Exam Details

Subject english
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course civil services main literature
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2011
City, State central government,

Question Paper




Paper I

ITime Allowed: Three Hours I I Maximum Marks: 300 I


Candidates.shoufd.attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5
which are compulsory, and any three. ofthe
remaining questions,. selecting atleast one
question from each Section.

The number ofmarks carried by each question
is indicated at ,the end of the question.

Answers must be written in English.

Section .

1. Write short notes on the following 20x3=60

The Court and the Country, in English
literature of the Renaissance.

The term metaphysical conceit with illustrative
references to Donne's poems.

The elegiac tradition and Tennyson's In



2. Write an essay on social realism in eighteenth
century novel. 40

Examine the factors behind the growth of political satire in the age of Dryden and Pope.

Both King Lear and The Tempest are conecerned with mounting disillusionment about the nature of

human power' Discuss. 40

Compare and contrast the nature and scope of the Fall projected in Book IV and Book IX of Paradise

Lost. 20

4. Therefore am I still
A lover of the meadows and the woods And mountains....

Whither is fled the visionary gleam?
Where is it now, the glory and the dream

Locate the above statements and discuss whether they indicate a shift in Wordsworth's

perception of nature. 40

Comment on Pope's treatment of Belinda 111
The Rape of the Lock. 20






5. Study the following poem and answer the questions which follow. Each answer should be in around 60

words. 6x10=60

This grandson of fishes holds inside him A hundred thousand smali black stones.
This nephew of snails, six feel long, lies naked on a bed

With a smiling woman, his head throws of light
Under marble, he is moving toward his own life
Like fur, walking. And when the frost comes, he is Fur,mammoth fur, growing longer
And silkier; passing the woman's dormitory,
Kissing· a stomach, leaning against a piliar,
He moves toward the animal,the animal with furry

What a joy to smell the flesh of a new child
Like new grass And this long man with the
student girl
Coffee cups, her pale waist, the spirit moving
around them,
Moves, dragging a great tail into the darkness.
In the dark we blaze up, drawing pictures
Of spiny fish, we throw off the white stones!
Serpents rise from the ocean floor with spiral

A man goes inside a jewel, and sleeps. Do Not hold my hands down! Let me raise them
A fire is passing up through the soles of my feet

Critically respond to the images "this grandson of fishes" and "this nephew of

Explicate the images "black stones" and
"white stones".




What does the poet suggest in the line "He moves toward the animal, the animal with furry head

Comment on the expressions "this long man"
and "dragging a great tail into the darkness"..

How does the image, "darkness" play a significant' role in the buildipg up of the theme?

What are the images of 'the serpents rising with spiral motions', 'man sleeping inside a
jewel' and 'fire passing up through the soles of my associated with Would you call them 'mystic


6. 'Tom Jones is a panorama of the follies, vices and hypocrisies of the 'world Discuss. 30

In Gulliver's Travels does the satirist's 'fierceindignation' verge on misanthropy? Justify
your answer. 30

7. Critically examine Tess of the d'Urbervilles in the light' of Thomas Hardy's statement that he was a

meliorist. 40

Is it correct to describe Pride and Prejudice as a novel about the. education of Elizabeth Bennett

Justify your answer. 20

8. What is your opinion of the way in which Twain handles the issue of race in The Adventures of

Huckleberry Finn? Explain with reference to the text. 30

Comment on the symbolic use of the urban
setting in Hard Times. 30




c. s. (Main)Exam :2011
Sl. No.


Paper II


j Time Allowed: Three Hours .1 Marks: 300 I


Candidates should attempt Questionljos. 1 and
which are compulsory, and. any three ofthe
remaining questions, selecting at leastone
question from each Section.

The number of marks carried by each question
is indicated at the end ofthe question.

Answers' must be written in English.


1. Write short notes on the following 15x4=60

Realities as perceived by the poet in "Among
School Children".

Autobiographical musings in "Burnt Norton",

Ideological posturing In "September 1939".
Cynicism in Philip Larkin's poetry.



2. Write an essay on the diasporic longings in postcolonial literature.

What directions has Freudian Psychoanalytic theory taken after the Second World War


Is self-critique a salient feature of A K.
Ramanujan's poetry? Substantiate. 30

What crisis of modern humanist values
becomes the major concern of Waiting For Godot?

Comment on the Engiish playwrights' treatment
of realist, naturalist elements in their, plays.

Is Jimmy Porter a parody of a "cult hero"?


5. Read the following passage 1and answer the
questions that follow

To study literature in any sense beyond the elementary is to perform a literary act; and literary

criticism ts so largely involved.in creativity, and so
much,at its best, an aspect of the creative act, much as creation itself often involves a judgement of

existing works, that at certain crises of argument it must seem rash to distinguish one from. the other at

all. But most literary study falls well short of formal literary criticism and fails
to invite rewarding confusions of this sort. At the worst it may be altogether alien to the creative act.

Indeed the contrast might be expressed in bolder terms. To create is almost necessarily an act of liberty.

No state, however tyrannical, has ever made a practice of forcing men to write though many have forced

them not to write. Poverty may prove astimulus to authorship as often as it provides a constraint. But the

study of literature, by contrast,though at best a free act, and of value only when it
is free, may in practice be something much less than that. It can. be and often is, simply enforced;
and since enforcement is commonly practised upon the young, it may be fastidious to object on any

libertarian grounds.But even where the student of literature is a responsible being, it is still in no way

inevitable that his enquiry should be his own. A tyrannical teacher may dominate him and the
student,out of mistaken servility, may even wish for nothing better than that. Or, out of idleness or
indifference, he may simply acquiesce in judgements which he has not troubled through reflection
to make his own.

The creation of literature, in fact, is in its nature
free: but only some critical acts are so.
"In what way does a study of literature become a literary act Why is this element supposed to be

missing on the elementary level 10
How is a creative act also a critical act
Explain "rewarding confusions of this sort".





When does the study of literature lose its value
and become a tyranny 10

What does the author mean by "fastidious"
Does it have a negative meaning in this
context? 10
Who is a "tyrannical teacher" Why would
some students go along with him? 10
Why are critical acts so seldom free 10

6. Show that, although Mrs. Dalloway is centred
on the protagonist's consciousness, it has
an outside, socio-historical dimension as well 30

'What 'interest a contemporary reader likely
have in a novel like Sons and Lovers?

7• What· makes Lord Jim a complex character
even in a contemporary 'setting? Elaborate.

What conflicting views of the body and spirit-
inform A Portrait ...... Man 30

8. What key 'role does Kanthapura play in the
of reading postconial.literatures?

Is Mr. Biswas a caricature rather than a

full-fledged character? Explain your vtew. 30



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