Exam Details

Subject chemistry
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course civil services main optional
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2002
City, State central government,

Question Paper

Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 300
Candi dates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three 0 f the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. Assume suitable data if considered necessary and indicate the same clearly.

1. Answer any three 0fthe fo110wing:
Discuss the factors that decide the percent ionic character of polar compounds.
Resonance is a necessi ty in VB theory but not so in MO theory -Discuss with reference to nitrite ion.
Drawthe M0 energy level diagram for 02 and discuss the bonding features.
Discuss the structures of NaCl and Ti02 (rutile).

2. Prove that entropy is a state function.
Discuss the entropy Of phase tran siti 0n at the transition temperature and the vari ati on 0f entropy with temperature.

3. Write Schro dinger equation and its sol uti on from Interpret the equati on with resp ect to probability density, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.
Deri ve Born -Lande equation for the lattice energy 0 fan ionic comp ound.
Explain the construction and functioning 0 f lithium b attety and its advantages.

4. What are indicator electro des? Discuss three kinds of metal indicator electrodes.
Give the construction and functioning of a liquid ion-exchange electrode and a gas-sensing electrode.

What are Miller mdices Discuss their usefulness 1n expressmg the separation of planes 7

Calculate the separation of the planes and the planes of an orthorhombic unit cell with 0.71nm, b 0.93 nm and c 0.75 nm 8


Answer any three of the folloWlng
Denve the polarographic wave equation and prove that EO is approXimately equal 10 ElI2
Discuss the vanous titrati ons that can be p erfonned 1n amp eromelly
Explam m ViVO and m vitro fixation of nitrogen
Explam the phosphorescent behaVIour 0f chlorophyll and the Significance of cyto chromes

6. What is denoted by the quantity 10 Dq How is it measured? What are the factors that affect the magnitude of 10 Dq?
Explain with suitable examples geometrical, optical and linkage lSomensmsm coordination compounds
Describe the techniques used for the measurement of surface area and lypes of acldic sites of a catalyst

7. Discuss the general features 0f aprotic solvents and the properties of BrF3
Explam the teclmiques of stopped-flow and flash photolySiS to study the kinetics of a reachon
Compare the e1ectroruc configurations, spectral anh magnetic properties of actimdes With those oflantharudes

8. Discuss the fonnation, structure and properties 0f metal compl exes mvolvmg NO
What are fluxiOnal? Discuss the1f shuctural aspects with two suitable examples

Explain Debye-Huckel limlting law and the extended Deb7e-Huckellaw. Calculate the 10mc strength and the mean achvlly co-efficlent of 1.0m mol.kg-1 CaCl2(aq) at 250C(20)


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