radioactive material is 10 days Determine the time required to
reduce the radiuacrive strength of this material by 99% of its original value.

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